I dont work


Active Member
*scratches head* sits in the corner trying to figure out what this thread is about....
I think he means instead of the standard 24hr timer he wants to use a 40hr light cycle? Like 20 on 20 off? I've heard of shorter than 24 hr light cycle but not longer.

I think that whats it to he say.


You get diminishing returns on light after 18 hours, so you would only hurt your yields more. The ratio is indeed the important part, but in cycles past 18 hours you're only hurting yourself. Only acceptable time for a longer than 20 hour cycle, is if you want as much light as possible during vegetative state. Which is among most considered overkill. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I think he means instead of the standard 24hr timer he wants to use a 40hr light cycle? Like 20 on 20 off? I've heard of shorter than 24 hr light cycle but not longer.

I think that whats it to he say.
if thats the case....then no...bad idea...nature knows whats best for these plants and 20 hours without light isnt natural.


Active Member
ive seen somewhere on here with experiments to back it up that 16/8 veg times actually get you a bigger yeild than 18/6 so technically your wasting 2 hours of light.
I have read of indoor vegetable farmers growing tomatoes testing a 6hr light cycle to save energy on cooling in shorter time cycles. They still get 12hrs of light in a day. I have not tried this as I am slightly afraid of the waste of time and money. Would be interested to see thou if it would work and may even try it in a small setting someday.


Active Member
no dude 40 hrs is a work week you guys are lazyer than me dont even know that! growing around a 40 hr work week and the timing of it can it work out


Well-Known Member
no dude 40 hrs is a work week you guys are lazyer than me dont even know that! growing around a 40 hr work week and the timing of it can it work out
maybe do some research into reading comprehension so people can understand what the hell our talking about...because obviously your first 2 sentences wasn't legible enough for anyone to grasp the concept of what the hell you was talking about....but to answer your question....even when i was working 60+ hours a week its not hard to keep up with them....its called a timer..that handles the lights...and water/feed when needed....same as anyone else


Well-Known Member
why are you worried about a 40 hour work week ? You stated in the first post that you don't work. There are 24 hours in a day, work your plants during that 24 hours. Timers do most of the work. You actually only need about 15 minutes a day. You pick the 15 minutes. Plants grow in nature all the time while people go to work.


Active Member
He means he wants to dedicate what the average person would dedicate to "work" , Into growing :) , Haha Go for it dude ... If you dont got expenses to worry about , Unless you are growing large scale though i dont think ull need that much time :) i do most of my "grow" work within 1 hour a day if that (once everything is set up right shit should just be easy right? ...doesnt take 40 hours to water the ladies. lol.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
maybe he could speak more thuggish for us so we can understand. i don't know about you guys, but the only thing that works 'it' round here are the tricks..