Please Help ( quick question )


Well-Known Member
This is a tomato seedling ,

its my very first ever plant that iv grown legally lol

anyway i do not no anything about gardening and growing veggies

but my fiancee wants me to so im trying

i started it in a jiffy peat pellet

its only gotten water when the pellet drys out ( no nutes )

but its starting to look a little yellow on the leaves , like how a pot plant might get ( n ) def

its this normal for a tomato plant ? do i need to go ahead and give it a little bit of nutes ?

sorry for such a noob question on this

im sorry the pic is bad

but you can still at least see the yellow spot from the green



Well-Known Member
Peat pellets have about 0 food to offer a plant. And 'maters have a big appetite so start feed veg nutes at 1/4 dose. Fish Emulsion would be a good choice.......


Active Member
I usually keep mine i a humidome for the first 2 weeks then transplant. They yellow a little but nothing to worry too much about. I dont start adding nutes until i transplant them.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks to the both of you

she wants me to grow that one in one if those topsy turvy things ,

so im gonna give it a shot


Well-Known Member
ok thanks to the both of you

she wants me to grow that one in one if those topsy turvy things ,

so im gonna give it a shot
Tell her to take the Topsy and shove it! LOL They suck dude. You are way better off just growing it in a 5 gal bucket..........


Well-Known Member
its true those things suk i had one and it fell apart in one season hahha. didnt even get 20 tomatoes of the plant either. compared to my raised bed garden i must of got 60+ tomatoes of every plant. i was handing them out and making my own sauce for pasta and i never ran out.


Well-Known Member
iv told her what you all have said

and now she wants me to grow it both ways

with the topsy turvy , and in a bucket

i guess she just wants to see for herself

but you all made me change my mind about trying out one of my royal hash plants in one lol


I'd say the best formula for you to grow proper tomatoes is to take a few rips and just relax. And think about the best way you could improve your tomatoes. Apply the same mind as you would for chronic. And just read about tomatoes. Find out as much as you can about tomatoes, haha. Gardening is all about chillin out anyway. Take a deep breath/rip and come up with a proper plan. Grow the tomatoes both ways and show your fiancee what nature intended.

Throw some Coco in there!