I just sold money on my Runescape account for $300


Well-Known Member
Yup. No shit. There are websites that pay $0.40 per million gp. Anyways, the exciting part is that I run Runescape bots that make about 500,000 gp an hour. So I make $0.20 an hour, all day, for doing NOTHING. How dope am I?
Yeah. Subtract the cost of your electricity usage and you're probably making a nickel an hour.

You could make more roaming the streets in search of change people drop.
Lol not bad, i have a high lvl account i haven't logged on in years with like 20m on it.. i should sell that shit
Yeah. Subtract the cost of your electricity usage and you're probably making a nickel an hour.

You could make more roaming the streets in search of change people drop.

I do it while my computer is asleep mayne. I'm making pure profit, for not doing ANYTHING. If you don't see why this is awesome, I'm sorry.
a guy i know has gotten real into the Second Life marketplace.

he's made a few hundred bucks selling 'virtual' shit....

there's a guy that apparantely bought a virtual island for 100,000 REAL US MONEY.

are the bots free? and do they not ban as easily as before? because i used to auto 24/7 but quit because its alot of work to x-fer the items and shit like that.
are the bots free? and do they not ban as easily as before? because i used to auto 24/7 but quit because its alot of work to x-fer the items and shit like that.

There are ways to get the bots for free (one time use codes, but there's a code generator somewhere...). My brother bought all the ones I need though, so it's free for me. But a friend I know uses a code-gen effectively.
reminds of my WOW days haha.. Im surpised the chinese dont have that on lockdown like they do in whorecraft
Because WOW gold is way more profitable and much easier to make especially now. My brother makes like 3k gold a day doing nothing because of his guild lol, you get a shit load of people to join and the new guild system every time ur guild member loots something some of the gold goes into the guild bank. and 1000g=~$5
Because WOW gold is way more profitable and much easier to make especially now. My brother makes like 3k gold a day doing nothing because of his guild lol, you get a shit load of people to join and the new guild system every time ur guild member loots something some of the gold goes into the guild bank. and 1000g=~$5

thats crazy lol. Havent played since before Cata so thats new to me. Is it a set rate? like does the GM set a percentage or is it automatic
thats crazy lol. Havent played since before Cata so thats new to me. Is it a set rate? like does the GM set a percentage or is it automatic

apparently whatever a player loots it gives a bonus 5% of that to the guild so like if u loot 100g you keep the 100 and the guild gets 5
fucking awesome.. i didnt think that there was money left in that game.. i used to trade heavily on diablo2.. in about 5 years i probably made close to $30k,,