Not Flowering right.....


Could anybody tell me what am I doing what in my flowering room?

It turns yellow leaves as soon it start flowering all the way until the end, it has barely any leaves.
Buds does not get thick as it should be, I'm only harvesting a quarter each plant. Thats only 1 oz every 4 plants.

I'm using 2000watts air cooled 1 1/2 foot above the plants but it gets over 80 degrees in there so I added air conditioner and max it out. Its now says 70 degrees on the digital and 77-79 on the mercury tempature. I have no idea which one is right but when I enter the room, it gets cold be when im under the lights, its pretty hot. I'm using 1 tablespoon of Catalyst, 1/4 teaspoon Kool Bloom and my ph water is always 5.0 or color yellow for testing water ph. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here, can someone help me? I seem to get the vegging perfect but not flowering. I can get it SUPER crystally and dank but it won't grow anymore everytime I switch them to flowering.​


Well-Known Member
lack of nitrogen....during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering when its still in its "stretch" it needs nitrogen still to cover the rabid new growth....back off your bloom nutes till the stretch is over then back off your grow nutes and slowly introduce your bloom nutes again...and im taking it your growing in a hydro setup to ph your water at 5.0...thats still a little low for hydro imo..if growing in soil thats way too low.but 99.9% of the time when people have yellowing during flowering its from a lack of nitrogen.bloom nutes are used to pack on bud at the end of flower...not much budding happens at the beginning of flower...more growth happens then anything


lack of nitrogen....during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering when its still in its "stretch" it needs nitrogen still to cover the rabid new growth....back off your bloom nutes till the stretch is over then back off your grow nutes and slowly introduce your bloom nutes again...and im taking it your growing in a hydro setup to ph your water at 5.0...thats still a little low for hydro imo..if growing in soil thats way too low.but 99.9% of the time when people have yellowing during flowering its from a lack of nitrogen.bloom nutes are used to pack on bud at the end of flower...not much budding happens at the beginning of flower...more growth happens then anything
I get what you're saying. I'll take your suggestion and see how it works but I'm not growing hydro or soil, I'm using rockwools. kinda like soil. I mix my nutes and add ph down in a gallon and test it and keep it at 5.0. But now I know it is way too low so I will use even less ph down because my tap water is 8.5 or higher. What is the perfect ph for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying. I'll take your suggestion and see how it works but I'm not growing hydro or soil, I'm using rockwools. kinda like soil. I mix my nutes and add ph down in a gallon and test it and keep it at 5.0. But now I know it is way too low so I will use even less ph down because my tap water is 8.5 or higher. What is the perfect ph for flowering?
what type of system do you have them in...or just watering the rockwool?but to be honest i dont use rockwool...too hard to keep the ph up in my experinces with it...might want to wait till you get some rockwool growers in here to give better advice for that...but i myself always shoot for 6.2-6.5 for my ph...but im a soil only grower....also make sure to check your ph before each will change after it sits.
but try what i suggested before and see how that goes...and remember what damage is done wont get better...just keep checking to make sure things dont get worse