~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

how is the voting working? i know you posted before but i dont think it is too well thought out since each company may vote for their own product tag and that may leave 5 different people. does each company and you get to vote 3 times, each choosing a favorite for each tagged company?

Originally me, fdd, the two reps and the rollitup poll would have all voted, someone voiced concern this would be a popularity contest, so I dropped mine and fdds votes..

My logic being the reps ain't ever been here so they are not going to have favorites.. The two reps vote,, and the riu poll also counts as a vote... we will go on a point system whoever gets the most points wins.. The reps will post up their fav entries, and we compare with the RIU poll. highest point count wins..

If we do another contest after this though it will be smoooth sailing as we will have all the kinks worked out.

Also something I wanted to touch on,

if anyone wants to enter the contest, but maybe you have pictures online of your grow and are worried about compromising your security, just make a different anonymous user name to enter the contest, if you are worried about that in anyway.
also entries do not have to be cannabis related, can be anything.

If you do use pictures of your grow, and you end up winning, as a precautionary measures I would use a safe addy to get it my shipped to... Everything I order offline personally goes to my safe addy...

If you did win, you just call up ezclone yourself and talk to the manager and they mail the unit to you, you would not convey any of your personal info to me, or anyone else on here..

which is what I figured would be the safest way to do something like this,
so I emailed samsung and said how I write for a couple newspapers and websites lol,im trying to get them to send me a 50" 3d tv but I emailed the wrong section so they ended up giving me a phone number to call.Im about to give them a call in a little bit.
The important thing is they didn't tell me to kill myself in the email so this might still work.
Confusion on my part...

I thought the purpose of the handwritten tags were to validate whatever pictures we posted. Unless we are able to grab and use any pics off the web and PhotoShop some names on there. Could somebody clear this up? If this is a PhotoShop contest ill have to switch up the whole game plan.
Chomps, thats what I was originally shooting for.

But people started posting up the other way, I figured, heck good enough(the way I worded shit it could have went either way, thats my bad),

Plus things were already slow getting off the ground, and my shit was confusing as hell, just wanted to get things popping:)

personally I think a real tag looks cooler than a photo shopped in tag on a photo of a flower/cannabis, etc....

Like how I did a real tag on my orchid picture,

Personally I think looks a lot cooler than a photoshopped in one, like this( no offense KN :) )

this is pretty cool as well, because you know its original work.. even though it looks like it was done in photoshop, you can tell its an original creation, not just


Yup Yup cool man. I guess I won't worry about it and just keep doing what I'm doing. Thanks for staying on top of this. Mini rep incoming
so I emailed samsung and said how I write for a couple newspapers and websites lol,im trying to get them to send me a 50" 3d tv but I emailed the wrong section so they ended up giving me a phone number to call.Im about to give them a call in a little bit.
The important thing is they didn't tell me to kill myself in the email so this might still work.

Damn, that would be kick... heck, if you pull this off I am going to set my sights a little higher next time around.....

Dear Chevrolet,
Please send corvette for testing, will return when finished :)
groovy made an account an is watching in the contest thread, so i really dont think you and fdd should give up your votes. ive personally bad mouthed fdd and still dont care whether he votes or not. hes going to vote for something he likes just like you and the other voters with out bringing personal popularity attributes into the contest. so each voter will have multiple entries that they like and just list them on which they like best? on the part of the written tags, i would have to use stuff i currently have and i dont think it would match my current submissions of my past plants and photos ive taken. i agree that it should be your personal photos or art work but there isnt any way to test that they are yours unless it has a hand written tag. i actually use my own and just use paint to add in the tags.
rrrright:wall: tell a guy your going to make bend him over and make him feel like a women....

I got my cloner from Ez already:clap:

but maybe u can fuck it up for someone else who could use it, thats cool .. good shit..
you've given me too much credit my friend , i would never say anything like that to you

dj why should anything be shut down no insults were imposed on either party