GH nutrient precipitate question


Well-Known Member
I'm new to GH but I decided I would make up a batch of nutrient solution for my rez change. I thought to myself, I'll mix the micro, grow, and bloom in a measuring cup, then do my rez change and pour it in which would make getting the ppm where it needs to be a much easier task. Well I mixed the nutrients together and I within a few minutes, I ended up with a two layer solution (think oil and water) with a white precipitate at the bottom and white "chip like" flakes.
What the hell is that all about?
Is this normal? I've never heard anyone comment on this before.
Is this solution usable?
Should I never pre-mix GH nutes?
Ok first off you messed up. Have your rez full with water. Measure the micro FIRST EVERY TIME ,add to res. Then go down the list and do one at a time. Micro must be first every time, im not sure why but simething very important. Also in a 55 gallon
Reservoir i mix for 24 gallons every time. I just go with their schedule. Any question hit me up ive used GH only for almost a year now. I use the keep it simple recirculating schedule.
Yeah never pre mix. I think it says not to right on the chart. Like above micro first, dump each individually.
Damn it! I didn't read that part. See, always read the bottle. So I guess I should throw away what I pre mixed then? I knew something wasn't right.
Yeah never pre mix. I think it says not to right on the chart. Like above micro first, dump each individually.

Really I been using GH for a while and I never add Micro first always second. I add grow first , micro , bloom, florablend, floralicious plus , cal mag .. I have yet to have any problems.
thats how you get nutrient lock...Always add the micro first and make sure to shake all the bottles very well

I have never got nutrient lock, thats crazy I didnt even know that and have had nothing but success growing. My plants grow fine and PH never takes a hug bounce usually stays between 5.6-6.1
When I used GH I mixed it all in the res but didn't necessarily use micro first.
I had lock out but didnt know what it was or what caused it, I just switched to fox farms.
You didn't actually mix all 3 in the cup? GH recommends M first if not MBG, which I practice and see others doing the same.
Sounds like you knew what happened. If you just call them up they'll talk to you about your problem. I had a half full gallon bottle of KBL form a salt puck in the bottom. Called GH up talked to them for a couple mins. and they sent me out a full gallon replacement. You never know what you might find.
You didn't actually mix all 3 in the cup?

Yup, I sure did, like a class A jackass! It totally formed those little salt puck/chip things you are talking about. I can't believe they sent you a replacement, now that's customer service!

So is the verdict that once that happens, the solution is utterly useless and must be discarded? I dare not use it in my rez now. I got enough issues going on in there!
Im so sick of people.trash talking g.h. not that we are. But im just saying seeing what i can do with the cheapest of all the lines makes me very happy to the point i will never change. My boy uses advanced and man he spends some cash, i bought the 6 gallom containers of the keep it simple and ill be good for 10 full cycles atlest maybe more, for 950.00 .
Im so sick of people.trash talking g.h. not that we are. But im just saying seeing what i can do with the cheapest of all the lines makes me very happy to the point i will never change. My boy uses advanced and man he spends some cash, i bought the 6 gallom containers of the keep it simple and ill be good for 10 full cycles atlest maybe more, for 950.00 .

I didnt see anyone trashing GH, I use GH have very nice things to say about them , just admitting that they are heavy in salts,
I didnt see anyone trashing GH, I use GH have very nice things to say about them , just admitting that they are heavy in salts,

I think GH is great. There is an endless amount of information about the flora series and you can always get help here or on another forum if you are using GH. I cant imagine dropping hundreds of dollars on advanced nutes or canna when I have seen so many great harvests with the flora series.
I've been using the flora series for 6 months now and have never had problems. I don't even use micro first every time, its really depending on what order I grab the bottle in. I can't find anything on the bottles about having to add micro first so I'm sorta confused. I don't use micro first and have never had a problem, but the bottle does specifically say not to pre-mix the nutrients. Whatever, you could pay more for nutrients but it'll do the same job as GH. Thats what the guy at the hydro shop told me so I use it, and his job is to take my money.
You didn't actually mix all 3 in the cup? GH recommends M first if not MBG, which I practice and see others doing the same.
Sounds like you knew what happened. If you just call them up they'll talk to you about your problem. I had a half full gallon bottle of KBL form a salt puck in the bottom. Called GH up talked to them for a couple mins. and they sent me out a full gallon replacement. You never know what you might find.

Im actually really impressed General hydroponics replaced your bottle. Thats great customer service. See i dont see any GH shit talking in this thread
I'm using the regular GH, is the Flora series better? I noticed it's a couple of bucks more.
AN is a bit too expensive for me, but I usually hear good reviews from the people who use it. It does seem like they have too many products though.
I've considered doing a side by side with my GH and Dutch Master gold series. It's not too expensive, and I've also heard great things about them too.
There is also a little known Canadian company called Plantlife Products that make a very nice line designed for aero. It's tough to find in the States though.