

Well-Known Member
I hope she's burly and bitch slaps your silly ass back

I also think this site has proved over and over which sex suffers from the drama queen, whiny bitch syndrome. :o:cry:


I thought it was funny.......he took two topics and blended them together. I don't think Dots would actually do it..........but it he does, it should be a giant butch and he should wear that Chuck E. Cheese head too. Then get his friend to film it.


Pickle Queen


I thought it was funny.......he took two topics and blended them together. I don't think Dots would actually do it..........but it he does, it should be a giant butch and he should wear that Chuck E. Cheese head too. Then get his friend to film it.
Only reason u would answer my post is if u feel it's directed at u, now watch peter laugh again.


Moderatrix of Journals
embed test:
.... this makes it make so much more sense!!

edit: yay i did it! (see? even girls can use technology....)


Well-Known Member
I can't argue that point because for some of us it is true, including myself. Which is exactly why men growing MJ should be very careful about pissing off your women, especially if they know you are growing. Don't screw me over and expect me to just let it go.
0 females know I grow. I dunno, it'd just be too messy. If a guy was telling people, I'd have no problem splitting his lips. On the other hand, you can't just do that if it's a female. That's why I avoid it completely.


Pickle Queen
Angry burly lesbians scare me, but i wish i could rent one to deal with a handfull of "men" on here


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's anew invention called multi-tasking! All stoners should learn how!
Multi tasking is one thing, taking a bong hit while searching forums is nuts, yer already multi tasking with a bong! Don't try and school me in forum multi tasking woman! Now go make me a sammich!


Well-Known Member
there is nothing funny or humorous about a spouse hitting a spouse...you should call the cops anytime you hear something like that. do the right thing it could save someone's life. you don't have to get involved just call and tell them where and hang up.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing funny or humorous about a spouse hitting a spouse...you should call the cops anytime you hear something like that. do the right thing it could save someone's life. you don't have to get involved just call and tell them where and hang up.
Damn, I must be a sick bastard then cuz i been laughing my ass off through this whole thread lol

EDIT: And yer avatar isnt hot enough to say you should keep it, so I'm going the other way with it and saying it's against forum rules to have it!


Well-Known Member
there is nothing funny or humorous about a spouse hitting a spouse...you should call the cops anytime you hear something like that. do the right thing it could save someone's life. you don't have to get involved just call and tell them where and hang up.
I agree it's not funny, but what if she deserved it? Then is it kinda funny?


Moderatrix of Journals
0 females know I grow. I dunno, it'd just be too messy. If a guy was telling people, I'd have no problem splitting his lips. On the other hand, you can't just do that if it's a female. That's why I avoid it completely.
lol, being a female grower, it's kind of hard to not have any females know about my grow. now that would be some hella auto-pilot. or multiple transgendered personality syndrome ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, being a female grower, it's kind of hard to not have any females know about my grow. now that would be some hella auto-pilot. or multiple transgendered personality syndrome ;)
But you're a female, so you can go kick another girls ass without anyone hating.


Moderatrix of Journals
But you're a female, so you can go kick another girls ass without anyone hating.
"anyone"? how 'bout the girl who's ass i kick? lol... you think "a woman scorned" is bad? you ain't seen *nuthin*. lmao.

if you really want someone to hate you, try being the chick who just smacked down another woman's hubby for being a money-grubbing scheister (<-grow partner) and kicked their family out her house. THAT wifey still hates me guts. shouldna married a fucking thief, then.


Pickle Queen
"anyone"? how 'bout the girl who's ass i kick? lol... you think "a woman scorned" is bad? you ain't seen *nuthin*. lmao.

if you really want someone to hate you, try being the chick who just smacked down another woman's hubby for being a money-grubbing scheister (<-grow partner) and kicked their family out her house. THAT wifey still hates me guts. shouldna married a fucking thief, then.
U should change your name to " Don'tfuckwithmekitty! lol


Moderatrix of Journals
tbh, i did the smacking and my ex helped me with the kicking out (heavy lifting).
it would've been too messy otherwise.

seeing their stuff on the curb was really gratifying too, i've never even gotten to do that to a man! (you know how you see it in chick flicks and think, "that looks like fun!")

edit: i know i know, heatbag-central, but our grow was *done* anyway thanks to his thieving.... otherwise we'd've just taken their stuff out to the back40 and had a bonfire....

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel man, i used to live next to some tweaker's and there was always some strange shit going on next door. Constant beatings, one stabbing, and even one possible rape... Either that or they have some freaky freaky sex.