My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow


Active Member
im a noob... but iv grown many other things... and all the first leaves turn yellow.... i think its due to poor lighting in THAT specific leaf.... but i dont think it should be a worry.... i grew shitloads of tomatoes
but it looks fantastic.... my plant stuck !!!!!

Kevin A

Active Member
Thanks I<3,
Thats what I thought, Im glad to hear some one else 2nd it. I removed the string that was bending the stem down for LSTing. I felt like I wanted to see a little more height to it. Ill prob give it 4 or 5 days to grow upwards a little bit more.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
yeah man dont worry about the yellowing.. plants are lookin good dude, nice and healthy.. how long you plan on vegging for?? the LST job looked just fine, why did you untie it? you could have just left it, and it would of reached right back up in a few days.. either way man lookin real good keep it up and keep us posted


Active Member
yeah man dont worry about the yellowing.. plants are lookin good dude, nice and healthy.. how long you plan on vegging for?? the LST job looked just fine, why did you untie it? you could have just left it, and it would of reached right back up in a few days.. either way man lookin real good keep it up and keep us posted
what he said ;)

Kevin A

Active Member
yeah man dont worry about the yellowing.. plants are lookin good dude, nice and healthy.. how long you plan on vegging for?? the LST job looked just fine, why did you untie it? you could have just left it, and it would of reached right back up in a few days.. either way man lookin real good keep it up and keep us posted

I just wanted to see what would happen if I untied it. I plan on tieing it back down in the next few days. I plan on vegging it as long as possible.

If I veg it out for 3or4 months compared to a few weeks, would I get more bud sites? Cause thats what im looking for.


I plan on letting these 4 be mother plants and I want to take a few clones and have them in the flowering stage, well I might give them a few weeks to Veg, but I want to experment with cloning. Im really trying to max out my plants. Please people, I understand if I change my lights from CFL that it will be better for my yield but I love CFL's and untill I prove to my wife that I havent just gone out and blown alot of $$$$$, I might go out and get a different light system.

another Q?

What is the Maximum amount of time I can veg my plants. I would like for my clones to be almost complete with flowering before I flower my mothers.

Note that im vegging under a 19/5 schedule.


Active Member
I just wanted to see what would happen if I untied it. I plan on tieing it back down in the next few days. I plan on vegging it as long as possible.

If I veg it out for 3or4 months compared to a few weeks, would I get more bud sites? Cause thats what im looking for.


I plan on letting these 4 be mother plants and I want to take a few clones and have them in the flowering stage, well I might give them a few weeks to Veg, but I want to experment with cloning. Im really trying to max out my plants. Please people, I understand if I change my lights from CFL that it will be better for my yield but I love CFL's and untill I prove to my wife that I havent just gone out and blown alot of $$$$$, I might go out and get a different light system.

another Q?

What is the Maximum amount of time I can veg my plants. I would like for my clones to be almost complete with flowering before I flower my mothers.

Note that im vegging under a 19/5 schedule.
well for vegging, you can vegg it for a lifetime, you just have to have space for it.... and in theory the bigger the plant the greater the yeild.... and if you want more budsites, you could top it... it wil split the main cola into 2 and then split those and get 4 and so on ... but make sure you dont top it to much cause not all plants like it.....(i did some research so its not all BS)
if you wanna know how to top, its just cuting the top of your plant right after a set of leafs.... but at your stage, i think its a bit to early to top... IMO
and good luck !
ohh and i cant answer you first question cuz idk the answer :P


Active Member
You should be vegging as long as you have space for your plant. With LST you should be vegging for as long as your plant needs to create your "canopy." In a Scrog grow for example, you would veg until about 75% of your screen is full, then during flowering you fill up the rest of the space and let mother nature take over. That's the best way I can explain it. There's really no set schedule of how long you should or shouldn't veg for. It is a matter of your grow operation. Depending on the grow you might only veg a clone for a week before you switch to 12/12. It ultimately depends on your setup, how big you want your plant to be, and etc. Just remember that during flowering your plant will continue to grow. Don't veg to the point where your box is full because then once you start flowering you will quickly have a problem on your hands of where to put all the extra growth.

Kevin A

Active Member
Thanks Hupomone and I<3, Rep+

Basically I am gonna veg untill I think im ready for the flowering to begin. I really dont have a set time. When I clone, those are gonna veg for a week or so then im gonna flower those.

Pics coming soon....

Kevin A

Active Member
grow 014.jpggrow 009.jpggrow 013.jpggrow 011.jpggrow 010.jpggrow 015.jpggrow 003.jpggrow 002.jpgDay 18: So I had a lot of time on my hands today. I spent my day doing my weekly clean to my grow room. Moved things around to get it looking more organized.

I watered my plants today and feed them with some Fox Farms: Grow Big. The directions said to add 2-3teaspoons to every gallon of water but I added 1 teaspoon. After I watered em, I started getting paranoid that I may have over feed them and the last thing I want to do is to burn my babies at this early stage. I think everything is gonna be alright.

