Need help with dilema


Well-Known Member
ok guys come on heard so many different causes we need to all come to one good conclusion to help this guy whats the general concensus on problem
i say potassium diff
I agree it's probably a Potassium deficiency. I rarely even try to figure out what a deficiency is anymore. I just make sure I give it a shot of a complete fert and see if it improves. If it does, I know it's a deficiency. If it doesn't, I know I've got something else going on.:weed:

Adding anything else at this point will just increase the problem.

Find out what the issue is then try and fix it.
Agreed. We don't know what is causing his issue. It could be a salt buildup causing something to get locked out. I typically try to be conservative with nutes so I don't get salt buildups and I know when I see leaf issues, I probably need to feed it.:leaf:
Well im on 12/12 3weeks into flower. Im not giving them anything now but was on baby bio with miracle grow soil. They was fine untill i started using ironic soil bloom.

My head is hurting cause like fabfun said diff people are saying all diff things.

I have no idea my water ph as tester is fucked. But last i checked it was 6.9-7.0


Well-Known Member
Yeah doc same here but this is a very first ive seen this on any of my plants. If its potasium. What method should i use?
For your next grow, get a better soil than MG. I would flush, as recommended by 420God, but you have timed release nutes in your soil which may compound your issues. If you aren't feeding them anything, try a mild dose of a complete fert. What is baby bio and what is the NPK of it? Does it contain micronutes (trace elements)?:weed:

This is why I really don't try to guess what a deficiency might be anymore. Some of them look very similar and everyone has a different opinion as to what it might be. ;-)
I have flushed them today and i am not feeding them now. I was feeding them every 2 days.

This is the first time i have used this soil as it was only 1 to hand. But for sure im going bk to my old growing ways.
Will the buds be affected in growth and size? And smoke quality by this?


Well-Known Member
I have flushed them today and i am not feeding them now. I was feeding them every 2 days.

This is the first time i have used this soil as it was only 1 to hand. But for sure im going bk to my old growing ways.
Will the buds be affected in growth and size? And smoke quality by this?
Shouldn't be too big a deal. It may affect your yield a bit but your nugs should be good. A little bit of stress can increase the potency. Too much stress can decrease it though. I've had worse looking plants that produced nicely. You should be fine. BTW, feeding every 2 days is probably a bit much. I'm guessing you have a salt buildup. :leaf:
Cheers doc. Well i shall take all advice on board and keep posting pics on that site to keep u all informed.
I hope flushing it works


Well-Known Member
Guys ive got my ph tester working and my ph is really low. 5.9. How do i get it up without ph+?????
What are you testing, runoff or what? Testing runoff isn't a very accurate way to check the pH of your medium. My best suggestion is to make sure your water/nute solutions are properly pH'd when you water/feed. Don't worry about the medium. Start with a soil or soilless mix that is pH corrected from the manufacturer. There is little you can do to alter the pH of the medium after you've already planted in it. It's best to just ride this grow out and chalk it up to experience. I'm sure you'll still be able to get more than enough bud off of your plant/s.:weed:
Cheers m8. Well ive got some bicarb to put ph of my tap water. I havnt tested my run off yet

Also my soil ph is 5.5 - 6.5

I hope my next watering with corrected ph my problems will correct. Carnt wait to smoke my finished product lol. But think ill stick with my LSD strain & blue cheese. I found they was very hardy plants and loved my conditions.
But 6 white russian ladys for now was a bonus
No m8 the bat guano soil has a ph of 5.5-6.5. Well thats what the bag said. I think its damaged my yeild like cause my last crops got more than these by far.

i have another problem. Over half of my white pistols of my outer buds have gone brown. Ive allways been told 70% brown hairs and its ready to be harvested.

Shall i harvest all the outer buds and leave rest in to soak up more light?


New Member
it is not the hairs u want to check u need to check triclomes with a scope
look for amber 50%

No m8 the bat guano soil has a ph of 5.5-6.5. Well thats what the bag said. I think its damaged my yeild like cause my last crops got more than these by far.

i have another problem. Over half of my white pistols of my outer buds have gone brown. Ive allways been told 70% brown hairs and its ready to be harvested.

Shall i harvest all the outer buds and leave rest in to soak up more light?