BROWN TIPS: NO FERT, WATERING 100ml per day, 100 watt CFL

my plant is about 4 weeks old and have noticed that some brown spots have appeared at the tips of some of the leaves.

i water the plant (mr. bubble strand) 100ml of standard tap water everyday, and have it under a 100watt cfl on 24 hour light. i have not added fertilizer yet.

I am growing in a wardrobe, and have a fan heater in there that comes on every so often to keep the temperature just above room temp (england). When the fan heater comes on sometimes the leaves bend up towards the light and straighten up, so i think the temp is too hot. i just need verifying as its my first grow

Also, im having trouble telling the sex of the plant, can anyone help?!




Well-Known Member
sounds like it maybe heat also put plants on 12/12 to tell sex give them about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
where is ur cfl? plants r turning up trying to get more light (reaching for it) that cfl should be less then 2 inches above ur plants. watering everyday is too much. water more ever 2-4 days, until it comes through the pot, then stop, wait again until the pot is light in a couple days, then water again. does ur soil have pre-mixed nutes? looks like a bit of old nute burn on the tip, nothing to be alarmed about. but u will definitely want to start adding nutes, especially N, very soon. too early for sex, not showing any signs. if that heater is too close to plants, the upturning could also be a bit of heat stress.
cfl was about 4inches from the top of the plant, will move it down to the stated 2 inches. I Have moved the heater further from the plant, and reduced the heat a little. It is planted in miracle grow compost. what fertiliser would you suggest? are there any highstreet brands that are acceptable to use? is there any correlation between the height of the plant and the amount of bud produced? i was thinking of keeping it on 24 hour light till it gets larger then switch to 12/12 later on

what are your thoughts?

thanks again guys


Active Member
cfl was about 4inches from the top of the plant, will move it down to the stated 2 inches. I Have moved the heater further from the plant, and reduced the heat a little. It is planted in miracle grow compost. what fertiliser would you suggest? are there any highstreet brands that are acceptable to use? is there any correlation between the height of the plant and the amount of bud produced? i was thinking of keeping it on 24 hour light till it gets larger then switch to 12/12 later on

what are your thoughts?

thanks again guys
no ferts is a good thing. you cannot use compost for babies or seedlings. fox farm ocean forest, if its available there is a good starter soil. transplant the girls in less potent soil and start feeding in a couple of weeks. height vs root mass and nutrient availabilty determine yield as far as genetic potential is concerned. 12/12 will only induce flowering.


Well-Known Member
i guess i am kind of confused as to why u have a heater in there at all? u say to raise the temp above room temp, generally cannabis like the same temps we do. optimal 78, but anywhere in the range of 72-80 is really good, of course they can withstand hotter temps as well & cooler temps at night. so my first question would be actually what the temp is in that area without the use of the heater. as well do u know what the rh (relative humidity) is in the area? right now in veg they do well in the area of 55%-75% for the most part. u should be using a fertilizer that is something like 20-10-10 or even a lower one of 10-5-5 or similar. of course u will never use the full strength as directed on the package, always use 1/4 of the recommended amount, some strains can tolerate about 1/2 stength. if you have a grow shop or hydro store, make a visit there; there are many fertilizer formulas & brands out there. u have to watch the way ur plants react to it. remember, it takes about 5 days to show any negative signs from ferts, so be careful when u start & only use every 3rd watering, should be good. i am unfamiliar with mg compost (and its contents), i used mg once & like many had to deal with fungas gnats & never used it again. the height of the plant has no correlation to the bud production. u can have a very short bushy plant manipulated by topping, lst, or other means that will outproduce a 6ft plant. during ur vegging period, u r allowing more branch growth, this more future bud sites. so the longer u veg the more bud that will be produced in that plant. some people go longer for a bigger overall harvest, some people veg for a shorter period of time, giving up less bud for a quicker finish time & then go right into flowering with their next batch that was probably already vegging, for a perpetual cycle. a 24 hr cycle has never been proven to significantly increase the plants growth or otherwise. what ur plants are missing being on 24 hr is a downtime, which I believe as most people, is essential to plant growth & its health. it needs time to cool down, & take a rest. I find most of the growth occurs in the dark cycle.


Active Member
Lowering the light will not solve your problems. When plants curl upwards like that it is because the temperature is so hot that the leaves are losing moisture faster than they can replace it causing them to curl up in order to retain moisture. Lowering the light will raise the temps. You want your room to be somewhere between 70 and 80. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
respectfully I didn't say lowering the lights would stop what is going on, but the removal of the heater probably will & we agree of course on the room temps, but cfl's should always be that close 2 inches or less for best growth, & they barely emit any heat so they r surely not the problem.
i have just noticed, all the top leaves have begun to droop as soon as i took the heater out, so it was the temp, but they are not drooping too much, so we'll see what happens over the next couple of days