MDPV, Screw all the hate on it


Well-Known Member
Did I just start a feud?

I call on the Green Mighty Morphing Power Rangers to save the day :lol:

But "push comes to shove" Always with Cryptkeeper and I... he keeps me like the sharpest double dual sword in the shed ;)


New Member
I actually can fall asleep quite easy! But then again i always have a tiring day from work. So that goes hand in hand! Burst of energy at work + doing alot at work = sleep easy nigga


Well-Known Member
LMAO actually it made the best atmosphere for an mdpv thread hehe but yeah time im glad you get enjoyment out of it buddy but I just cant deal with all the tweekin with no euphoria! Im adhd anyways, I just dont need that shit, unless its gonna make me feel peachy like coc, and mdma ;)


Well-Known Member
You should start vending express coffee latte's at work and add a dot here and there of MDPV. Starbucks wouldn't have shit on you :lol:

Workers busting cartwheels in the warehouse... office personal typing 110 WPM's... productivity up 60%...

I can see it now lols ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
... and to get to the nitty gritty! What's the distinct flavor you enjoy about it?
It must be that salty drip he yearns for !

You should start vending express coffee latte's at work and add a dot here and there of MDPV. Starbucks wouldn't have shit on you :lol:

Workers busting cartwheels in the warehouse... office personal typing 110 WPM's... productivity up 60%...

I can see it now lols
Winning !!
(I am working on a Jefferey ... ATM .... going to put something called 'Paradise' in it )


Well-Known Member
It must be that salty drip he yearns for !

Winning !!
(I am working on a Jefferey ... ATM .... going to put something called 'Paradise' in it )

Hey puff like i said im more in the middle lmao, but what is jefferey and more important what is this paradise you speak of?


Well-Known Member
It must be that salty drip he yearns for !

Winning !!
(I am working on a Jefferey ... ATM .... going to put something called 'Paradise' in it )
I wonder what potions will land up in that "Jeffrey" of yours. Its funny you bring that up because before my little medical incident I was religiously working on my very own neurostimulating soup ;)

Its an oldie but goody, that many do forget about...

Coming to a THREAD near you!


Well-Known Member
"pinky puff" now that sounded fuckin fruity I totally take that back lmao, btw nice jewelry bud I like your style