New to Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Alot of shit to read,... Just woke up n i still feel stoned from last night.... Acapulco gold dont play...


Active Member
I have 6 remaining from my original party pack 12 seeds for 50$ :)
I have a hightimes store straight up downtown within walking distance that can legally sell all seeds!
They have most every strain and I don't need to order over the net Lucky me!!
I was told by staff there that they can legally sell all seeds as novelty or medical even. As long as they dont sell the equipment to grow them and they don't ...
SoG is something I want to do too amongst all the other experiences! Isn't gardening fun?!!! haha I never would have said that before now!


Active Member
I have 6 remaining from my original party pack 12 seeds for 50$ :)
I have a hightimes store straight up downtown within walking distance that can legally sell all seeds!
They have most every strain and I don't need to order over the net Lucky me!!
I was told by staff there that they can legally sell all seeds as novelty or medical even. As long as they dont sell the equipment to grow them and they don't ...
SoG is something I want to do too amongst all the other experiences! Isn't gardening fun?!!! haha I never would have said that before now!
Wow you have incredible access to everything! I'm so jealous!

Yea I never would have thought I'd be doing this but I'm having a ton of fun. Even looking into growing other shit like garden herbs and crap on my patio lol.


Active Member
Yeah I got the bug to do this when I found a functional aerogarden someone threw out..
My project got quite a bit bigger since then lol!
I am lucky being in Canada and in Quebec. Everybody smokes here! I know a guy whose dad smoked with him on his (dad) birthday. His dad turned 67 lol.
Where you at bro?


Active Member
Got to thinking since posting in MidnightJoker's thread that I haven't mentioned much about my ventilation..
so here goes :) (space is 128 cubic feet)
6" cool tube is cooled by a 4" inline 165 cfm fan.
Ducting is insulated. It's black atm but will line it next time.
4"X8" phresh filter 150cfm and 4" fan (same as above).
Will probably get 200cfm 4X12 filter for next grow and use the smaller one for my veg. box.
A 6" inline fan as air intake 400cfm.
I'll probably change that all around after this grow.
A 6" oscilating fan just for flow
I have always been the first to admit I am making a lot of mistakes but learning and enjoying the ride lol.

I did learn in the Veg stage to waste less time on aesthetics as in the learning curve a lot of changes will come about.
All the finishing touches make it harder to re-work.
So here are some pics of the fans and vents etc.
Ghetto as it might be it works :) and is a work in progress..
Temps 70 to 78 and humidity 40 to 55%



Active Member
That's a solid setup which I'm sure does the trick. Here's the one I set up temporarily in my new 4x4 tent. DSCN2481.jpg

The left side ducting you see in the pic is ghetto ducting from my AC wall unit. Basically just duct taped it from the vent there and ducted it into the open vent slot in the upper left corner.


Active Member
Looks good to me!
Hey, your bug hanger there is it a sticky trap or a repellent?
P.s: do we have the exact same filter?


Active Member
Oh the bug hanger is a sticky trap. I read somewhere in Cervantes' bible they were good at attracting pests so I got em for preventative measures (nothing on them yet). You have an odorsok right? Mine's a Phresh filter I think. Man that thing's pretty dirty already too lol. Man your rooms a virtual jungle. Moar pics!


Active Member
Na man in the flower box it is a phresh filter same as urs see the pics above. odor sok is in the veg box.
It's totally a jungle lol!
The vertical growth seems to be slowing a bit as I close in on 4 feet with some of them!
Good call on the sticky trap. I have them too. I was worried it was the bug repellent one as that one is toxic.


Active Member
I like the Phresh filter as odor outside of the tent is nothing but I think my next filter will be a DiY filter that can be found as a sticky in these forums.

Since I upgraded my tent now to a 4x4 I put the 2 girls from the bathroom into my larger tent and it's looking more crowded now. Nothing near to your Amazon tho.


