is ebay safe to use for grow kits etc.....


Well-Known Member
like lights? or hydro stuf? if your guna buy hydro shit ide say make it....anyways i use ebay till i die and i cant see a problem w it. send it to someone elses house if your that cant get busted simply for buying stuff nor is is grant for a warrant


Well-Known Member
I bought my
2 - 150w hps,
my 2x4 grow tent,
Some pumps
A 400w hps Digi ballast in a cooltube just the other day
200x Usb Microscope for scoping trichs
Hell I even bought a 10 lbs bag of potassium nitrate to make kno3 rocket engines lol
....I love ebay


Well-Known Member
Don't worry....their are lots of folks that actually grow veggies,fruits and other types of plants indoor....not everybody grows buying grow equipment does not in no way imply you are growing cannabis so order away..........


Well-Known Member
i ordered quite a bit of stuff from ebay. my main gripe about it for me is the peoples business name. it shows up like sunset hydro on my bank statement. Like HTG shows up high tech gardens. I dont like that at all so I try if possible to buy from someone with a different name like bobs distributing or something. but thats just me


Active Member
The prices are sometimes a little higher, but has quality stuff and ships to you as "IGH Inc" I believe it was. They're not as quick or convenient as with their numerous locations though. Though I guess that would depend if you live close to their warehouse, which I don't.


Active Member
Love it! My last purchase was this morning! I bought 5 new 396 ecoplus water pumps, more rooting gel, and 2 new bulbs... Hell iv spent probably 2k in the last year on growing supplies. Everything from full lines of nutrients to timers to mylar rolls. Understand not all of this was my investments but well over half were. Hell the only problem I have is when you get a slow ass company processing and shipping your order lol. Dont get me wrong I support local business but when you get it online at almost half price its not rocket science... Oh and I always use paypal. 99 percent of purchases are insured and iv had to use it. takes 30 days but its not a kick in the ass...

but to each his own...


Active Member
if anything is suspicious lol say your starting a indoor garden for veggies... tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach... indoor gardening is not a crime.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
You'll be fine. Just look at the number of sales some of the Ebay vendors have. These sales go all across the country. I would worry more about your local hydro store than Ebay.

HOWEVER, stay away from Craig's list. My attorney advised me that our local law enforcement has been using a sting that goes like this: They advertise a grow light for sale. When the buyer picks it up, the seller (undercover copper) asks if the buyer would like to trade the light for some smoke. The dumb ass buyer says yes, gets arrested, and a search warrant is issued based on the fact that he had pot and was buying a light. Before the guy can bail out, his house is searched. This has happened at least 4 times in the last 2 months in my county. 3 of the 4 had active grow rooms in their house. Like most cop stings, this only works on stupid growers. Stay Smart. Stay Safe.


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine. Just look at the number of sales some of the Ebay vendors have. These sales go all across the country. I would worry more about your local hydro store than Ebay.

HOWEVER, stay away from Craig's list. My attorney advised me that our local law enforcement has been using a sting that goes like this: They advertise a grow light for sale. When the buyer picks it up, the seller (undercover copper) asks if the buyer would like to trade the light for some smoke. The dumb ass buyer says yes, gets arrested, and a search warrant is issued based on the fact that he had pot and was buying a light. Before the guy can bail out, his house is searched. This has happened at least 4 times in the last 2 months in my county. 3 of the 4 had active grow rooms in their house. Like most cop stings, this only works on stupid growers. Stay Smart. Stay Safe.
Very interesting. Craigslist seems like a LEOs wet dream. Advertise a cheap HPS light on craigslist and whose gonna show up? Either a current grower or someone who is going to grow. Like shooting fish in a barrel.