I named my plants, even though they are females, I didnt want to go with female names. So I named them after a Bob Marley theme. I have Bob, Marley, Rasta and lil Kaya. I thought it would be easier for my viewers like you to watch the progression of the 4 plants.

I found a 13w*2700K light bulb and placed it where I had one of my 26w*6500K. When my wife asked why I did that? I was like......i dunno, I just know it good for the plant to have a few different lights in a grow op. I felt stupid that I couldnt answer her question. SO NOW.........Can someone tell me why its good to have a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of high wattage bulbs to low Wattage bulbs. Is it the color of the light? spectrum??

I also practiced some LST today. I have a nice feeling about LST'ing. I moved a few leaves around to get more light to the leaves that were starting to grow from the branch and stem were connected at. I took a pic of it. I hope to see some rewards in the morning.

Thanks everyone for the help and support.

grow 012.jpg
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Active Member
Thanks Hupomone and I<3, Rep+

Basically I am gonna veg untill I think im ready for the flowering to begin. I really dont have a set time. When I clone, those are gonna veg for a week or so then im gonna flower those.

Pics coming soon....
i dont know if you know this already, but when you put you plant into flowering "mode" your plant will grow twice the size until harvest... that means if you flower it a 1 foot tall, it will end up around 2 feet tall at harvest, uless you intentionally stretch it....and your plants look GREAT !!!!! plus rep....

Kevin A

Active Member
I knew it would do A good bit of growing once it hits flowering. I Really plan on LST'ing like crazy. Im confident that I will know when the time is right to start flowering. Im like my girls Short and Bushy :hump:

I'm also wanting to practice cloning. Ive been watching videos on youtube. Im addicted to watching this guy that goes by the name Tokin. He has some extremely helpful vids.

Thanks for the Rep I<3
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Active Member
I knew it would do A good bit of growing once it hits flowering. I Really plan on LST'ing like crazy. Im confident that I will know when the time is right to start flowering. Im like my girls Short and Bushy :hump:

I'm also wanting to practice cloning. Ive been watching videos on youtube. Im addicted to watching this guy that goes by the name Tokin. He has some extremely helpful vids.

Thanks for the Rep I<3
ur welcome ;).... and ill check the dude on youtube out... see if i can learn a couple of new things.... cuz you never know what your going to need to know... (if that makes sense)

Kevin A

Active Member
He has like over 500 videos, alot of him testing products out but also alot of gardening info.

Ive been watching him make and smoke hash oil that is made out of butane. Ive never smoked hash and plan on smoking it when its time to harvest.


Active Member
He has like over 500 videos, alot of him testing products out but also alot of gardening info.

Ive been watching him make and smoke hash oil that is made out of butane. Ive never smoked hash and plan on smoking it when its time to harvest.
yeah.. iv smoked hash before, but in france, and over there, it tastes like shit... as if the put some otherkind of shit in it... i cant wait to taste hash overhere ...especialy my own !!!!!!! and for hash oil... never tried..... but if i make some, ill give it to my grandpa...he has cancer.... oh and theres a peice of info you might be intrested (if you havent already see it) just go on youtube and watch "Run From The Cure" and well if it really teaches you something share it ! ps its not about growing but it is about marijuana.....
peace, love, and smoke

Kevin A

Active Member
Day 19:

No news today. My plants seem to be taking a liking to there nutes that I feed them yesterday. No signs of any nute burn. Went to the dollar store today and seen some bobbypins. They came in a pack of 100 for $1. I thought to my self, those would be useful for LST my little ones, so of course I bought them and went home. I was moving stems and branches gently left and right. Had a nice day. Today was my last day off, I had 3 days off and I enjoyed everyday. I am not looking forward to work tomorrow. I really hope that NC allows it patients the right to smoke medical cannabis. When that day comes, I went to be one of the first ones to become a caregiver. I feel like growing cannabis is my calling. I think about it day and night. I so a bright future with cannabis for the state of NC and I want to take advantage of it NOW!!

Kevin A

Active Member
View attachment 1549304View attachment 1549293View attachment 1549279View attachment 1549276View attachment 1549270View attachment 1549265View attachment 1549264View attachment 1549262Day 18: I found a 13w*2700K light bulb and placed it where I had one of my 26w*6500K. When my wife asked why I did that? I was like......i dunno, I just know it good for the plant to have a few different lights in a grow op. I felt stupid that I couldnt answer her question. SO NOW.........Can someone tell me why its good to have a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of high wattage bulbs to low Wattage bulbs. Is it the color of the light? spectrum??

View attachment 1549259
Just learned that low wattage cfl bulb give off more heat than the cooler high wattage daylight bulbs.

Remember im a noob, take it easy on me.

Kevin A

Active Member
Yeah she is surprised on how much I have picked up and is fully backing me up on my decesion to grow. I was even talking about how I wanted to move to Colorado and become a licensed Caregiver. I feel that my state will come thru on legalizing medical cannabis and will just practice growing in my house and when the time is right, the time will be right.

So here it!

Day 20:

Day 20.jpg

I was only able to upload 1 pic, no close ups at this moment. Gotta work till 2am Eastern time, I may try to post some close-ups then.