MDPV, Screw all the hate on it


Well-Known Member
did mdpv today comin down now, did way to much, dont really wanna talk about it man. Gave it another chance but this shit really bites me


Well-Known Member
well I tried a more pure form of mdpv today and I can say true that man its not that bad at all! (Yes thats a geeked out sentence but ive been talkin like that all day hehe damn I just type/say what I think no filter whatsoever it feels pretty liberating) its like I accept the fact that ive been caring way to much about drugs and just makes me wanna move on in my life. Yes there isnt an overload of euphoria but I look at mdpv much more like coffee or a tool. even though it geeks you out like coke you just dont get that "oh fuck yeah" feeling your more like yeah whatever happens is cool with me where coke im more thinking like damn I gotta make shit happen now this is gonna be an epic night. God I can see some good with this drug but only when its all thats available. I dont say that about how can I explain how I classify mdpv, low class, feigny substitutes for highs that just dont compare. But mdpv does the job pretty well to give you a slight coke/rittalin/adderall/ kinda speed high but is a tad bit to speedy/geeked out for me. It is a good self reflection tool as well as motivator. (if what your doing is going to help you in the end especially) This is a damn long rant but I can see a lot of power in mdpv be it good or bad or a mixture of the two. Bottomline its to morish and may be good for drug therapy to teach people self control since it does have a short term bite when you get stupid with it rather than hurting you down the road with the pocketbooks. I think its gonna take a lot of practice to use this drug and not abuse it. Now that I think about it like other people say its prolly more like meth than coke the high is not as high as coke, or mdma, but feels pretty good and ide say the come down is worse ( I did to much and said some things I regret) ok very sorry bout the geeked out rant but yeah this is the end I promise I will force myself to stop acting on my impulse to communicate about deep important things but take this as a trip report from someone with a very open mind about all drugs (and everything in general) and it is not like all the "hate on mdpv" if you absolutley love being fucked up. If your really picky and have heard negative things it will play into your pickyness and you will feel exactly how you will, If you take control of the situation and turn the energy and geekyness into something positive. LOL this post has been sitting here and I feel silly and very annoying but im gonna post it anyways just to show you how this shit geeks you out lol. btw im feeling a little empty and sad on the comedown but that is expected.


Well-Known Member
btw my first post was how I was feeling at the time forget about that cuz it was just a very low time period in the comedown. I railed another line and wrote the rant. I would say this drug is very emotionaly unhealthy and confusing due to the complex varieties of sensations, revalations, and then feeling druged and stupid.


Well-Known Member
it is positive for me in the end cuz its kinda like a wake up call that I need to have more self respect and that ive been a slave to drugs for some time now and will try to use them in a more responsible, less selfish way. (cocaine, opiates) but my use of phycodelics have been pure and for the right reason. I guess the more you do high quality positive (non-addicting) pphycodelics the more you will be likely to use drugs in a positive way and do things for your own good (character, personality enhancing) The more I do bad drugs cocaine, opiates the lower I become and the more clouded my thoughts are. I need to start livin in the real world, feeling real pain, and instead of sinking lower do things and spend my time making good choices and keeping positive. And start eating more food lol


Well-Known Member
Use it thoroughly and regularly and come back and judge. ;)

same thing I was thinking. Until your addicted you dont let yourself believe its happening because you love getting high. Thats how I am anyways, I knew subconciously that pills were not good for my life, but I loved the high more than I cared about my life I guess. I always thought I was different than everybody and thats why I used drugs, and also thought thats why I would not get burnt. But I guess Im not that different than other people its just that I cant see them from the inside and cant see myself from the outside.


New Member
Lol grow i cant read that all tonite bout to hit the hay but i will tomorrow nite on my first 4mmc since like end of janurary. Should be a great read.

Glad you feel the same way as i do. It really is a drug of mental clarity to say the least
dude i just tryed this stuff for the first time tonight about a half hour ago and it seems legit. i was going to get a couple g's of coke but the coke my dude has right now is only like a 50/50 mix and its just not worth it. so some friends and i just got this stuff and it does the job. as for it being cheaper puffer fish, its not, at least not in washington. a gram of coke goes for about 40 bucks or so here and these "bath salts" (aka mdpv) are 15 bucks for .25grams. there are 3 different ranges of potency you can get we got the mid grade for 15 bucks per .25 g's. the low grade is 10 for .25 and the high grade called charlie sheen lol, goes for 25 bucks per .25grams. but all in all i agree with timeismoney. dont do it all the time, just like you shouldnt do coke all the time. but when the streets are dry by you and you cant get blow, give this shit a try. good times and i dont seem to have the parinoid anxtious feeling i get with good coke. also if people are still reading this any idea if it shows up on a regular piss test?