

Well-Known Member
Being an avid people watcher I pick out the husband beaters in public all the time......You know the big burly wife with bicep tattoos,,,shes pushing the cart and pointing to all the stuff she wants her skinny, shy, timid husband to put in the cart. Its hilarious seeing a total role reversal. Sometimes I follow them around just to hear the exchanges between them. Funny how it happens every-time I am high in a Walmart.


Well-Known Member
Being an avid people watcher I pick out the husband beaters in public all the time......You know the big burly wife with bicep tattoos,,,shes pushing the cart and pointing to all the stuff she wants her skinny, shy, timid husband to put in the cart. Its hilarious seeing a total role reversal. Sometimes I follow them around just to hear the exchanges between them. Funny how it happens every-time I am high in a Walmart.
lol that's so funny, me and the wife do the same thing, we sit in McD's and have a shake or somethin while laughing at people coming in, People at walmart .com inspired these little ventures and i totally see what yer saying too, can totally notice when the dude is the wife in the relationship haha.


Active Member
Hell no! I wish a man of mine would hit me. I don't hit or throw punches first, so I don't expect to get hit. If by accident I do get hit or punched first make sure that he/you don't fall asleep in my presence. Some men resort to physical force when they are losing the argument. Most of you guys can't think as fast as we can, and can't dig down deep and dirty enough to hurt us with words, so you use what you have left, physical force. There is no way that I can kick a man's ass, not even a small (real) man, but dammit after he beats my ass he will be tired as hell because he will know that he's been in a fight. He'd better not hit me hard enough to knock me down to my knees putting me within crotch distance. I like beans and weiners...:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Hell no! I wish a man of mine would hit me. I don't hit or throw punches first, so I don't expect to get hit. If by accident I do get hit or punched first make sure that he/you don't fall asleep in my presence. Some men resort to physical force when they are losing the argument. Most of you guys can't think as fast as we can, and can't dig down deep and dirty enough to hurt us with words, so you use what you have left, physical force. There is no way that I can kick a man's ass, not even a small (real) man, but dammit after he beats my ass he will be tired as hell because he will know that he's been in a fight. He'd better not hit me hard enough to knock me down to my knees putting me within crotch distance. I like beans and weiners...:cuss:
Come on now, I seriously disagree that most women are more quick witted than men.


Well-Known Member
Her pretty violet colored text could never lie! She's so delicate but she's well spoken and her brain is far superior to that of any man's!!!
Hahahaha. Do you ever feel like the roles of victimization have changed? Nowadays a white male can't get SHIT for college.


Well-Known Member
lol its easy i cut up while logging in and then i always go to toke n talk find something to read then start smoking & reading all the funny things ppl say, like did anyone elce find that funny? man i laughted my F'in ass off lol skittle been having a feild day in ur ass lol funny shit


Well-Known Member
Spousal abuse is not cool or funny
unless its this guy doing the slapping lol


She got hit with 3 before she even knew what was going on lmao


Well-Known Member
Play some music watch tv find a super incredible scenic view that u can enjoy just some advice

Okay, let me preface this whole story. I sit up and smoke every night, and usually lay on my bed, with my window open. No noise at all, just silence. But I'm just thinking, ya digg? Anyways, I can hear everything going on in my neighborhood. It's pretty sad really. I hear this man periodically beating his wife (Just tonight I heard her scream, and him yell "Knock it off"). And if the fights carry on, I can see a police car roll down my road and pull in. I heard another guy screaming at his barking dogs (who are probably barking because they smell me) and hitting them. I hear kids talking as they walk down the street at 1 am, obviously chiefed up. I dunno how I feel about all this. It's like I know too much about my neighbors.


Well-Known Member
lol its easy i cut up while logging in and then i always go to toke n talk find something to read then start smoking & reading all the funny things ppl say, like did anyone elce find that funny? man i laughted my F'in ass off lol skittle been having a feild day in ur ass lol funny shit
lolwut? :shock:


Active Member
Hell no! I wish a man of mine would hit me. I don't hit or throw punches first, so I don't expect to get hit. If by accident I do get hit or punched first make sure that he/you don't fall asleep in my presence. Some men resort to physical force when they are losing the argument. Most of you guys can't think as fast as we can, and can't dig down deep and dirty enough to hurt us with words, so you use what you have left, physical force. There is no way that I can kick a man's ass, not even a small (real) man, but dammit after he beats my ass he will be tired as hell because he will know that he's been in a fight. He'd better not hit me hard enough to knock me down to my knees putting me within crotch distance. I like beans and weiners...:cuss:
You Go, Girl! Ditto! I'd just cook up a tasty treat laced with some deadly nuerotoxin that would cause a long, slow, super painful death. Maybe some nice puffer fish toxins!