Active Member
Ok so day 21 of flowering and the vertical growth seems to have slowed and bud production has exploded!
They are popping out of everywhere!! :D
Some are getting huge others are massing on the stem taking over the entire branch.

I am actually thinking of buying a slr camera so I can get some better pics...
But for now this is the best I can offer :mrgreen:

Off to :joint: let me know what U think :weed:



Active Member
So week 4 of flowering begins.
Cleaned res. and flushed plants (as per weekly schedule)
I reduced complete nutes by 20%
Increased gravity to 1/2 dose (1/4 last week)
Added shooting powder at 1/2 dose for first week of adding.
I have minor and I mean minor nute burn on 3 or 4 leaves just on the spikes.
I think I have the additions pretty well so far 'a little less is often more'
I think I have my ladies dialed in well so far. so good :D

Here is a pic of a nice bud I edited a bit kinda artsy-like lol :eyesmoke:



Active Member
Nice jungle there. What kind of camera are you using? I'm going to have to upgrade my digital soon as the CF card is having issues transferring images over.

I found a few good "How to's" concerning photographing MJ. Link and Link2

I also just posted an update of my girls here (didn't want to clutter up your journal with my pics lol).


Active Member
eh.. it's a crapy sony cyber-shot 7.2 mp
If I get the camera I am looking into I will need to take a course or 2 for sure lol
A work buddy has been offering me his camera for a while I gave him a price today. 500$
It's a Nikon d-70S with 2G's in accessories and lenses.
It is 5 years old but rarely used.
The body alone at cheapest is 150 (up to 300) and then batteries, chargers and 2 lenses (don't have the specs off hand but I know they are good), tripod,case and more..

Man your girls make me drool!!!!
Maybe I should post up there too my girls are little still but spectacular in my eyes lmao!


Active Member
Hehe, thanks. Yea they really flesh out in no time.

The camera I'm using for the last set of pics is ancient - it's a 3.2 mp but it seems to work nicely for most pics.

Do you have a macro option (little flower icon on the display) when taking photos of single buds? That's what I use and seems to do the trick. Plus I use the flash even with the HPS lighting.

Just out of curiosity, do you know if you're supposed to diagnose your plants from just 1 leaf or should it become apparent on several leaves before a proper diagnosis should be done? I've been going my whole grow ignoring stray leaves (like usually 1 or 2 leaves per plant) that have yellowed or dried out and crap. Now I'm wondering if I missed some deficiencies or toxicities my entire grow and just ignored them.


Active Member
Hey Encomium (I need a short version/ nickname for ya hehe)
Have you had to tie UP any of those colas or are they supporting their weight?
Relevant to me as you have seen my stems are brutally thick but I am worried they wont support final weight.
What do you think?


Active Member
No I have always gone with how the plant is as a whole. a stray leaf here and there could be lots of things like physical damage and the most minute thing can cause that.
I do judge the yellowing if it is constant on a certain area of the leaf on many leaves.


Active Member
Hey Encomium (I need a short version/ nickname for ya hehe)
Have you had to tie UP any of those colas or are they supporting their weight?
Relevant to me as you have seen my stems are brutally thick but I am worried they wont support final weight.
What do you think?
Hehe, EC would be fine. I haven't yet but I suppose I should expect to which is another hassle in itself. Some of the bigger buds are from previously LST'd plants so they are bent already. Your for sure are going to need support I'm thinking. If you figure out a good way to do this let me know. Personally I was thinking of taping some bamboo shoots on the sides of my grow tray and use them for support. I'll have to see when I get there.

No I have always gone with how the plant is as a whole. a stray leaf here and there could be lots of things like physical damage and the most minute thing can cause that.
I do judge the yellowing if it is constant on a certain area of the leaf on many leaves.
That's a relief then. I haven't had many major issues other than the occasional crispy yellow leaf here and there. I never worried about it but just thinking maybe I should have lol.