Plants only 2weeks old and top heavy


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
my 2 week old plants have 4 leaves on top, they are 20 cm tall, but now they are all laying down because of the leave on top are to heavy,they are only on water at moment, in rock wall under floro light (18 hours on 6 hours off) the stems dont look very thick to support weight... what do i do and am i doing anything wrong...:neutral:
Regards Darran (down under Australia)


Well-Known Member
I heard of a trick here using a plastic fork stuck in the dirt and propping the stem in between the prongs on the fork. Also work your stem out by hand (GENTLY) having toppled im not sure how much help a fan will be. But if you have one put it in front of it maybe you can bring it back. I've seen stranger.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
If your plant is 20 cm after 2 weeks wich I believe is 7.5 inches for us yankees your plants are stretching. What type of light are you using and how close is it.


Well-Known Member
Good read dobie. You will probably want to prop them up and get yourlight as clase as possible. Once you have them proped u[ put a gently breeze on them. This will help to strengthen the stems and allow the stem to catch up to the stretch. good luck.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

sounds like stretching.. VERY BAD stretching.. A plant that is 7 inchs tall should have at least 6 sets of fan leaves (indica plant).

your light is probably to far from your plant.. I would guess you are not even using a proper light.

picture please..



Well-Known Member
Not Enough Light, 18/6 is a great schedule, but if you dont have enough light they get top heavy. Dont bring em too close those that say Clfs dont scorch plants dont take into acount delicate new growth. Chances are you dont have enough Cfls. Check out my light set up in my journal or gallery heres a pic. I had to raise mine up because of scorching the new growth. But i still only get 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch nodes which eliminates stretching and should make for a short but fat plant.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with everyone else, other you don't have enough light or its too far away. I had the same problem. I put a fan in my grow room and moved the light down alot. It looks fine now.


Well-Known Member
I Highly (pardon the pun) reccomend my light set up it works wonders and adding lights from underneath can't hurt either.


Well-Known Member
Do not light your plant from underneath. The leaves are not made to receive light from that direction. Side lighting is great but not from the underside. This can cause big problems.


Well-Known Member
My Apologies. I did mean from the side and not directly underneath or pointing UP. Some times I think one thing and write something else dee dee dee


Well-Known Member
If you want you can try cutting a straw and using that to prop those sprouts up until the fan gets them strong enough to stand on their own.


Well-Known Member
Im not stalking you Mogie, I am just bored sitting here working and needed to multitask Im me on AOL if you ever wanna talk. my SN is same as here.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, thanks so much for fast reply and input, and i did mean leafs not leave for the record.... i go and buys some more tubs today and trow them under, i havent been using a fan at all as its not warm in the room i got it in, but as advised its provids movment so i will also get a couple fan today to... thanks once again for all your input...Regards Dazman (Down Under Australia)