Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner


New Member
HA! I'm actually not a Mexican, but I play one on TV.

I am a dirty, hairy, greasy Sicilian! :)

I can't wait to hear the smoke report on that purple shana. Some amazing looking pot Howard!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
HA! I'm actually not a Mexican, but I play one on TV.

I am a dirty, hairy, greasy Sicilian! :)

I can't wait to hear the smoke report on that purple shana. Some amazing looking pot Howard!
Thanks bushy I can't wait to smoke some of that stuff! I will get a report asap. My wife is a dirty Mexican! ;) LOL I on the other hand am a dirty ass Kraut!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
haha, fun, funny bushy and howard..

Howard.. i finally finished the Howard STern interview in Rolling STone Mag..
WOW!!!!! where do i begin.. what an intense interview.
I was feeling pretty depressed by the end of it. It seems to me that demons have really got a deep hold on his soul .. What i took from the end of the article was a feeling the Howard will never find peace.. or BALANCE.. as he calls it .. until he is dead. I think he realizes this and its so sad, but he seems to be OK with it. He is such a complicated genius with amazing sensitivities. Hes so honest and aware.
What was your take on the article?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
haha, fun, funny bushy and howard..

Howard.. i finally finished the Howard STern interview in Rolling STone Mag..
WOW!!!!! where do i begin.. what an intense interview.
I was feeling pretty depressed by the end of it. It seems to me that demons have really got a deep hold on his soul .. What i took from the end of the article was a feeling the Howard will never find peace.. or BALANCE.. as he calls it .. until he is dead. I think he realizes this and its so sad, but he seems to be OK with it. He is such a complicated genius with amazing sensitivities. Hes so honest and aware.
What was your take on the article?
Well my thoughts on the article were that it was very sad and revealing to people that don’t know Howard. I think most people even his fans think that he just goes in there and bullshits with Fred and Robin and has a great old time in there for 4 hours. But he is very calculated in everything he does. He really is a very successful person and he is that way for a reason! Howard puts 150% into every show and he is neurotic about what he puts out over the airways. I have heard 90% of what he talked about because he is honest about his life, I don’t know if it was the way the interviewer wrote it or how Howard put it but it was very depressing to read. It is hard to listen to Howard every day and laugh with him and the show and get that feeling that you are part of the family and read something like that. That is the magic of the Stern show is that they make you feel like you are part of the family and that you know them. You can hear it when callers call in and the listeners have related themselves so much to Howard they think they know him and want to believe they are like him but they are truly not! I do it sometimes to tell you the truth. ;) Howard is and will always be #1 on the radio! He has made radio what it is today and I know in my heart that he will be written about in books as an innovator in radio and the main reason that satellite radio succeeded. I really love Howard and I think he is a talent that can be compared to none. He really is a superstar and there are many copies out there but there is only one Howard! Look at radio today, they tried to fill his spot with many people and they all failed and now radio is going down the drain. I love to see all the losses in radio revenue when he left them! They always told him that he didn’t matter and now the morning drive sucks shit! Howard has made an impact on this world and in my life, and there are very few people that can say they have accomplished what he has or touched as many people as he has. In my book Howard is King and I don’t even deserve to take his name.

But I am still going to use it anyway! LOL Howard Stern fucking rules!


New Member
Dammit AMBO! You and your wacky avatar changes are confusing this simple stoner! ha. ;)

And dirty mexican wives are excellent.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well the PS is done drying so I am just waiting to smoke now. It looks fucking amazing! Just sparkly with resin all over! Best weed I have ever seen! This pig may replace my bubba as my flagship weed! ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it will buddy by the sounds of it, how is the smell any distinct flavors, I'm really curious on how the high is


Well-Known Member
Nice grows Howard, Glad to see you did well for yourself. Ive got some Sannie chocolate berry and killing kush growing right now. Didn't I try to tell you about sannie a year ago? lol

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well guys the P/S smoke is stronger than my Bubblelicious thats for sure! LOL It has a Christmas smell to it and it is nice and smooth. About 5 min after taking a hit your eyelids get real heavy! It's a real stoney weed more of a night time smoke or a smoke when you ass has nothing else to do for at least 2 hrs! ;) Very happy with this smoke and I am going to keep that PS strain around. I may change the name just to Shana. I got the clone at a co-op here and I think it is just a mystery strain that some asshole called Purple Shana cus he was growing outside and it got some cold temps and the leaves turned a lil purp. This round I got about 1.5 oz's off each plant and they were very top heavy! I didn't top them at all or mess with them so next round I will top/fim them and clean up the bottom branches when I switch them to flower.

So to sum it up, as of right now I am looking for 4-5 strains as "regular" strains that I am going to keep around. Bubblelicious is one and Shana is going to be my other one. So still on the hunt for two strains. I got damn near 3 oz's off my last biubba and I only veged her to 20 in so next time I am going to veg them to 2 feet and then flower them. My goal is anything over 3oz per plant and I will be happy. I don't think that will be too hard.


