And Boom Goes the Dynamite.


Active Member
Alright time for me to unload my thoughts into this thread. I get stoned all day and think way to much and sometime I just need to unload my thoughts. Here I go, prepare to be amazed.......or most likely bored and pissed off you finished the whole thing.

Population 6 910 000 000. This is the estimate population of the world. A lot of people, and it only grows, never is there a year it decreases. It is estimate to be between 7.5 to 10.5 billion by 2050. This makes me think where will everyone go. If nothing is done here the world will eventually be overpopulated. So sometime in the future they will eventually make worldwide laws, regarding the birth of new children. Why wait, we should be doing this now.

Ive said before, we need to have some sorta of application process, in order to have a child, and failure to do so will result in your child being taking for adoption, and possible jail time/fines. If you can't afford and properly raise a child, then sorry you don't get one. That how it works with everything else in life why not children. Stop sending food to starving countries, and start sending condoms and birth control. Make a drug that will make men sterile and give them that. Then feed then. And when natural disasters happen, maybe thats the earth saying we are pushing it to the limits.

Everyone is all help Japan, my thoughts, the population of Japan is 2009 was 127 076 183, and since the tsunami and earthquake, about 40 000 are dead and missing. That is 0.032% of their population. So in perspective to me that is not that many, and what do you expect anyways, you live on an island, surrounded by ocean with 127 076 183 people. Things like this will happen and continue to happen, and what the whole world should feel sorry for you and help you to fix everything. No you made the choice to live there and you know the possible chances of disaster. This goes for more then just Japan, there are many places in the world where things are more likely to go wrong, and when it does go wrong, they always expect help from others. If you put yourself in the way of harm, you should not be surprised when something like this happens. And now because they for some reason thought it was a good idea to put a nuclear plant, in a area prone for earthquakes and tsunamis, the rest of the world must suffer the after effects. Who knows what will be the final outcome with all the radiation leaking, and how it will effect our world. So I'm sorry Japan but you made your own bed, and now you have to lay in it.

Also look at the population per square mile for some countries. Examples-
-Hong Kong 16 44 -Macau 48 003
-Singapore 18 513 -South Korea 1233
-USA 83 -Canada 8.8
I live in Canada, and I like my space. And when these other countries run out of room and resources, where will they come, oh wait they already are coming over to USA and Canada. I have visited some of these over populated countries, and I never want Canada to be like that. I like my four bedroom house with only 2 people living in it. I hope I never live in a day where Canada has some 48 003 people per square mile. How does you country get to be that way. The world is sure to run out of resources if this continues. And the first to go will be fresh water. Look now, already the USA does not have enough water in many different parts of the country, and is taking water from Canada. Thats no problem, but if the populations continue to grow and grow, where will Canada take the water from. Were all fucked then, no water, no life, and most of all no weed. Well thats it for now maybe ill add on later.


Pickle Queen
Birth control and condoms should be given out for free all around the world.
I would love to hear how "they" would decide who gets to breed??
What if your born in " one of those countries" was that your choice? not really, but weird thing is my man and i had a similar discussion today, i watched a show the other night that showed how people live in japan, well tokyo, they build homes in 10 foot spaces between 2 other buildings double the size and twice the age. All these people living like ants all above and under each other with no escape if shit happens. I dont know how people could live an be happy like this???
I also live in a rural canadian town that has a population of 900, i have more acres then i care to explore, but i need my space!!!
Unlike yourself i feel bad for everyone hurt in the tsumani, i don't think of it as population control, and WE are the people that will feel the impact also, give it a few months


Well-Known Member
I agree completely with you Burnout, that there is drastic overpopulation. I really don't care enough though to try to prevent the poor from multiplying, and limiting the kids everyone else can have. Life always seems to find a way bro. Don't think that our current species of humans is the "end-all" of evolution man! No, I think eventually nature will take care of our population issue itself (probably by radiation from these god damn overpowered political pussies blowing up other overpowered political pussies). Only the select group of humans that were genetically resistant to radiation would survive. Ta-da!

Now you can be amazed. And it allows you to be completely lazy about stopping the growth of population. But on a serious note, much love to Japan.


Active Member
I'M NOT READING ALL THAT SHIT! Just kidding, I actually will, I'm just not reading it until I get high. It sounded interesting from the first few words, lol... so I restrained. I can give you a more legitimate analysis from my point of view if stoned, aha. Then maybe I'll dig up something I've pondered high & post it, Hell -- if I don't reply to this thread, then I got hella stoned -- be back in twenty.


