Smokey's Platinum OG Kush 36 site Aeroflo


Well-Known Member
hey smokedog...dont u have a blue dream jurnal going on too....???
I like your setup man ...makes my grow look like a welfare case.... in regards to yield...
Im partial too platinum og ...its one of my favorite strains..... done a couple of smoke reports on the really does stink so good...
I here that the platiniums are socal master crosses.....
Is that what u gathered..... you must not be too far from me if your running those kinda strains....
Care to share where u got those cuts or seeds from???


Well-Known Member
hey smokedog...dont u have a blue dream jurnal going on too....???
I like your setup man ...makes my grow look like a welfare case.... in regards to yield...
Im partial too platinum og ...its one of my favorite strains..... done a couple of smoke reports on the really does stink so good...
I here that the platiniums are socal master crosses.....
Is that what u gathered..... you must not be too far from me if your running those kinda strains....
Care to share where u got those cuts or seeds from???
yes i am doing a blue dream power went out the other day so the timer was a lil screwy. probably flip to flower on monday, but the plants arent where they needed to be.

as far as the genetics on pogk, i have no idea..i got them from a friend who lives in LA(i live in Vegas)..i think youre right with the master cross tho..i can definitely smell master in the nugs..i have some platinum bubba that i will be getting back from a friend who's kept her going..that one in particular smells like fuel of some sort...not sure the genetics behind it either..

most of the clones i get are from friends in norcal, or socal, and they never really know anything on the genetics...just the strain is good enough for them


Well-Known Member
well if your ever in the los angeles area... close to pasadena ,sfv area,...hit me up i got some clones always on deck.....ogs, chems n stufff....


Active Member
I'm picking up one of these units in the morning. Glad to see it's working out well for you. I'm doing 2 1000's in a cool tube on a light mover. Think that will be a waste for the smaller space of these units? I'm doing rocklock or greencrack this run, but I have 3 GDP breeder packs from k.w. estes mediceuticals that are begging to be popped.

Edit: Oh, and I just picked up a 12 bulb badboy the other day. What do you think of a badboy over this beast of a setup for flowering? Love reading your threads btw.


Well-Known Member
I'm picking up one of these units in the morning. Glad to see it's working out well for you. I'm doing 2 1000's in a cool tube on a light mover. Think that will be a waste for the smaller space of these units? I'm doing rocklock or greencrack this run, but I have 3 GDP breeder packs from k.w. estes mediceuticals that are begging to be popped.

Edit: Oh, and I just picked up a 12 bulb badboy the other day. What do you think of a badboy over this beast of a setup for flowering? Love reading your threads btw.
if you are gonna run a 36site, 1 1000w HPS will be fine, a 60site 2 1000w HPS. the light mover would be useful if you if you stagger the tubes(3 going one way 3 going the other)..I dont really have any experience with t5 badboys, but here is a thread where a dude uses t5's over a 60 site..


Well-Known Member
Hey smokey how's the platinum OG doing? Been a minute since we have seen any pics...

You chopped them yet>?
yeah I actually chopped them last night..I'll take some pics when we're done trimming. All in all it looks pretty good. Next grow I'm gonna spend a lot more time at the grow house..I'll definitely make sure these POS intermatic timers I'm using do what they're supposed to do.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah im glad all went well. Is it a problem with the timers or is the power surging and fucking up the times? Cause if it's just the timers maybe it would be worth it to invest in new ones...

P.S. I gotta say, i know absolutely nothing about electricity so if my power surging comment made no sense my bad lol.


Active Member
great thread - im growing with 357Magnum LEDs right now, some AF shorties - on 20th day - Ill be watching yours and mine - happy 420 all


With the areoflo 36 do think there would be a big prob if you were to leave it unatended for a weekend? Was thinkg about one with leds over head and was wondering how "moody" these systems are


Well-Known Member
Yo smokey where you be? It's been a minute since any updates on this your gdp and your blue dream...

Hope all is well
Yo! Been taking care of a lot of crap, havent been posting much. The POGK was chopped, and now its gone. Tragedy hit the other two grows, and I scrapped them. I just started another GDP LED grow, its a week in. probably not gonna do a journal, I suck at updates. When its done I'll probably post pics of what it looked like through the grow, and of the finished product. That is when I find the charger to my camera...

but all is well man. Howve you been?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah i figured it was chopped and gone already, did you by chance get to snap any pics of the dry nugs? Damn that sucks about the other 2 grows, what happened? Was it that timer that ended up fucking you?

I hear ya on the journals, they get tiring, after my first one i was like fuck this haha... Def keep me posted from time to time though, still hella interested in checkin out your dank.

Meh ive been okay, i ripped my cab down a week or so ago... Fucking sucks. On a good note though 2 of my really good friends just got jobs at a club in Colorado, the manager is one of my friends best friend... They said if anything opens up they will keep me posted so hopefully that will all work out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i figured it was chopped and gone already, did you by chance get to snap any pics of the dry nugs? Damn that sucks about the other 2 grows, what happened? Was it that timer that ended up fucking you?

I hear ya on the journals, they get tiring, after my first one i was like fuck this haha... Def keep me posted from time to time though, still hella interested in checkin out your dank.

Meh ive been okay, i ripped my cab down a week or so ago... Fucking sucks. On a good note though 2 of my really good friends just got jobs at a club in Colorado, the manager is one of my friends best friend... They said if anything opens up they will keep me posted so hopefully that will all work out.
yeah it was a bummer with the grows. Didnt snap any pics The blue dream i had going was rockin along, then one of the fans shorted out, and popped the circuit to that side of the house...and it had to happen when i didnt go over for like 2 days..they were fucked when i saw them..mix that with my short temper, and the machine was cleaned out within 20 min. And the timer with the gdp was just fucked, so I smashed that one into the concrete..felt good at the time, but Im sure it was mostly operator(me) error.

I just flipped my current GDP LED grow to flower last night..Im a lot more "involved" on this one, and everything seems to be going fine..I have one lil retard plant in the machine..but the other 35 look great. When I go back over tonight I will set up the second machine to do a LED POGK run. Honestly Im starting to hate these aeroflos..So many moving parts, and shit is required to make them run efficiently..Id be better off with a flood and drain system. Ive spent to much money on the aeroflos to just dump them right now tho. And then in about a week or so the blackberry kush clones I pulled should have roots, and that will fill the 3rd machine...All of the aeorflos will have LEDs over them..My last tent(4'x8') will house my 2 1000W and I will do a simple soil/coco grow with a variety of strains. I have a lot of work to do.

Thats awesome about opp to maybe work in a clinic. I wish we could have clinics here in vegas, but my town is run by mormon douche bags, and I dont see that happening.