Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Active Member
would deff be an interesting theory to that I mean with the Male actually being present...but ud have to do 2 seperate rooms for an experiment like that with all other sorts of other important implements in place...if you got the room tho it be an awsome thread to post ya knw :)


Well-Known Member

Everyone, lets start talking in ---> The Cage Group <---so we can keep this activity clear of off-topic chatter so it will be easy to reference in the future.


I even have a new avatar for the group! ;)


Well-Known Member
Just a reminder, The Cage is for future growers of Autoflowers to find answers on how to grow Autoflowers. It really is that simple. I know some of you think I am a "hard-ass" because I want to keep this single thread "on-topic", but really, I have been very polite and very patient even though my reasonable request have been utterly ignored.

Please try to understand my foresight before labeling me...

I ask....again...please just post details of your Autoflower grows so I can later compile them into one post with a bunch of links. I also strongly encourage everyone to make a separate, personal journal so I can add those to the link list as well.

In the end, we will all have worked together to make a wonderful Autoflower reference guide.

If you do not agree with this direction, then I regretfully have to say, The Cage is not for you.

Now, would someone please post a photo of a contender in The Cage before I kick a puppy? ;)

p.s For those that don't know...I am getting PM'ed by people complaining that there are too many off-topic post and getting PM'ed from people who think I am too "strict" by trying to stop off-topic posting. I am in the middle and no matter what I do, I will be the asshole.

Ease up on me everyone, I am just trying to do something good for the community.


Well-Known Member
another off topic thread if you like...

Just a reminder, The Cage is for future growers of Autoflowers to find answers on how to grow Autoflowers. It really is that simple. I know some of you think I am a "hard-ass" because I want to keep this single thread "on-topic", but really, I have been very polite and very patient even though my reasonable request have been utterly ignored, I have been PM'ed and was told my ideals and direction is "unreal" (by one contestant).

Please try to understand my foresight before labeling me...

I ask....again...please just post details of your Autoflower grows so I can later compile them into one post with a bunch of links. I also strongly encourage everyone to make a separate, personal journal so I can add those to the link list as well.

In the end, we will all have worked together to make a wonderful Autoflower reference guide.

If you do not agree with this direction, then I regretfully have to say, The Cage is not for you.


Well-Known Member
just a query, and Kulong it is to do with auto flowers lol, in all your experiances in gorwing autos, have the breeders timescales ever been right?? i have seen a lot of ppl say they are never correct, but never anything saying that they are lol.


Well-Known Member
just a query, and Kulong it is to do with auto flowers lol, in all your experiances in gorwing autos, have the breeders timescales ever been right?? i have seen a lot of ppl say they are never correct, but never anything saying that they are lol.
The breeders time tables are a reference tool for me. What I do is, if a breeder says that the Autoflower will be ready in 9 weeks from seed, I start to look at the plant (trichs/leafs/buds) very closely at 9 weeks and so far have been harvesting 1-2 weeks or so after the "9 week due date".

I grow in organic soil and so far it has worked for me. I don't know if it works for outdoors or hyrdo setups.


Well-Known Member
well i am using soil and clf's, the harvest time from seed for my plants is 2.5 months, so about 10 weeks, so should i start checking them at about 10 weeks then? so far they 3 weeks in and have started flowering :)


Well-Known Member
well i am using soil and clf's, the harvest time from seed for my plants is 2.5 months, so about 10 weeks, so should i start checking them at about 10 weeks then? so far they 3 weeks in and have started flowering :)
Of course always keep an eye on your girls, but around 10 weeks, really start paying attention.


Active Member
FOR 1 KULONG i know this is your thread but i was just refering to anothers question im not starting talks about crap off topic so find someone else to be a tight ass with....the nerve you have to disrespect any of our knowledge..includeing mine... we intice onto ur thread.. no has been argueing since ur last post...and ur being to tight I think on what type of info is on here...regardless... anything that has to do with growing good MJ is usefull for all types of grows includeing even if its not directly introduced as a topic stateing autos doesnt mean its not implemented in the same retrospect ...I withdraw due to Kulong haveing no appreciation for the knowledge contestants or spectators have to offer this thread...and its not worth the head ache..UGGGHH good luck yall and REMEMBER STAY ON TOPIC ;)


Active Member
Hi guys,

Here is my entry. Both seeds were planted on 7th April. The thing is one of them's a Lowryder 2 and and the other is one of the two non-auto freebies I got from Attitude (either Warlock or something else, I forget). I don't know which one's which at the mo 'cos I didn't label the identical clear tubes they came in. They've now been labelled from the tubes they came from (the two Lowryders I had left I know were in the same tube) so at least I'll know what my remaining seeds are.

They're both under blue light 200w CFL (18 hours), in Westland compost +25% perlite. I'll know which one's the Lowryder 'cos it'll be the one that autoflowers. The other one I'll take out and put on the sill while I'll switch the light to red for the LR2.

I know I'm not gonna win any prizes for 200w CFL. Just in it for the fun.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how hard the fans blows, is it oscillating? mines 90 degrees and thats perfect for a corner, but my fan has settings. if yours is too strong and cant turn it down, try to make it spin around the tent, like blow at an angle towards the wall


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure my plant got a few dried leaves due to my fan being directed directly at the plants, i have now put it on to oscillating mode, and the leaves actually feel more rubbery now, rather than dry lol. thanks to this thred i think my first grow will be a sucess :) buds are growing nicely :)


Well-Known Member
i started germing it exactcly the moment of april first... so sorta lost on how old she is give or take... the second of april, she popped outta the ground... so lets say ten days old...

p.s. this lady bug is now the gnat moniter.. lol... found her flying around outside and felt like adding her to the grow...

oh yeah, i take my piks with a 2 megapixal cell phone cam... one pik is with an eye loop, one is without.. can ya see the diffrence?



I try to make the tops / leaves do a "mini Irish Jig". :lol:;-)

.... or as they say, "a little wiggle makes me giggle." :bigjoint:
yes the fan is blowing in the tent and the leaves are moving a littel :D like a light wind .. to keep the fan 24 / 7 or ???