Drooping Fan Leaves?


Well-Known Member
hey all im currently on day 35 of my grow and i've just recently started noticing two plants that look like their fan leaves are drooping. Yesterday they werent like that. Anyone know what this could be from? Pics below.



Well-Known Member
hey all im currently on day 35 of my grow and i've just recently started noticing two plants that look like their fan leaves are drooping. Yesterday they werent like that. Anyone know what this could be from? Pics below.

fan leaves will droop if the soil is too dry but it doesnt look like it, also if the pic was taken during sleep it will also be droopy, i wouldnt trip thoi, they look healthy, maybe some more light...when ever i have problems with mine i flush em and add molasses,lol


Well-Known Member
It doesnt look real bad. It looks like the start of plant moisture stress. How often and how much are you watering? what size containers? You've caught it early enough it hasnt done any real damage yet. Just make sure you dont overwater.


Well-Known Member
can that be from overwatering you think? i water them it has been every two days but i have my dehumidifer running 24/7 and its been getting kinda hott in my grow room which i think my plants are drinking up a lot of water. I put my finger in the soil about 1 inch and its dry. But its weird cause i was watering with 1200ml water and the water would seep from the bottom. i watered two days later and 700ml seeped from the bottom. Does that mean i am overwatering them? IF SO FUCK cause i just did it again. Any good tips or input anyone?


Well-Known Member
plants look ok i dont think its a big deal u may be over watering those buckets look like what i use how big are they? and one inch down in the soil is not a good way to check for moisture even 3 inches is week to me ..i water my plants every 3 days with 2 cups of water sometimes a lil more and my room temps are from 75- 80 degrees ...im not saying your leaves are wilting from over watering i just wanna know size of buckets


Well-Known Member
my room temps are also at about 75-80 degrees and i have my dehumidifer running 24/7
your room temps are fine, unless your in flower i wouldnt even recomend a dehu....they look in veg state..40-65% during veg, 30-40% during flower...if your using FFof it has enough nutrients in the soil to actually last you throughout the whole veg if u wanted...so its not that... its very easy to tell in a pot that size with a plant that small to tell when its getting dry(er) / time to water by just picking up the pot, if it feels light and airy its time, dont always go with the top soil dampness check method, thats very broad, its ur plant... also keep in mind that its better for the plant to dry out a little so the roots can look for water and stretch out, when u let it get a lil dry, then u water, it promotes good root systems, i think ur over watering to b honest...let it dry out until u can pick up the pot and think...damn that feels like styrofoam almost then hit it hard, youll see the plant drink up and get perky


Well-Known Member
i dont really do mych calculations to water,... i just mix 1 gallon of water at a time w/nutes....15/ml a gal... then i get my ph to the correct level... most of the time i just need to add ph up little by little.... i get my ph at 5.5 then water each plant 1 cup at a time... i just apply water eavenly to the coco...as soon as i notice water comming out the bottom i usually stop watering.... i water everyday... im running 2 600 watt hps it gets kinda hot and i juess alot of water evaporates or something... u have to water according to ur soil.... my soil starts to dry up at the top every day so yea thats my wattering schedule....when my girls were seedlings i would water every 2 to 3 days ... thats because i had them vegging under t5s so it wasnt that hot...


Well-Known Member
overwatering really doesnt have anything to do with how much, its how often. I water at least as much as the containers size myself. It seeping out just means you got decent drainage.


High relative humidity and temperature also can be a reasom for teh droping of your fan leaves,
What the temperature you are maintaing,,
Get me more details of your cultivation, so that we can judge better...


Active Member
Dont let your pots get dry. When you do this you kill the fine root hairs that take up the nutes, and they dont grow back.


Well-Known Member
i think your pots are too small and the plants are root bound. leaves will droop like that when the roots are all knotted up and don't have enough room. even though the pots are 3 gallon you are only using about 2 gallons of it. you have a 2 inch space from the top of the pot to the soil. you could go to a larger pot and see a dramatic improvement but its touch and go once they are in flower mode. we use 5 gallon buckets for everything but auto's which work well in a 2 gallon. if you cant x-plant very very gently i'd say do it. get your 5 gallon bucket ready with soil then very carefully ease her into the new bucket. just my two-cents worth.
Just so ya know.. overwatering relates to watering when the soil is still wet. .. you cant really fuck anything up if you water with a gallon or 5 gallons. The medium will hang onto what it needs. So when ur watering don't think "fuck did I just give it too much water" you havnt.. just keep in mind what others have said about feeling the weight of the pot. Good luck