Whats With All The Aero Gardens?


New Member
So i have seen the aerogarden up close and i don't get it. Why is this thing so popular??? My mom grew tomatoes in one, i remember thinking it was "CUTE" like a little toy kinda. I mean they cost like what $150-200 bucks and for what? a little toy that requires extensive modification and signifigant expense to ever see any real yeilds from. Please don't get mewrong thisis not an attack on those who chose to grow in one, I really am just curious as to why so many people here are so attracted to them. IMHO you could get a far better system for the money even if you were looking for Plug and grow convenience. The Aero Garden seems to me to be an incredible marketing campaign with a novelty product. I would happily respond to any input on the subject, Maybe I'm missing something here.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either I guess its for those lazy stoners!! I like to get ripped and get my work on. Go to wal-mart spend about 80$ on some totes, a res, few accessories, and a pump, BAM a working hydro system.


Well-Known Member
i will build an aero setup this year ive bought some of the supplies so far i was wondering what size pump is needed for adequate pressure to the jets. i built my first dwc last month its doing reallly good and i like building this stuff by hand its like shop and science in one


New Member
Amen Brother WeedCreed, Anyone else interested in " Getting there work on" Can check the link in my signature for a free copy of How to Hydroponics, its a great read and has detailed plans for multiple DIY homemade systems. Enjoy


New Member
i will build an aero setup this year ive bought some of the supplies so far i was wondering what size pump is needed for adequate pressure to the jets. i built my first dwc last month its doing reallly good and i like building this stuff by hand its like shop and science in one

Check the Ebook link in my signature for an aero system plans with pump recomendation


Well-Known Member
i think its all the marketing and the laziness of the product.

the potential consumers dont realize it til they purchase the product.

some still like it, i think its a waste.... but i guess to each his own!


New Member
i think its all the marketing and the laziness of the product.

the potential consumers dont realize it til they purchase the product.

some still like it, i think its a waste.... but i guess to each his own!

makes total sense but forgive my ignorance here, has anyone ever actually harvested from one? and if so what was the yeild, perhaps someone has a link?


Well-Known Member
i have never seen a yield from one....

some dude CLAIMED to get 2.5 oz per plant....

yea right...that is totally believable .....NOT!


New Member
Are you able to root clones in it? if so I could see some justifying $80 for it as a cloner. But i wouldn't imagine it being of much use shortly after they have rooted, Right?


Well-Known Member
I just bought it cuz i didn't know shit about hydroponics...then i found this website. Sure i could have built a better one for cheaper, but like i said...i knew NOTHING about hydro and didn't even think to look for forums about it. Next time I'll get my work on...but here's a link to a thread i was following that inspired my grow Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics). He just harvested, and it looks like a decent yield...still waiting on him to post dry weight.

Oh and here's a pic from my garden from today... this girl is about 2-3 ft tall, using my own home-made CFL fixture...not the AG light.


Well-Known Member
I think the real question is - why would somebody buy an aerogarden, quickly discover they need to mod the hell out of it or use it for clones or something and STILL recommend it to others as a good way to learn how to grow weed!
I mean - i wasted a lot of money on stupid shit (PC Planter) before I threw down and built myself something decent - but I am not suggesting anyone go buy a 600 dollar doorstop er i mean PC Planter to learn how to grow!!

If i had started with something better, I would have still learned a lot on my first grow but fighting with our equipment is pain we just don't need.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend using it unless you just happen to have it. I'll definately build my own and keep this thing for propagation. But I really don't regret buying it. The little thing has taught me a few things.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend using it unless you just happen to have it. I'll definately build my own and keep this thing for propagation. But I really don't regret buying it. The little thing has taught me a few things.
that is a reasonable and honest assessment of the aerogarden. what i don't get is the folks who defend it saying it is great and then turn around and spend another hundred or so modifying it so they can get some kind of yield. oh well, it's there money - i just don't like seeing them feed into a new growers insecurities.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either I guess its for those lazy stoners!! I like to get ripped and get my work on. Go to wal-mart spend about 80$ on some totes, a res, few accessories, and a pump, BAM a working hydro system.
that makes to of us, i figure building the shit yourself is part of the fun.


Well-Known Member
i remember thinking it was "CUTE" like a little toy kinda.
Thats what my wife said "it's cute & i want one",i can allready see it,come in the door from work & there it'll be,then i gotta figure the damm thing out.

After about a week she'll be sick of it & it'll be in the basement on a shelf,along with all the other ronco shit she buys & never uses,i think i still got a fukin pet rock around here somewhere :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Thats what my wife said "it's cute & i want one",i can allready see it,come in the door from work & there it'll be,then i gotta figure the damm thing out.

After about a week she'll be sick of it & it'll be in the basement on a shelf,along with all the other ronco shit she buys & never uses,i think i still got a fukin pet rock around here somewhere :rolleyes:
oh man you crack me up! thank you!