Just Had A Gnarly Blackout, Any info?


Active Member
So I just took a hit(sitting down) and all of a sudden My head starts spinning, I started shaking uncontrollably,making strange noises , and fell to the ground. It lasted about ten seconds. While this was happening I was aware that I was going through this experience because it has happened a few times before but never to this extent. Any info/ input would help

Big P

Well-Known Member
dude you might be having an epileptic seziure

did it happen before even if you were not smoking?

if it just happend go look in the mirror to see if your puples are dialated,

Big P

Well-Known Member
call a doctor you can get on anti seizure meds, plus if it happens while you are going 80 on the freeway it may kill you and sombody else.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
^^^^ he is right.
Call the doctor Monday morning and tell them what happened they'll get you in on the same day. Unless, you're Canadian then it will be in a month or two.


Active Member
Did you look pale whitish? You coulda had a whitey its happened to me once before. Thought I was gonna die.


Active Member
I know I am not epileptic for sure. And it started happening last summer on some dank hash. I think I might start vaping if hit happens again.


Well-Known Member
Yea that shit happens some times to me I just make sure I'm not gonna hit anything on the way down LOL.


Well-Known Member
sounds like some good shit yo! where you at??I get those on a good hit sometimes, never have fallen down but I've had to tell the passenger of my truck to take the wheel before!


Well-Known Member
Thats why I don't smoke when I'm driving!!!!
sounds like some good shit yo! where you at??I get those on a good hit sometimes, never have fallen down but I've had to tell the passenger of my truck to take the wheel before!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
This was most definitely a seizure.

It wasn't some Holy moment caused by the herb of the Gods. You definitely have a brain issue dude. I'm really, really sorry to hear about it.

When your brain short circuits and you lose control of your body... That's a seizure. Get yourself looked at.

Honestly... I'd be on WebMD... Not some fucking stoner forum looking for advice. I am getting the feeling, just from the fact that you posted here, that you're either not necessarily the most educated person (we can't all be) or you're making this up. If you are a smart guy, other people consider you smarter than themselves, then you're ignoring the obvious facts.

What you describe is nearly word for word a seizure experience. I would get my head scanned ASAP.


Well-Known Member
100% agree.

This was most definitely a seizure.

It wasn't some Holy moment caused by the herb of the Gods. You definitely have a brain issue dude. I'm really, really sorry to hear about it.

When your brain short circuits and you lose control of your body... That's a seizure. Get yourself looked at.

Honestly... I'd be on WebMD... Not some fucking stoner forum looking for advice. I am getting the feeling, just from the fact that you posted here, that you're either not necessarily the most educated person (we can't all be) or you're making this up. If you are a smart guy, other people consider you smarter than themselves, then you're ignoring the obvious facts.

What you describe is nearly word for word a seizure experience. I would get my head scanned ASAP.


bud bootlegger
yah i agree with snowcrash and worm completely... i've been smoking for 20 years or so, and have never had anything like what you're describing happen to me..
this doesn't sound like something you just brush off and say, ahh, f it... like someone else has said, you could have the same thing happen when your behind the wheel of your automobile, how would you feel if you ended up killing some one instead of getting it checked out??

and there are other things that cause seizure's aside from being epiliptic.. you could be having a grandmaw seizure or something else.. get it checked out asap.. its nothing to be messing around with...


Well-Known Member
cmon man, truly how many of you here have health insurance? are you prepared to pay for a office call AND whatever scripts doc THINKS you might need? we're all fucking disposable if you haven't figured it out yet, Fuck up your credit for a doctor bill you can't pay to treat a condition that probably doesn't exist.


bud bootlegger
cmon man, truly how many of you here have health insurance? are you prepared to pay for a office call AND whatever scripts doc THINKS you might need? we're all fucking disposable if you haven't figured it out yet, Fuck up your credit for a doctor bill you can't pay to treat a condition that probably doesn't exist.
WHAT??? you are right.. no need to see a dr simply because you having convulsions.. nah, just go take a cold shower, that should do the trick..are you kidding me?? i'm not a fan of going to the hospital or dr's at all, and usually when i cut a finger off, i'll just super glue it back on, but when it comes to shit like this, you better believe i'd be going to get my head checked out, and would also suggest anyone experiencing the same symptoms to do like wise...