The Water from My Dehumidifier, Is It Good for Anything?


Well-Known Member
I get about 3 gallons a day not sure the PH I grow in soil and was wondering if this could be used for anything for the grow. Can I water with it? Can I flush with it? Maybe for bug spray? Any suggestions?
It's def safe, I use it and have even tested it with my handy ph/tds/ec reader and it's always neutral and 0 ppm for me. I grow mostly with soil as well.


Well-Known Member
Mine reads 0 PPM but I wasn't sure what the PH was. I think I will bring a sample to the hydro store and see what the PH is. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
i did it one time and all 6 of my gals died. honest truth not to discourage you. If so many people are doinf it, I might have done somthing wrong on my end.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
You can use it to folliar because it has little to know solids. Clones need distilled and so so seedlings, but watch the PH. Thats what might have killed his plants.


Well-Known Member
i did it one time and all 6 of my gals died. honest truth not to discourage you. If so many people are doinf it, I might have done somthing wrong on my end.
A guy posted on a forum that he had a generator with a lot of fuel and wanted to drink water from his dehumidifier in case of an emergency. He did a trial run and got sick as a dog. The consensus was that the air has a lot of pollen, spores, viruses, dust, etc and that drinking water that was condensed from it is a very bad idea. If water is not safe for us to drink, it is not safe for our plants. Maybe you can do it and get away with it, but how much are you really saving and is it worth the risk? Just something to think about.


New Member
Hey there buddy. First of all guys and plants are 2 diffrent species, are you aware of that? All that stuff collected from the dehumidifier should definetly be used. If you have a "perfect room" then there is no reason why that water could not be used.


Well-Known Member
Hey there buddy. First of all guys and plants are 2 diffrent species, are you aware of that? All that stuff collected from the dehumidifier should definetly be used. If you have a "perfect room" then there is no reason why that water could not be used.
No, I didn't know that plants and people are different.
I have always heard experienced growers say "If the water is safe for us to drink, it is safe for our plants", so you would think the opposite would also be true. Maybe you can use the water you collect and not have a problem, but that is why I asked the question, is it really worth the risk? I mean, how much does a few gallons of water cost you? Are you willing to take a chance just to save a few pennies? I pull 5 gallons from my RO in 30 minutes, so using water that could potentially harm my plants sounds silly. I know that a lot of people don't care and use that water w/o problems, so do what works for you.


Well-Known Member
Runoff from roofs generally has very low ppm and perfect pH, but it also contains highly volatile chemicals. Personally I would not go risking it, but then again I have been self-educated by a history of massive fuck-ups. Do as you will.

EDIT: May be viable as bongwater.


Well-Known Member
Been using mine for a couple of years with no ill effects. PH is around 6.2 if I recall. This is pure water with 0 salts. Therefore it can't react with the metals in the dehumidifiers condenser which are copper aluminum and silver solder. Pretty much the same materials used in most water delivery systems.


New Member
well its not safe to drink which someones friend decided to find out for themselves above - it is said to be good to use for watering plants but I have never done so because it could have metals in it (the same reasons its not safe for us to drink) - there has been studies done on this and the conclusion is that its not safe for humans but its okay for a house plant ("HOUSE PLANT" AKA SOMETHING YOU DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT THATS NEGLECTED ANYWAY) This is why I don't use it to water my mj plants personally - I did however do it one time when I was out of RO water and had a thirsty plant and experienced no ill effect.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't drink mine only because it's a little funky! If the dehuey was clean, maybe. There's really nothing the mater is exposed to that isn't already part of the water delivery system.