If youve ever smoked you best read this. THC in all plants now :o


Well-Known Member
Yes, but I'm sure the plants have alternate cannabanoids. Just called something else, either way it will turn out for the better I'm sure haha


Like the 5th time this article has been posted on this site bro....Pretty sure it was called a hoax at one point, or incomplete, or not possible something to those effects......


Yeah, it'd be an awesome thing... but there are too many variables for them to replicate or something? I don't really remember...too many bowls between then and now.


Well-Known Member
This shit again I've seen this like 3 times in the past always fake no doubt this one is fake.


Active Member
I read about this back in 1999-2000. They used the name tomahigk [sic] and they offered 3 THC tomato seeds for free to anybody that would surrender to them their mailing address but didn't mention how they're profiting off of it. I'll guarantee you this was just to get addresses for junkmail. People, just remember that the only technology you're going to see on the market is technology that currently exists. The ability to selectively add a gene is in it's infancy for actual laboratories. This kind of thing will be out of the reach of back yard scientists (the only ones that would be able to do illegal research that they cant openly commercially profit from) for the next 100 years.
If it's too good to be true, __ ________ __

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Is that site credible? I kept expecting to be onion news or something. It reminded me of the Simpson's tomacco episode lol.