Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I top during Veg to help keep my girls height under control
Its pretty hard to hide a 10' tall plant
It also helps when the winds come
Hey green dave, do you think the topping makes a significant difference in yield?
I'm not real concerned about height or wind in the spot there going.


Well-Known Member
depends how ya top man. if you top at the first or second node when they are babies then regardless in or outside you will likely increase your yield. if you do this and then top each branch as they grow, yes your increasing your yield. if you just let it grow till preflower then take off the top couple nodes, you may even diminish your yield ....


Well-Known Member
james42 - It is up to you if you increase the yeild or not, with knowing and learning the art of "topping". Like rzza is saying it is up to the cuts you make and when you choose to take em which will determine the overall yeild.

If you are new at this. Learn how to make it stay alive by your mistakes and mother nature's wrath in the first years. No matter how you top it. If the plant is not and was not cared for properly the yeild will again suffer.

Top em like rzza said when you got some nodes once at veg. Then concentrate on observing the laws of action/reaction of your actions for the rest of the year.

If you take your time observing you can be a good teacher of the smoke someday


Well-Known Member
so you guys are saying if i have some plants (clones) that are under 24hr light, things will get screwy come mid may if I move em outside under da big light ? reason why I'm askin is cuz i never have attempted it and also my buddy tells me that it is possible but a few of you say you have to slowly decrease your light to match the times outside or it'll get a rocky start...... fuckin baffled I am!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
If you move them out to the big light from 24 it will most likly trigger flower then go back to veg then flower again

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
*** Shotglass Grow Off Contestant List ***
Mary I Wanna

If you're not on the list and you wanna play just speak up and I'll add you... Good luck and may the buds be with you...

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
IMAG0398.jpg There's the glass im using, just a plain jane shotglass I covered with tin foil...

IMAG0396.jpg This is a kalashnakov seedling thats 5 days old.. What the hell is up with that 3rd leaf? None of my other kalashnakov seedlings have it. The leaves on this one are also shaped different. They're all growing in the same soil mixture, and conditions. Is this a mutation or some sort of genetic defect?

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
I had turn down the resolution of my camera by 50%, the pictures were to many kb to upload on here.. You should see the pics it can take when I leave it set on 14megapixels...


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you guys using? and no medium i suppose?

Mary, Rzza's qwubble seedlings I believe they were had that same defect, we believe it was just the phenotype from what I remember. But who knows, i'm still a noob. >.< This shotglass contest is my first grow. (: Im stoked, gonna start Sunday when I get some time away from the lady.


Well-Known Member
Fatality - you never wanna start your plants that are going outside with 24 hour lights on. Your plants will start to flower in May for sure. Here is what I would do fatality - Start putting your plants in the sun. Bring em in at night and turn your lights on for another 2-3 hours at night.

Get em used to it now! and if they are going to try to flower they will do it know instead of may. You would rather have them start flowering now as opposed to MAY. The reason is that when you stick em out in the ground the begin taking off like weeds. You want them to take off like weeds not stay dormant for the first 3 weeks of planting. You will get a better return if you start weening the plants to the sun and if they are going to flower let them get it done starting now.

Next year start your seedlings off with 16 hours on, and 8 off. Your transition of worlds will not be so drastic next year.


Active Member
If you move them out to the big light from 24 it will most likly trigger flower then go back to veg then flower again
plants require 12 hours of dark to flower, they do not go on how much light they receive, but how much dark they receive to produce florigen.... your plants will be fine.


Well-Known Member
plants require 12 hours of dark to flower, they do not go on how much light they receive, but how much dark they receive to produce florigen.... your plants will be fine.
this isnt true. i agree his plants will do just fine but our plants do not need 12 hours of dark to flower, they simply need the correct ratio of light/dark depending on strain.

example: white widow may require ten of dark so 14/10 and maybe a sour diesel will require like 11 so therefore light cycle 13/11 will work. also you can do something like 6/6 and shorten the day.

the reason we go with 12/12 for a general rule is because all of our plants will respond well to it. i actually have my flower room set to 11.5/12.5 just to save on the electric bill.