beaver problem


Active Member
my spot is being slowly encroached by a beaver. i would think by the time flowering comes around he will reach my plants.

so has anyone used anything that gets rid of animals well?

this stuff seems alright?

my dog comes with me when i go to my spots, so her pee, poo and hair is all over the place but the beaver doesn't seem to be phased.

any ideas?
I have heard the old timers talk of shaving a heavy scented soap bar around them ... cant confirm its effectiveness .. but they swore by it , might be worth trying . They said it kept all wildlife away from it . even named lifebouy if I remeber correctly .. hell who knows might be worth trying
Don't fuck with the beaver dude. Kinda rude of you to place your garden in the middle of his home. Just FYI it's a federal offense more serious than growing pot to fuck with them.
I had the same problem at a pond I use, They were also cutting down the expensive trees. Traps work ok if your there all the time but nothing beats the trusty 22 lr
Don't fuck with the beaver dude. Kinda rude of you to place your garden in the middle of his home. Just FYI it's a federal offense more serious than growing pot to fuck with them.
In streams maybe, but you can take them out if they are private pond nucenses
In streams maybe, but you can take them out if they are private pond nucenses

I assumed this was on public land. My bad. You do need permits to shoot them in most states where it is not banned completely, even for private land I believe. Personally still wouldn't fuck with him. Might throw up fencing but no need to get in his face.
I assumed this was on public land. My bad. You do need permits to shoot them in most states where it is not banned completely, even for private land I believe. Personally still wouldn't fuck with him. Might throw up fencing but no need to get in his face.

I guess he didnt say public or private, by bad sorry
Don't fuck with the beaver dude. Kinda rude of you to place your garden in the middle of his home. Just FYI it's a federal offense more serious than growing pot to fuck with them.

how bout you fuck off unless you have something useful to say. tired of the trolls on this site. i have walked just about all of the 800 acres my plots are on and that (or these beavers) are everywhere, they are just going to have to deal with me growing in their huge territory for awhile.

strong soap, got it.

anyone else? i also read on another forum dirty clothes work?

it would be REALLY difficult to put up a chicken wire fence around my plants but this particular plot is where my high dollar seeds are going, so i might just have to man up and carry some heavy ass fencing in.
Most animals, herbivorous and predatory fear humans so putting your hair trimmings out there would be a great way to keep them away from your spot. Soap works well to keep large mammals away but rodents specifically seek out waxes and fats so depending on the soap you may actually be attracting them, however I doubt beavers will take a liking to soap.
I wish I had a beaver problem. I can't get a beaver to come anywhere near my fact I got this one beaver...mother fucker
Got a restraining order on my ass:(
im gunna get some of that plastic poultry fencing, hopefully that will keep em away from my plants. ill stop by the barber shop and get some hair too.
i don't wanna hurt the beavers, just want them to stay away from my plants and not to eat the trees i am using for cover.
if anyone else knows any good tricks let me know, otherwise ill just go with the hair and the fencing.
I wish I had a beaver problem. I can't get a beaver to come anywhere near my fact I got this one beaver...mother fucker
Got a restraining order on my ass:(

LMAO!!! I had to move the beaver into my house....and it didn't stop messing with my plants until I married it......very persistent lil thing....

True Story...