First Ever Grow


Active Member
UPDATE - Day 30 from seed - Day 3 - 12/12

Hi all, Decided to do a quick update today, Im a bit worried about my plant, 1 leaf has lots of discolouring and others have brown or crispy ends, thought it might be nute burn but havnt gave her nutes for a week since i noticed the damage. She doesnt seem to be that affected by it as she is still trying her best to outgrow my flowering box, only got about 4" of height left lol. Included 2 pics of my new intake and exhaust for the flowering room using 80mm fans.

If anyone has any insight to what the marks could be i would appreciate the help.

Burnt Patch.jpgIntake.jpgDay 30 - 5.jpgDay 30 - 3.jpgDay 30 - 4.jpgExhaust.jpgDay 30 - 2.jpgDay 30 - 1.jpg



Active Member
Update - Day 32 from seed - Day 5 - 12/12

Hi all just a quick update, Been on 12/12 for 5 days, still not showing signs of sex but plant has decided to outgrow my flowering chamber, She`s nearly 2f tall now and still showing no signs of slowing down, Does anyone have any advice on what i can do to contain the vertical growth?

Also going down to a local Hydroponic store today as apparently they sell seeds, so im going to have a look at what they have, Anyone got any suggestions for a strain that is small/medium height with a nice yield?

Thnx all in advance for any suggestions/comments.

Day 32 - 4.jpgDay 32 - 6.jpgDay 32 - 1.jpgDay 32 - 8.jpgDay 32 - 7.jpgDay 32 - 5.jpgDay 32 - 3.jpgDay 32 - 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's looking like the stretch is a good one. :( Not sure on what you can do to shorten her up. Maybe someone with a little more experience can chime in.


Active Member
Thnx for the feedback so far guys, Im just gonna let her grow how she wants to grow as ive just been down to the hydroponics store with my partner and i tell you what my jaw nearly dropped at all the different strains they had in stock lol. Ive settled for Trainwreck, pic below. Started Germinating 1 seed and if it sprouts ill veg for a week then start 12/12.

New Seeds.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very nice! Trainwreck has a nice head high if grown properly. I have a clone that I am growing right now that is crossed with it. :)


Active Member
Very nice! Trainwreck has a nice head high if grown properly. I have a clone that I am growing right now that is crossed with it.
Yeah it will be nice to smoke some that i know the name/strain of as the smoke i buy from around were i am doesnt its crap. Gonna experiment over the next few years with diff strains and see which one makes me Bzzzzzzzz the best lol.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what you like. This is one of the main reasons I got into growing my own stuff. I got tired of getting shitty sacks with no name weed. It's nice to be able to find a strain that you like and grow it on your own. :)


Active Member
Yeah, Thats part of the reason why ive started growing, For me i like more of a head high and i like that feeling when your mind is going vroooooooooom lol. When im in that state im creative and get some pretty damn bonkers ideas.


Active Member
Got a stupid question for everyone: "Is there any coincidence to no one growing their plants in plant troughs?"

Because i think a trough would be better for my needs than a round pot, I can gain a lot more vertical height with a trough.


Active Member
I have 3 fans. 1 - 120mm, 2 - 80mm all wired to a standard 12v charger, I know from my PC building days that most fans have an adjustable RPM if u can get enough power in them. I tried yesterday to re-adjust it by using an adjustable 12v charger and for some reason it was struggling to run my new 3 fan setup but when i ran them through the standard 12v charger they all ran but had a lower RPM. Im at a bit of a loss at the moment on what to do about the fans, Only thing i can think of is to buy a standard PCI-E fan controller to try and squeeze a few extra RPM`s from them.

Oh and cheers for the info on the pot size lol, Over in the UK or atleast were i am from the fuckers just put stupid crappy info on the bottom of the pots like its a 30cm pot, WTF is that shit, I just want to know either A) Litres or B) Galons that the pot is lol.
in reference to the fan situation. you need to know how many amps each fan requires (and add them together), and the total amp output of the DC transformer you are using. size does not matter. i have had an 80mm fan that drew over an amp @ 12vdc. any fan controller you buy will not speed up the fans, it will only limit them.


Active Member
I gave up with the fans in the end as they were old and have just bought 2 new 80mm silent fans, 9.8 - 12.6 dB/A



Active Member
hmm. they don't post amperage on their website,, but other 80mm case fans of similar CFM and rpm run around 0.2 to 0.3 amps each @ 12vdc. at least i did not see it at quick glance. what exactly are you using to power them?
Hi, Im currently using a standard 12v charger from a scanner for the new fans and im using another 12v adjustable charger for the fans in the vegging chamber.


Ill try and get a clearer image later as my partner is out with the decent camera lol.


Active Member
Hi all, Ill be updating later on today, I was forced to bend my plant as she outgrew the flowering chamber yesterday and when i bent her the stem in the middle nearly snapped, its bent in on itself, do you think she will recover from the stress of it or will she hermie? And i know i keep saying she lol but thats just PMA (Positive mental attitude), She is 7 days into flowering and still no sign of sex, so will my rough handling also slow down the flowering period?

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
i hope its a female.. i wouldnt worry to much about a hermie..jus try not to mess with it from here on out..


Active Member
Hi, Im currently using a standard 12v charger from a scanner for the new fans and im using another 12v adjustable charger for the fans in the vegging chamber.

View attachment 1551630

Ill try and get a clearer image later as my partner is out with the decent camera lol.
that looks like it says it puts out 1.0A(mps) @ 12vdc but it's too blurry to tell for sure. if it puts out an amp, it'll power 3 of those 80mm fans you have fine.


Active Member
UPDATE - Day 34 from seed - Day 7 12/12

Hi everyone, Decided to name my plant Mutant X :)

She is doing fine despite my rough handling and the damage to the stem, she doesnt seem to of been affected as she has grown another 1-2" today. I also forgot to mention that i bought some decent medium from the Hydroponic store when i was there, The guy told me it would work well with the line of nutes im using. Its just called bat special.

I put 2 seeds into germination and stored the rest away on the 11th. I used the paper towel method on a plate covered with a bowl, I used tweazers to handle the seeds and sterelized everything beforehand with boiling water and today they had both sprouted so i have planted them straight into their final containers, 46cm troughs. I plan to put one of the new seeds into 12/12 in a week and ill veg the other for 3-4 weeks depending on the size she grows and this time ill be LST from the start.

Anyway enough rambling heres the pics. Ive included pics of the soil, nutes and damage to the stem.



Active Member
in reference to the fan situation. you need to know how many amps each fan requires (and add them together), and the total amp output of the DC transformer you are using. size does not matter. i have had an 80mm fan that drew over an amp @ 12vdc. any fan controller you buy will not speed up the fans, it will only limit them.
Thnx Cookies for the valuable information.