Well-Known Member
nice bro with the way your going you should have that no probelm :), and im totally happy about the shana, i didnt want it to be all show and no Go if u know what i mean lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
nice bro with the way your going you should have that no probelm :), and im totally happy about the shana, i didnt want it to be all show and no Go if u know what i mean lol.
Yeah it has some knock out power! I am going to go and try to get a good pic of it all finished. It just shimmers with all the resin on it! It just looks amazing.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ok just cleaned up my second PS and pulled 56g's off of her. She grows like the bubba short and fat! But the buds are really airy so before you guys start ragging on me about the trim job just know that the PS is a real airy bud and it was hard to cut any of the sugar leaves off! ;) Just covered in frost! Here is some bud porn for yall. I am thinking maybe for a new name just Shana, sticky shana, supper shana???? Don't know yet, but it sure as hell doesn't have any purp on it when trimmed up so I think it is stupid to call it Purple Shana. Any suggestions? I wouldn't feel good unless you smoked it to name it.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Here is my oficial review/growers notes on this Shana strain. I have one of these for my Bubba and a lil info on my NL grow. I am going to keep records on any of my strains that I grow, as best as I can fill it out from my memory! LOL Let me know if i am missing any info that might be helpfull when looking back at old grows.

1. Shana

Soil nutes water
FFOF soil, FF Nutes all 6, Distilled water
600w MH veg and 1000w flower Hortilux bulbs
Potted up from ½ gallon pots starting all the way up to 7 gallon pots.
Veg time
7.5 weeks from clone
Height when switched to flower
12-14 in when switched
Finished height
26 in
Flowering time
8-9 weeks
Strain has a pine smell also very distinct smell reminds me of Christmas.
Dry weight
51-56 g’s
Plant grows quickly and is very bushy with close node production. Also has no problem being cloned. Bud has a very strong smell through flowering and grows very airy bud with heavy resin production all over the plant!
Smoke report
This strain is a good before bed weed or a strain for pain relief/insomnia. Immediately after smoking your eyelids get heavy and you really don’t want to do much but chill out so don’t smoke if you have shit to get done! Taste is good, and high is really good. 7/10 taste 8/10 high.
Growers Notes
Not much stretch so switch next time to flower around 20-24 in. Top the next batch, plant was very top heavy so make sure you get a lot of air movement on the little ones to build stem strength.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
sweet Howard.. those buds are really frosty, trichome galore!!!!!!!!! killer!
nice notes on your Shana,, exellent gardening and organization skills!!!!!!!!!! I admire that a lot!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
sweet Howard.. those buds are really frosty, trichome galore!!!!!!!!! killer!
nice notes on your Shana,, exellent gardening and organization skills!!!!!!!!!! I admire that a lot!
Thanks I like to keep records so I can refer back to them if needed. Oh and I went to get water today and I came home and the fucking cops were in my neighbors lawn. I gues the daughter is pregnant by some fucking meth head and he is threatening to burn down their house! He broke a window this time but who knows what the fuck is going on. I am legal and always stay within the laws here but I don't need the cops here for any reason snooping around. On top of that I don't need any fucking meth heads sniffing around figuring out that I have weed growing. I have said it before and I hope to god I don't have to but I will put someone down if they break into my house for any reason! That guy will not walk out of this if he breaks in. Can't wait to get my 45 LOL make a real big hole in this peice of shit!


Well-Known Member
Ya bro for sure, u will have a little hand cannon for sure.

put that mother down world can always do with a little less meth heads.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Are u OK howard..?? i hope nothing serious happened with the meth head loser. shoot to kill. pow pow pow pow one less scum of the earth loser..better for all of us. you get a metal in my book!!!!!!! oh and have your ears been there are about 10 new pages in my journal and i think every page and everyone is talking about you in a straight jacket???????!!!! lmao everyone loves you Howard!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Are u OK howard..?? i hope nothing serious happened with the meth head loser. shoot to kill. pow pow pow pow one less scum of the earth loser..better for all of us. you get a metal in my book!!!!!!! oh and have your ears been there are about 10 new pages in my journal and i think every page and everyone is talking about you in a straight jacket???????!!!! lmao everyone loves you Howard!
Thanks hon I just got on here after a long day! Here is my day.
Drop kids at school, drop meds with paitent, Grocerie shopping, unpack and put away groceries, Friends come over, run lunch to kid cus they forgot it!, apply for concealed weapons permit, put more money down on my gun, trouble shoot and fix washing machine, help friend desighn grow room, make dinner " the best chicken lasagna in the world! ;)" and last but not least by any means is go to my sons school concert! Very busy today but I will try to catch up Doc. I was fucking slamed today so I will get in your forum lil lady!