My Plant. In the Middle of the Street

LMFAO! no worries man thats normal it wont develope a full leaf for another few weeks, its totally normal the round leaves you see will die and fall off later in the growth of the plant. trust me you have nothing to worry about, it looks totally healty!
Thanks and also how can I recognise if it's Indica or Sativa?

You wont be able to tell till it develops abit, my avatar is a indica but clearly has sativa leaves. 95% of plants nowadays are indica/sativa hybrids and hybrids of hybrids crossed with hybrids. I think you get my point lol

P.s is that dirt from the ground you have in the pots? You should transplant into a compost/perlite mix when they start to develop a bit.
Don't trip on the coffee. If anything it will bring the ph down a little bit but the water that you put on it will dilute it anyway. In the 1st pic it looks like there are 2 growing next to each other. If so just pinch of the top of the smaller one. You dont want them growing that close to each other.
Yes I've put 2 seeds in that "pot" and they grew up.I'm thinking about a transplantation next week so I don't think it would be a kind of problem.
Yes I've put 2 seeds in that "pot" and they grew up.I'm thinking about a transplantation next week so I don't think it would be a kind of problem.

Personaly i would wait till the roots fill out in that pot before transplanting, you dont want to shock the babys to much. Another 2-3 weeks and the roots should be better developed.

p.s they are looking good : )
dude, you havent taken ANYONES advise for this grow, and they have given you some, so until you show that your not just gonna ask dumb questions without making any improvments i think your on your own bro
Alright mate you win...I'll listen to you and tomorrow i'll transplant my plants into new bigger pots,but at least if someone could answer to my THC question.

PP i don't know about what dirt are you talking mate...the soil is with 6 or 6.5 ph and if you are talking about the other leaves they are from other different seeds.
ok man, quick run down of what people have suggested (i think)
1.) buy some soil, your plants arent going to grow to their full potental in what looks like loose clay top soil. (dude im sure your mother in law/parents granparents or a freind has a spare bag of "potting soil" thats goona do you better then that dirt)
2.)seperate your plants so you have one per bucket and NOTHING ELSE, no random plants growing out of it. (kinda waited for a while)
3.) HAPPY PLANTS MAKE HAPPY BUDS MAKE HAPPY YOU.....good soil=good plant=THC happy soil happy roots happy plant happy buds happy you...easy easy. people have been trying to help you brother man.

now as a disclaimer i didnt look at but like two of your pictures but from what i saw....not good
oh man really need to just read these forums for the next few months b4 you start fuckin growin lol....
haha dont get down hearted just dont ask qeustions you arent going to listen to the answer to. NOTHING is gonna be better then trail and error. just pay attention and LEARN from everything :)
^^^^^^^^Good advice for sure just walk before you try to run.

Remember that a plant is a plant is a plant. If you can grow big ass tomatoes and green peppers or houseplants or whatever you will do fine. Plants need light, nutrients,air flow (on leaves and roots), water and to not be fucked with too much and you pretty much cant go wrong. As of now you have a few little seedlings in compact soil, 2 of which are going to choke each other to death. Get a reasonable potting soil water them and don't worry about the rest for now.

Once they are in suitable soil just water them and make sure they get enough light. Dont worry about nutrients yet because you are more than likely to fry the little ones. The new soil should have plenty of nutes for now. Your task at hand is to just try to grow nice healthy plants.
You fuckin maniacs...I've never laughed that much on my own stupidity haha

Sorry if somebody got angry,but I just want to make something so I hope you have the patience to help me in advance :)