My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
here they are bro think mine might be about 8 days old 2nd photo she's alittle smaller then the 1st 1blue dream seedling 2.JPGblue dream seedling.JPG

Kevin A

Active Member
I have been doing a lot of research tonight on LST and I have decided that I am going to LST like CRAZY!!! I hope to be doing it within the next week or so. Pics tomorrow...

Kevin A

Active Member
I have roots growing out from the bottom of my container. Does that mean its time to transplant in a bigger pot.

Kevin A

Active Member
Day 11:

Day 11.jpggrow 001.jpg

The 2nd picture was taken last night, I figured if I put a picture with the problem I may get some help. Is it time for me to transplant??


Active Member
I would transplant but some people let the roots get a lil light? Cant remember who but I think it was TeflonDummy wherer I saw that

Kevin A

Active Member
I transplanted them into 2.75q containers Had problems, It didnt just come out with the soil. When I turned the plant upside down and plant between my fingers most of the soil just fell out. I expected it to just fall out into a block, but I guess its root system wasnt to good yet at this early stage.

Should have pics up tonight after work. I moved my grow into my closet bathroom. Had them on my kitchen counter, but since I upgraded to bigger pots I just choose to put them in my closet.

I was using only 2 26w*6500's, Now I have 7 26w*6500. So that comes out at 182w. Good, bad, need more wattage, need less?? Im going out tonight after work to buy a thermator, but the temp seems fine.


Active Member
I would say that is good for now. but once you start flowering you are going to want to change like 4 w/ 2700K. Some people have a 2:1 ratio I had straight 2700K from seed...Didn't mean too thought they were 6500K but turned out after careful inspection they are 2700K

Oh and same thing happend with me when I transplanted my girl back in febuary...should be fine as long as the roots didn't break too much


Active Member
Yea bro looking good, I hope Im there when you get your harvest!
I haven't started a grow sense I moved into these apartments, but we are looking into moving so me and my dad can start a grow op together.


Kevin A

Active Member
Day 11:

grow 002.jpg

Everything seems to be dooing ok after the transplanting last night.. The plant that is a few days older then the rest is doing wonderful. Everyday that plant does something new. Cant wait till the morning to see what has changed about her.

Kevin A

Active Member
Day 12: Everything seems to be ok today. No Problems to report. I started a little LST today. I have a feeling that someone is gonna say its to early, but I think my biggest plant, which I have just named Bob, is ready for a little low stress training. I really want short and bushy plants..

Pics Tomorrow.


Active Member
hey mann its great... ill keep lookin cuz ur a bit ahead of me, so if you screw up, ill know what not to do :P hahah ,(no hating)

Kevin A

Active Member
hey mann its great... ill keep lookin cuz ur a bit ahead of me, so if you screw up, ill know what not to do :P hahah ,(no hating)
I would do the exact same, cant blame ya lol

Well I wanted to upload a pic tonight but the photo uploader isnt working for me tonight. I did not check on my plants tonight after work, I really wanted to but Ill wait till I wake up in the morning and hope to be surprised by what I see. Im really hoping to notice a big difference since I started LST today. *Fingers Crossed*



Active Member
I would do the exact same, cant blame ya lol

Well I wanted to upload a pic tonight but the photo uploader isnt working for me tonight. I did not check on my plants tonight after work, I really wanted to but Ill wait till I wake up in the morning and hope to be surprised by what I see. Im really hoping to notice a big difference since I started LST today. *Fingers Crossed*

hey i had aa major problem with my soil... flys start to come out... i was really pissed.....but i managed to fix it... my plants looking good now !!!! and dont forget to keep on posting i can compare :P good luck to you

Kevin A

Active Member

Day 16:

Day 16a.jpg

So I had some internet problems. So here is the latest on my plants. No problems, Plants are looking Nice!!


Kevin A

Active Member
Have a little yelloew showing up at the tip of one of my plants, I shouldnt be to concerned, right?
