Looking For A Good Anti Anxiety Strain


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke because it just tend to make me nervous and anxious. I would love to find a strain that would be calming and enjoyable. None of that creeper shit fo' sho'.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I never get that anxious or nervous feeling when im high. But I know some people feel that way after smoking sativas, so youre probably better off with some kind of indica. also, take into consideration your surroundings, try to find a safe, mellow, relaxing place to burn..that might help too


Well-Known Member
Xanax, It will eliminate your anxiety, xanax and vodka.
I don't drink and I stopped popping pills. LOL! I am really looking for a strain that doesn't make my heart freaking race and make my stomach gassy. Is that Weird? My wife thinks it is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks.... +rep for Gold and beardo. I would love to find a relief for my back pain. I quit popping pills a few month ago and would rather become a stoner than a junkie.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I'm gonna have to look into these strains. Recently Ive been not smoking because it gives me this terrible "Everybody hates me" feeling and its fucking annoying and all I can do when I'm high around friends is laugh at how rediclous I know I'm being and apologiz every two seconds asking if I'm being annoying. I can't control it one bit, its like I'm a fuckin girl or something..

P.S, valium does help, and I've also been self medicating with dxm helps SHITLOADS with all anxiety, also makes your whole day fun as hell everyday. you could be watching edd ed n eddy or playing pokemon or something and think its the best ever. Dxm has been my fix for that, but I've been trying to cut down becoming too dependent..


Well-Known Member
last round I had some bubba kush and kings kush that were really low anxiety. Also, I always seem to do better with hash and edibles than bud when it comes to anxiety not sure why?


Well-Known Member
damn I was gonna recommend bubba kush but someone already beat me !!!

next best one is hindu kush or purple kush

but the bubba kush is most likely to be the one you'll be able to find.


Well-Known Member
I have terrible anxiety problems and have been smoking Chem Valley Kush recently and I have to says it's been a blessing. Very chill functional high with no anxiety at all.


Well-Known Member
For anxiety the doc has some very effective medicine that will work. The problem with the bud here is that for some people the "up" high from Sativas will make them happy and forget about anxiety. For other people this "up" will be too much and could trigger an even worse anxiety attack.
Then we have the more calm high from Indicas. To many this will be very relaxing and probably what is best against anxiety - but some people will fees worse with this too.

I know that it feels better to take a puff from mother nature's medicin, but if you haven't tried anxiety medicine i would give it a go. It really works great.