My Plant. In the Middle of the Street


Active Member
No worries. Big mistake is to think that you (or me for that matter) are smarter then the seed/plant. Most rookie growers think that they always have to do something and wind up molesting the seedlings to death. Just take the advice so far, keep posting pics dont worry about the babys because they will grow. I mistyped in my last post and said " just try to grow nice healthy plants" it should have said "just sit back and watch nice healthy plants grow. ... after you get them in some real soil that is :)


Well-Known Member
I got the new soil and it's pH is 6 or 6.5 I'll check it out tomorrow...also I've transplanted them into new bigger pots,so if someone has any advices i'm ready to listen to him...


Active Member
OK. maybe reading comprehension is our issue here.
You say that you have already put them in bigger pots with the new soil, right? One per pot with no squash or cucumbers or anything else, right? My advice still stands now you water and wait. There is nothing else for you to do in the next few weeks except make sure they get sun and water them. I know you want to put stuff in the water and touch them and bend them or tie them or some other counterproductive shit but just let them do what they do. Plants grow, thats what they do... let it do its job and realize that your job is to leave them alone for the next couple of weeks. Since you seem really fired to do something take a few pictures and post them so we can see what a killer job you did transplanting them. Then you should find a nug of stanky indica, take it to the lung and sit down as far away from the plants as possible. The glue in the indica will hopefully keep you from going over and messing with the plants.


Well-Known Member
I'll subscribe to this thread. I like watching beginners learn. Like others have said, post some recent pics so we can see!


Well-Known Member
Mate if you are born so clever it's not my fuckin problem.

Sorry if I have misunderstood something and thanks for the help.



Active Member
@RBoy Don't get too fired up we are here to walk you through this thing. We have ALL been where you are, fired up at the 1st barn dance and ready to go. Hell back in the day I was counting weight before the seeds were even in the ground, had a million things I was gonna spend the coin on once I harvested but now I'm coming from 20+ years of trial and error and from looking at others grows on here I still have LoTS to learn :) . Back when I started there was no internet to get all of this info from we had to buy books out of the back of magazines and hope that they were on point. You have a wealth of knowledge here and everyone is willing to help when its needed but for now, less is more.

Post some pics

Dick Moser

Active Member
^^^ its like im reading something i wrote on a bender and forgot about. hes right, all i can add is that you can extend its growing period by moving it near a light (even a porch light left on at night will extend its growth period) and that where i live it might still snow now and then (like today) so im still keeping all mine indoors under some t5s but it looked nice and sunny in your pics so proably not a problem and just post some pics cause withut SEEING what you have done we cant really say yeah or nah but if you got them separated and re-potted in some semi loose soil then there wont be any/much shock and they wont even slow down :) in fact as soon as they get established in their new home i shouldnt be suprised to see some quick upward growth


Active Member
Good to have you back I thought you threw in the towel. They are looking really good and dont worry about the leaves. It looks like they are getting plenty of sun and they are not streching so that is great. The only thing I would chance is the clear pot. If you have some black or colored spray paint paint it. If not then tape a black trash bag to the sides. If the roots get exposed to sunlight it won't be good.

Like I said before dont worry about the leaves, don't pull them off or cut them because its no biggie. Most of the growth in the next few days is going to be in the soil but there is fresh growth going on so you are doing well.
Make sure that you let them dry out a bit before watering again. You are off to a great start!


Well-Known Member
Man whoever sait progress was a slow process wasn't talkin' about me :)

I haven't watered my babies after the transplantation for 2 days,so now the only question I'm wondering is if there is a way to improve the THC level in my plants?:eyesmoke: :leave:


Active Member
The only thing I would chance is the clear pot. If you have some black or colored spray paint paint it. If not then tape a black trash bag to the sides. If the roots get exposed to sunlight it won't be good.
I agree with jyermum, fix the clear pot. There's a reason you don't see them in nurseries, sun on the roots and algae in the soil. You don't need to repot, just cover the pot with duct tape or something. Don't get paint on the plant. They sure look good though.


Dick Moser

Active Member
well i guess we could answer your question. things that can increase resin production include but arent limited to, stresses based on gradually cooling weather during last two or three weeks of harvest, maintaining a "clean" soil and not over nuteing or underwatering, (limiting salt build up during long grows in pots) making sure you flush well, blue spectrum lights increases, uv light, (general light stress). NOT GETTING BUGS!!!! any bug activity will GREATLY decrease your plants ability to produce sizable kolas or solid resin glands. so keep it klean and keep it kronic.


Active Member
^^^ well said. I do need to add that you don't need to worry about any of that right now. just sit back and watch the grass grow


Active Member
Don't be afraid. You are doing too much even though all you did was water. The pictures from yesterday showed wet soil then you watered again. You need to NOT water again until the soil is dry. When it is time to water be careful not to water the leaves just the soil.

You say that you are "very afraid for the leaves" what are you afraid of specifically?


Well-Known Member
The soil was wet when I bought the bag.
I haven't watered them too much and I'm afraid for the leaves because I think they are dying.


Active Member
Just let it dry out before you water again. The leaves will be fine, dark green good looking leaves and don't see any dark spots or burn going on. I have some seedlings outside right now in pots about that size. The temp here is 70 to 80f and I just had to water after 6 days. WHat type of soil did you use? Any nutes in it?

I think you can relax don't do anything for at least 4 days and then just post some pictures. Next time you water the pots should feel REALLY light and if you stick your little finger in next to the pot (not the plant) all the way to your 2nd knuckle and dont feel any moisture then it is ready for more water.


Well-Known Member
Just let it dry out before you water again. The leaves will be fine, dark green good looking leaves and don't see any dark spots or burn going on. I have some seedlings outside right now in pots about that size. The temp here is 70 to 80f and I just had to water after 6 days. WHat type of soil did you use? Any nutes in it?

I think you can relax don't do anything for at least 4 days and then just post some pictures. Next time you water the pots should feel REALLY light and if you stick your little finger in next to the pot (not the plant) all the way to your 2nd knuckle and dont feel any moisture then it is ready for more water.
I too wonder what type of soil you are using. It looks like it stays very water logged in the pictures. That might be part of your problem is the soil is holding on to too much water. Are they in their final pots are are you going to re-plant them? If you do re-plant them and don't want to buy FoxFarm soil or something similar, I would add some perlite to your soil to get some drainage and air retention in there.