The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
guys, im sure most of you dont deal with these ammounts but,
what are your comments on half a kilo for 2100 and a kilo for 4k?


Active Member
5k was what i first thought thats like 142 an ounce. figured people wouldnt pay that much if there selling ounces on again at what 180. not much profit for a lot of risk for them.

oh and to all you uk growers.
i have what i consider a pretty special blue cheese in re-veg at the moment.
blue cheese (BB) is supposed to be indica dom, but i got a stray goose. its almost 90 percent sativa. (iwould say)
hint of blue come harvest time. smells like berry and mint. awesome plant, i had to cut early because i grow indica and i have no space for her.
once i clone her from re-veg anyone want to take a couple of cutting from me.? just incase i lose her, and also so i can have someone grow it to end of flower i had no time, dont think ill find the pheno again. i got 2 ounce 4 weeks veg from seed. not bad for sativa. heres a pic from week 3 flower and then before harvest (too heavy to stand) oh and she had been supercropped countless times and also LST'd pre flower.

oh and heres one for your viewing pleasure.
my frist shot at hydro.
5 on the left 4 weeks veg from seed.
and 3 on the right (soil) exodus cheese 8 week sveg from clone.

what a difference aye. (no its not me in the photo before you all ask)

so yeah i would love to give my clones of the blue cheese to a good home for a test run to see if its worth keepin gor not. that is if i can get a bunch of decent clones from her in re-veg


Active Member
and while im thorwing out photos here one of my faves, harvest from one of my serious seeds chronic. (which is awesome by the way, if you havnt grown it then get to it. can handle so much shit and always produces 2-3 ounces 4 weeks veg from seed. and never stretches either.



Active Member
oh and on a side note, watch who you sell your product to. i got jacked for EVERYTHING not two weeks ago.
do it on your terms or nto at all. and make sure you can trust them first. i made a mistake which wont happen again. stay safe guys.


Well-Known Member
Ponytails????? Behind every tail there is an arsehole and you are selling at 80's prices. lol Seriously though, my m8 done the blue cheese and only pulled about 2oz per plant, which is a bit shit for the commercial grower. Im selling keys for 5k and been told Im 1k under market value. Good luck with the reveg m8


Active Member
yeah i know, ive told him about the hair but hes had it like that since he was my age, so 5k a kilo and its all good? cheers havnt sold any at that lower price but was thinking about it.
not an areshole though, sorted actually. and most of my female friends dig it so must be doing something right lol.


Well-Known Member
eastern European bot..

Ponytails????? Behind every tail there is an arsehole and you are selling at 80's prices. lol Seriously though, my m8 done the blue cheese and only pulled about 2oz per plant, which is a bit shit for the commercial grower. Im selling keys for 5k and been told Im 1k under market value. Good luck with the reveg m8


Active Member
yeah its sorted, when i move though, he has got away with it for now, but i aint bringing a war to my door. its to easy for him to find me, he knows roughly where i live, so when i move hes losing a finger, or two.


Active Member
a lot. ;) let my guard down got a blade to my neck. not fun. gotta be carefull, he knew EXACTLY how t oexexute it. not his first time im sure.


Active Member
not sure, dont think so,i know he's moroccan and got nothing to lose, where as i have. so while he knows the area i live im letting it slide.
but when im gone hes to stupid to track me down, where as i managed to get his address and his kids names from their school in about an hour lol.
was going to send him a little letter to let him know that i know where to find him but ill wait. he wont be waitng for it then either.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you doing trusting a rockie? Had many dealings with them and never trusted any of them. They think we are scum. They are vain fuckers. I could prob describe him to a T. Built like a tank(prob steriods), always joking around and trying to be funny, pervs on all girls, flys off the handel at the littlest thing and shaved head. Goes by the name of Youseff by any chance. Damage the cunt