Active Member
Unfortunately, you pulled me in, started off hot, but then imo started to stray. Population problem? Yes, but a solution isn't as easy as your suggestion. It never is, if it was, politicians would look like Gods instead of Crooks. The politics of it all is what makes it complicating, you can't just say 'if you have a kid it'll be taken, you'll be fined, jailed, hung, blah blah blah' TO YOU that sounds perfect! But TO OTHER people, it may not sound perfect, because everyone see's it differently & in short, what makes your solution right over a million other peoples? Furthermore, to say that Japan is 'x' amount of population & only 'x' amount was wiped out, is unfair. I'm not usually one to back up a rights group or something stupid, but this isn't about that, first of all you can't use they're population size against them, not they're fault they have a country big enough to hold 'x' amount of people if not more.

If a natural disaster happened in your state or area & wiped out only 5% of the state, but in that 5% was your community & your family died, your kids died, but you lived... would it be just 5% then? So why is it for Japan & they're victims? Think about how bad that sounds. Who said THEY put themselves in any life-threatening situation? I have family in both Hawaii & California, I was born in CA & almost 75% of this state is infected with major fault lines that can do some SERIOUS damage in the event of an earthquake. Am I at fault because for the first 16, 18 years of my life I was RAISED in this country, this state, but I put myself in this situation? Even as an adult, who says I have the finances in this downed economy to move to another state or 'start over' somewhere else when half the states in unemployment? THEY didn't necessarily put themselves in a life-threatening situation therefore deserved death if death just so happened to occur. Come on...

...should I even continue? Lol. Good read though, Hell just rambling myself now.

EDIT; Going by the burnout theory I suppose most of Hawaii will deserve death if a volcano just so happened to fuck them all up? Lol... just taking jabs.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention San Fransisco is about to get hit with an earthquake too. All4 corners of the same plate have been rocked in the last two years, except SanFran. It's a coming.


Active Member
Not to mention San Fransisco is about to get hit with an earthquake too. All4 corners of the same plate have been rocked in the last two years, except SanFran. It's a coming.
Yeah, I know, look how much damage the 1989 quake did, that's what I'm saying, almost all places have margin for natural disaster. One can argue & say, 'there is enough safe places for people to live if they chose to...' but WHAT IF everyone took your advice & moved to a safe zone where natural disaster possibilities were low... you'd have some overly crowded fucking cities/counties. No doubt. Trust me, that's no way to live...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
thomas malthus had this shit pegged and he's been dead forever. long story short, humanity and nature will dystroy plenty of us long before we are that overpopulated. nuclear war here, earthquake there, some AIDS over there, it's fine. besides, in the event that we did overpopulate we would kill each other off until there were enough resources again. nature is more efficiant than we give it credit for.


Active Member
If a natural disaster happened in your state or area & wiped out only 5% of the state, but in that 5% was your community & your family died, your kids died, but you lived... would it be just 5% then? So why is it for Japan & they're victims? Think about how bad that sounds. Who said THEY put themselves in any life-threatening situation? I have family in both Hawaii & California, I was born in CA & almost 75% of this state is infected with major fault lines that can do some SERIOUS damage in the event of an earthquake. Am I at fault because for the first 16, 18 years of my life I was RAISED in this country, this state, but I put myself in this situation? Even as an adult, who says I have the finances in this downed economy to move to another state or 'start over' somewhere else when half the states in unemployment? THEY didn't necessarily put themselves in a life-threatening situation therefore deserved death if death just so happened to occur. Come on....
For me yes it would still be 5%, I must of been missing a chromosome or something, because death to me doesn't matter. I have had close friends and family die, and life goes on. I know it sorta of sounds harsh but I don't have a sad emotion. Death happens and there is nothing you can do about it, why get all sad. When I die I would want my friends and family to be happy, I lived, I enjoyed my life and if I were to die today, I wouldn't be sad, angry, I probably wouldn't be anything but the same old me. This fear of death controls peoples life, you will never achieve complete happiness if you are afraid of death. And we need death or else we would be very overpopulated.

Back to my original topic, who says they put themselves in any serious life threatening problem, I do. This is a small island, surrounded by the ocean, and on the equator. These three attributes contribute to a high risk living area. And by living there you are putting yourself at risk. So by living in one of these areas, I'm sorry but I feel no emotion for you, and don't think other people should now have to support you because you made this choice to live in this area. Thats like me building my house on the top of a volcano, I've been told this volcano has been dormant for the past years, but there is still a risk it might go off. But I take the chance and build my house. A year goes by and BAM, volcano goes off, my house is destroyed and family is dead. Now I want you to pay for my new house, my food, clothing, and shelter until everything is back to normal. To me sounds pretty stupid. There are people who have nothing, live on the streets, and not many people help them. And why is this, because we believe this person has made some bad decisions in life and they do not deserve our money that we have worked for. So in short we don't support them because they made the decision that have gotten them their. Sound familiar. And yes children do not have the choice where they live, but there parents have made the choice for them to be raised in a area prone to disaster, so i guess you can feel sorry for the kids, but not because of the disaster but because their parents have made this poor choice.

