Looks good. but it looks like you have a phosphrous def. and maybe alittle too much nitrogen... get this stuff... i use it with every watering during flowering....N-P-K / 9-59-8 fertilizer. It is called "ferti-lome" Blooming & Rooting soluble plant food. This will put some weight on those plants http://www.extremepumpkinstore.com/ecom-prodshow/fertilome.html this is the cheapest place i've found. and it works wonders along with superthrive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUPERthrive this is what i use with every watering until i flush... and i have yeilded over an ounce from a lowryder hybrid. from short stuff seeds. MI5 i like small plants, for stealth grows so i bred the smallest of the plants out of a 10 pack. and grew the seeds from that selecting the smallest each time to breed. now i have little plants with one big bud with purple hues, very satisfied.