jeff f
New Member
there is so much misinformation in here its hard to pick a spot to start.Let me give you my perspective on this please listen. The america that I lived and grew up in the majority are black however I am white so I think its a uniqe perspective(detroit/flint), I also have many blacks/latino/asians/arabs in my family and most my coworkers are black as were my schoolmates.
It is not about race differences, this is what the elites want you to think, they want us fighting and bickering, they want us divided. It is about the elite class over the poor people, why are more blacks in jail? its because there are more poor black people and latinos then of any other race for a multitude of reasons but mainly it is because they are born into this(not their fault). The real american dream has been long since dead, sure you can get a fancy job and maybe bank a few million and lets face it, its very easy to be happy and successful enough here to just get by, but to become a true person of great power with loads of cash from nothing honestly is next to impossible, most people that are really wealthy are wealthy because they inherited it from their family who had that wealth from many past generations (long before blacks were free and long before latin people emigrated here in large numbers), so this is why there is more poor black people, its because the american dream is for the most part a farce.
The government is not out to just get black people - its out to get poor people - to maintain this form of modernized slavery we call america - so until we can rise up as one and stop drawing racial lines and speaking hatred/racisim of each other the rich will continue to be the winners in this and the lower class will continue to be victimized. It is not black vs white its rich vs poor. We must unite and not fall into this trap if we are to make change and move forward, our government is corrupt and controlled by money, the bankers are in charge of us all. We are all the prey of the wealthy and will continue to be their prey, money and power is blind to race.
one thing i will say is this country is one of the few places on earth where we are completely capable to make it on our own. you call it wealthy, my definition of wealthy is different that yours but i will use yours for the discussion.
most millionares, the vast majority, didnt inherit it. i know a few dozen and i dont know of any who inherited it. most were born into piss poor poverty. caught a break, and made the most of it. is it easy, hell no. is it doable, hell yes. it takes hard work, some good luck, and persistance. if being wealthy is your dream, this is still the best place on earth to achieve it.
dont let your outlook be poisened by misinformation.