And yes there can be other factors keeping a person in one location, and that location might of been where they were born and they never had the option of leaving. To them maybe I could feel some grief for, but not much. I understand there is a recession going on, here in Canada I do not notice it to much within my friends and family, but in the USA I understand it is still a big problem. And why is this, overpopulation and over immigration. Maybe the solution for the recession is population control, if we start now 20-30 years from now recession should be a forgotten term. Also contributing to this problem is them lack of education in the USA. I think its time to put down the big macs and time to pick up some books. And for the parents of this new generation of idiots, what the hell is your problem. Never in my lifetime would I have a child, if I could not afford or properly raise one. And yes some births are accidental but most can be prevented, and there is always adoption or abortion. Its these undereducated idiots that keep multiplying that will end the world. In no time there will be no smart people, we will all be obese idiots, and then someone will try to do something about it. But to late sorry.

And no I do not want everyone running to this safe zone. I again enjoy my space and don't wanna live in a box. I'm just saying that if you live in these places you should not rely on the world to help you out when the shit hits the fan.

Well I went on there for awhile again. Might of missed some things though so might have to post again.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
...And no I do not want everyone running to this safe zone. I again enjoy my space and don't wanna live in a box. I'm just saying that if you live in these places you should not rely on the world to help you out when the shit hits the fan...

we can't all live in a corn field in iowa. following your logic there is only about 5% of the earth even suitable for habitation and anyone who lives elsewhere is asking for it. to your own point there are just too many people to concentrate everyone in the "safety areas" so SOMEONE is going to have to live on the island surrounded by ocean on the equator. i hear your point though. sort of.


Active Member
we can't all live in a corn field in iowa. following your logic there is only about 5% of the earth even suitable for habitation and anyone who lives elsewhere is asking for it. to your own point there are just too many people to concentrate everyone in the "safety areas" so SOMEONE is going to have to live on the island surrounded by ocean on the equator. i hear your point though. sort of.
I'm not saying everyone should live in the safe area. I live far north Alberta, Canada. And I would love to move to California, and I would but getting a visa to live there seemed impossible. But if I did move there and a earthquake hit and destroyed my house and everyone around me, I wouldn't be asking people for money, I knew the risk in moving there and I will deal with the problem myself. People feeling sorry for me would be a waste of emotion, even say I lost both my legs when it happened. And take Japan if they would of followed like China use to and have laws and how many children you can have, then there wouldn't be so many people on one island, and maybe when disaster struck the damage would be far less, maybe even low enough that the country could support itself.


Active Member
I also at times wonder if all these vaccination conspiracies are true, and that this New World Order is drugging everyone to try to control population. Which may sound like a bad thing, but in reality would be very smart. A topic like this will always have to be done secretly because I don't see people signing up to become sterile. But it does need to be done, if they could make a third of the worlds population sterile, the world population would decrease by major numbers. And being sterile ain't so bad, you can always adopt, or stay childless forever, think of the money you would save. Sounds like it could solve the population issue and the recession.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying everyone should live in the safe area. I live far north Alberta, Canada. And I would love to move to California, and I would but getting a visa to live there seemed impossible. But if I did move there and a earthquake hit and destroyed my house and everyone around me, I wouldn't be asking people for money, I knew the risk in moving there and I will deal with the problem myself. People feeling sorry for me would be a waste of emotion, even say I lost both my legs when it happened. And take Japan if they would of followed like China use to and have laws and how many children you can have, then there wouldn't be so many people on one island, and maybe when disaster struck the damage would be far less, maybe even low enough that the country could support itself.

that logic is just convoluted. people should not be helped based on how well they "prepared" for a disaster. shit can happen anywhere anytime, and sometimes you can prepare and sometimes you can't. choosing to move away from one's lifetime home does NOT fall under preparedness unless they live in an igloo in antarctica. so if a mysterious pandemic disease broke out that could ONLY be cured by special coral or something that only occurs in the sea in say, okinawa, would you then be saying, "oh well, africans. that's what you get for living in africa. you should have been smart and prepared like us. no japanese coral for you. "? that makes no sense. it's basically a different spin on a hoarding mentality. hoarding to excess has no place in a civilized society. that's why we have imports/exports and trade. you can live there, i can live here, and we can still both have everything we need. one person is not more deserving of another because of where they choose (or don't choose) to live.


Well-Known Member
Eugenics much? lol

If all the 3rd world countries were livable. I.E. If North America, Europe and china and shit DIDNT have all the fucking "wealth." Then other countries wouldnt be living in squalor and would be able to take care of this "problem" of life. hah But being an elite or super-rich w/ influence you most likely tend to want to keep that position and not allow others to usurp. So yah population control and keeping 3rd world Countries the way they are now is the way to go if you like to keep us everyone in "their" positions..

