Lowryder Lemon Skunk Feminised Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Looks good. but it looks like you have a phosphrous def. and maybe alittle too much nitrogen... get this stuff... i use it with every watering during flowering....N-P-K / 9-59-8 fertilizer. It is called "ferti-lome" Blooming & Rooting soluble plant food. This will put some weight on those plants http://www.extremepumpkinstore.com/ecom-prodshow/fertilome.html this is the cheapest place i've found. and it works wonders along with superthrive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUPERthrive this is what i use with every watering until i flush... and i have yeilded over an ounce from a lowryder hybrid. from short stuff seeds. MI5 i like small plants, for stealth grows so i bred the smallest of the plants out of a 10 pack. and grew the seeds from that selecting the smallest each time to breed. now i have little plants with one big bud with purple hues, very satisfied.


Well-Known Member
So i think i got some nute burn so only using water at the mo. But they both are flowering now and getting big. Ill get some new pics up tonight :-D

Happy smoking B-)


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of your rug in the room to prevent mites and bugs and fungus/mold... if it's still in there


Well-Known Member
I usually pull my dead leaves off once they weak enough. It don't matter what you do with them, leaving or cutting them you won't harm the plant at all


Well-Known Member
To answer an earlier question about yeild using small 4" pots....I've just harvested 2 lowlife autos that were each over an oz dry....had a Lowryder 2 that was 42g dry...it's all in nutrition....i use nuteless Humboldt Soil and BioBizz nutes...works great for me!

Yes, just pull off or clip dying leaves...


Well-Known Member
thanks :) i cut the leaf off earlier, and i shall be upgrading my nutes for next grow and depending on how these plants turn out ill be using the rest of these seeds, or buying some lowryder #2 :)

soo suprised at how quick the buds are growing on my big plant :) and is STINKING sooooooo good :)


Well-Known Member
yours are looking good m8 :) this is my first grow aswell, and im pretty sure your plants will grow better than mine in the end lol. start up a journal or a dedicated thred for your gorw :) just so i can keep an eye on your grow :)


Well-Known Member
mised their waering yesterday and the biger girl started to wilt a bit so i watered them a load and they perked up in about an hour :) looking a lot happier now :) will update pix on the weekend :) but the buds are growinf nicely :) the smaller plant is soo compact, i wouldnt be suprised if it just grew into one ginat bud lol. the big girl is streaching out nicely and they smelling awesome!


Well-Known Member
update time :) bigger girl is flowering nicely :)
the litle one, not so much, but it will get there in the end lol.
in one of the pictures (not sure what number) you can see the stalk of the little plant where there is a few weird looking leaves with a bud site, looks funny, but healthy :)
got a little nute burn so just water for the next few waterings, that should fix it :) lol

so what yall think?????



Well-Known Member
Lookin good big guy; I never take off dying leaves until they fall off the plant. The plant is still sucking N out and if you take it off, that accelerates the yellowing of other leaves.


Well-Known Member
i took off a few of them just, but only the really dead ones lol. would there be any point in tieing down the lower branches on the bigger plants? i guess it is a bit late for LST?


Well-Known Member
ok. so i lst'd the big girl a minute ago, only a little. not teally full out, just to get the bud sites a bit more light, which has worked, now as for the following, i was wondering if i should cut off 4 of the fan leaves. the plant is that small and compact, the leaves are covering all the bud sites on the branches, and they are getting hardly any light at all. would this be ok? or should i just leave it???


Well-Known Member
Dont cut the leaves, just tie them out of the way. Use floss or tie strips or garbage bag zip ties... anything but cutting off the leaves.