trouble in paradise


Alright im a newb to the game really.. about tree months ago i started three amazing clones and thing were great. They are in 5 gal buckets with lots of air. well just a few days ago I woke up to two of the three drooped down looking sad(lack of water look)... bla bla bla bla. Ive added h2o2 for root rot problems witch i dont really have. Ive Lowered the temp of my room and even the water temp.. to make a long story short im about to lose my hole crop..and no idea why please if someone could help.
Well, for what its worth, I really don't think the H2O2 had anything to do with it, its just water with an extra Oxy, I am sure you are aware. Could be a number of things, I have come in some mornings and they have fallen though the plugs, causing them to be limber for a while. My suggestion would be to check the PH / PPM and make sure everything is fine with your BASIC aspects of growing, then try to look further into the problem. Sometimes its right in front of you , and we look around the obvious stuff. Hope this helps,..
yea i check the ph a day ago.. and it was fine at 7 which yea is a little high but.. they were in the 2 week of flowering soo i figured it wasnt that big of a deal
I don't use H202 in soil for root rot. H202 not only kills the bad bugs but it kills the good ones. I use perlite and vermiculite to prevent root rot. Hard to say what your problem is without more infos.
Thats the thing i really dont know what happen... every thing was goo and out of the blew they started droping dead im gonna add pics soon
First off, I have to admit, I did giggle when you wrote "Tree" based on the fact your name is Irish25.

Anyway, only messing.

When you say in 5 gallon pots I assume you are doing dwc, or hydro of some sort? But if your PH is at 7, possibly soil? More info would help us diagnose, and a pic or t(h)ree, lol.
You should really try to post some pics man...That would relly help...What's your average temp during day and night? How about your humidity?...
Wow, they do look healthy but very very unhappy. Ok, I grow organically so I am not going to be a massive help but it sure looks like the roots have stopped taking up water. So there is some sort of lock out there bru. From what I understand you need to start flushing and change that rez. The cells in the walls of the roots allow water to flow into the root system, something is going on in your rez to stop that. Best bet then, change whole rez.

Hope you get it sorted becasue the girls look nice all the same.

Going to post your thread on the 600 Club, there will be peeps on there doing DWC that will help you out....
Going to post your thread on the 600 Club, there will be peeps on there doing DWC that will help you out....

Thanks man ive already lost two this size.. and as far as the lack of water i added some this moring but it only took about a half gallon... and i do have a revs but i don't attach the buckets just in chase one plant gets sick i dont want all of em to become sick.. ive really been thinkin of going back to dirt.. errr water just has way to many problems.. Ohh and i clean my revs once a week with the h202
the only time this has happen to me is with a 3 week old clone in the DWC,it had a nice size root mass,but everytime i
put it under the lights it would droop/wilt,id turn the light off,and a few hrs later she was starting to come bake.
not sure this would help,but id give it a try.what nutes you useing?not all nutes like airation.
Are you able to completely change the water that is in the buckets? I would have thought if there is a lock out then get rid of the water that is in there completely. Can you check the roots? Take the plant out of the bucket and give it a hose with water or something? Adding water may only just dilute the problem slightly. As I say, I am organic and it's been over 15 years since I had a hydro set up, I am sure other will be able to suggest something. Try looking for Interga21 's thread, he is not on anymore but I think he had the same sort of issue.