But until capitalism and greed influencing power structures have been destroyed then nothing will come of it.. other than your fucking sick ass perspective controlling everyones life giving capabilities.

THEN theres also all the desert's and unlivable places in the world which up until the past few years people have found out how to start bringing life to these desolate places for people to live in. Rewilding projects and such. That and fully sustainable villages, town and homes.

But hey "to each his own" <-- That quote will probably destroy this world.


Active Member
For me yes it would still be 5%, I must of been missing a chromosome or something, because death to me doesn't matter. I have had close friends and family die, and life goes on. I know it sorta of sounds harsh but I don't have a sad emotion. Death happens and there is nothing you can do about it, why get all sad. When I die I would want my friends and family to be happy, I lived, I enjoyed my life and if I were to die today, I wouldn't be sad, angry, I probably wouldn't be anything but the same old me. This fear of death controls peoples life, you will never achieve complete happiness if you are afraid of death. And we need death or else we would be very overpopulated.
I hear you on that, I'm sort of the same way. I completely agree with you 100% on how you view it, why get sad, we all die, we all know we will. BUT like I said, that's YOUR VIEW, YOUR OPINION, NOT EVERYONE'S & what makes YOUR view anymore important then his, or hers, or them? Nothing. We don't all live by Burnout's views so in reality, it doesn't matter if it's only death to you, to other people it's more then death, to others it's fear, it's what makes us different. Like I said, I agree with you fully on your view but that's just me, doesn't mean I'm right nor wrong. So first, understand that. Thanks. Moving on...

Back to my original topic, who says they put themselves in any serious life threatening problem, I do. This is a small island, surrounded by the ocean, and on the equator. These three attributes contribute to a high risk living area. And by living there you are putting yourself at risk. So by living in one of these areas, I'm sorry but I feel no emotion for you, and don't think other people should now have to support you because you made this choice to live in this area.
...Your just rehashing what you've already said & I already explained.
Thats like me building my house on the top of a volcano, I've been told this volcano has been dormant for the past years, but there is still a risk it might go off. But I take the chance and build my house. A year goes by and BAM, volcano goes off, my house is destroyed and family is dead. Now I want you to pay for my new house, my food, clothing, and shelter until everything is back to normal. To me sounds pretty stupid.
It probably sounds stupid to you because, your stupid, with all due respect. 100% of the residents in that country were born into those buildings, houses, etc. they have been there forever now. So, actually, it WASN'T them who built they're homes there, it was the government & people BEFORE them. Every country has a government that they follow for the most part, if that government makes stupid mistakes that isn't your fault. Understand? Your making it sound way worse then it is with your phantom analogy because the fact of the matter is, I'll guarantee not one resident of Japan was given a choice & told 'If you build here you might die, but you can build somewhere safer if you like?' No, no options, government said put this or that there & it happened.
There are people who have nothing, live on the streets, and not many people help them. And why is this, because we believe this person has made some bad decisions in life and they do not deserve our money that we have worked for. So in short we don't support them because they made the decision that have gotten them their. Sound familiar. And yes children do not have the choice where they live, but there parents have made the choice for them to be raised in a area prone to disaster, so i guess you can feel sorry for the kids, but not because of the disaster but because their parents have made this poor choice.
Now you guess feel sorry for the kids? Remember, you don't show emotion, you don't care... stick with YOUR facts. Don't feel sorry for anyone.
And no I do not want everyone running to this safe zone. I again enjoy my space and don't wanna live in a box. I'm just saying that if you live in these places you should not rely on the world to help you out when the shit hits the fan.

Well I went on there for awhile again. Might of missed some things though so might have to post again.
Okay, you said it yourself, you don't want people boxing you in, so don't preach what you don't want. Simple. According to the Burnout theory, you deserve whatever happens in these risk areas, which like mentioned, 90% if not more of this world has high risk factors of anything from storm, flood, hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, tornado, the list goes on, but... here's one thing you can't dispute [which is pretty much all this] -- ultimately MOTHER NATURE is what decides if we live/die in where we live. So, the only way we can survive LONGER is to lend a hand to one in need, be treated like you'd want to be treated. Race doesn't exist & countries can be considered races in a way, but when one country needs help, you drop your title as THE U.S., CANADA, or whatever & you lend your hand, just like a white dude lending a hand to a black one in need of help. So no, helping Japan is not anything to look down upon. I wouldn't look down upon my child if she were helping another kid off the floor. Would you? Only way were going to progress in this world is with teamwork, just like anything in life, having a team makes it easier.

So... yeah, you missed some things, so I posted again. :joint: