The Real Truth about Rootbound and Transplanting

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
that is so badass man! glad this thread as inspired some people to do some cool/dif shit in their grows. ive just started my first hydro grow 5gal res and they havent died yet!! lol. keep us informed when you see something weird in the growth bro. heres an update on the little one i transplanted. not even a full 3 days since transplant.

3days prior

3 days later


pretty excited about being able to show everyone the difference in growth, color, and vigor of the plants when forced to grow in rootbound conditions


Active Member
This thread is more than a forum flame for me. I've been working on a vertical farm concept for three years. And, rootbound plants are a major concern for this type of farming system

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
since ill be attempting to make this kind of thing my career, i would def be interested in all the hydro root constriction experiments you can get going. i know for commercial growing i will NEED to have a hydro system... but for my personal im sticking with soil yum yum.


Well-Known Member
Root constriction hydro experiment: Two water farms. One WF is standard '2 gal res'. The 2nd has the bottom cut off and is anchored in a 12-14 gallon tote. So, the 2nd WF will have up to 7 times more volume. Both will have a clone of same strain and be close to the exact same size. I will be adding air stones to the 2nd WF to try and equal the air distribution of the 1st. As well, the nute mix will be equal. I will not go over 800 ppm on either set-up, this should rule out nute burn issues.

This is not a exacting experiment, and will take months for any type of results. I'm just trying to get a ballpark idea.

My assumption is that growth should slow on the 1st WF within 120 days. Another assumption is that I'm going to have a monster of a mom in the 2nd WF :)

Rootbound in soil grows and in hydro grows are 2 different animals....I have rarely seen hydro show the same signs as dirt in the same amount of time

Thats still a cool experiment to see what you get.....right on bro:)

since ill be attempting to make this kind of thing my career, i would def be interested in all the hydro root constriction experiments you can get going. i know for commercial growing i will NEED to have a hydro system... but for my personal im sticking with soil yum yum.
In colorado we have medical grows.....hydro produces more weight but the taste is something to be desired...dirt grows produce tastier nuggs especially in a volcano

grow space

Well-Known Member
i know for commercial growing i will NEED to have a hydro system... but for my personal im sticking with soil yum yum.
what ?! you dont need hydro for commercial growing ! soil works also very fine for that matter !!! soils is as same good maybe even better in taste and all organic!


Well-Known Member
Apperently im an idiot for calling out an asshole in defense to the OP.

Hubert..Your a dick.
Why don't you try posting something helpful and I won't point out the obvious, you came in here and called me a dick for disagreeing for misinformation. You however seem to blindly agree, and even go beyond that to make an uncalled for remark at my expense. It also seems like you haven't added anything to this thread whatsoever, besides inane comments. You probably have 279 posts of pure, unsifted bullshit. Just like you make a new post to tell everyone I called you an idiot, everyone already knew so there's another useless post for you...congratulations, maybe with enough of them people will forget what a shameless newb you really are. Maybe next time read the post before you add your two cents, or maybe just do us all a favor and keep your stupidity to yourself.

You're a fucktard FriendlyGuy, you think you called me out? I posted to the contrary of the OP, yes, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth to defend incorrect information just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.

Try posting some information that would prove me wrong, name calling doesn't win arguments.....fucktard!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you try posting something helpful and I won't point out the obvious, you came in here and called me a dick for disagreeing for misinformation. You however seem to blindly agree, and even go beyond that to make an uncalled for remark at my expense. It also seems like you haven't added anything to this thread whatsoever, besides inane comments. You probably have 279 posts of pure, unsifted bullshit. Just like you make a new post to tell everyone I called you an idiot, everyone already knew so there's another useless post for you...congratulations, maybe with enough of them people will forget what a shameless newb you really are. Maybe next time read the post before you add your two cents, or maybe just do us all a favor and keep your stupidity to yourself.

You're a fucktard FriendlyGuy, you think you called me out? I posted to the contrary of the OP, yes, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth to defend incorrect information just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.

Try posting some information that would prove me wrong, name calling doesn't win arguments.....fucktard!
You just said the same thing.. multiple times. and I love how you had to say "Probably" in this "You probably have 279 posts of pure, unsifted bullshit."
And na I contribute but I click on threads first to see if its interesting and something I can learn from, but in this case I saw a good thread with a fuckin asshole so i called him out, and since it was a good thread I decided to read on, now im at the end I LOVE the experiments going on, I think its VERY cool and totally Uncovers all the LITTLE changes big time growers conveniently leave out when they start preaching what they do, so I find it interesting catching them on that, for example Jorge Cervantes I know leaves shit out,

BUT! I dont blame them, why the fuck would anyone straight up tell the world ALL their secrets.. than there would be nothing to make them special.

"You're a fucktard FriendlyGuy, you think you called me out? I posted to the contrary of the OP, yes, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth to defend incorrect information just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry."

You're a fucktard Hubert, you think you called me out? I posted my opinion of what some bitch said to the OP who is putting up USEFUL GREAT information, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth and trying to call me out on supporting great information, and putting 'fucktards' like you in their place just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.


Well-Known Member
[/B]You're a fucktard Hubert, you think you called me out? I posted my opinion of what some bitch said to the OP who is putting up USEFUL GREAT information, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth and trying to call me out on supporting great information, and putting 'fucktards' like you in their place just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.
I don't think you actually read your way through this thread, you would have noticed how the original information was later disproved. So nice try 'calling me out' but sorry to say that the information in the original posts wasn't entirely accurate, and even the OP has since reworded his information. You think you're catching experienced growers leaving out information in this thread? Experienced growers posted in this thread, what information are they leaving out exactly? The general idea here is to share information, not blindly agree with the OP. People like you ruin places like this, at least get your facts straight before trying to 'call me out' :lol:

You really think you put me in my place? I think you just made yourself sound like an even bigger idiot, now you're basically saying that you know better than experienced growers. Of course people leave stuff out when others won't even accept the information they give, why would anyone waste their time on someone like you? You obviously don't read everything before you post in a thread, and then just go about 'calling someone out' without knowing why. So again, I'm an asshole for disagreeing with the OP? I'd hate to think of what would become of forums if we all had to agree with everything someone posts, hopefully you'll never become a mod :lol:

BTW...most of that quote doesn't even make sense. Think before you type.


Well-Known Member
your a fuckin retard. I didnt say people on THESE forums leave shit out. I said the well known names of people who grow, write fuckin books and leave shit out.

"You really think you put me in my place?"
lol I think im just countering everything your saying and winning this arguement :]

Here are the facts and this is why you cant even win against me..

I did nothing but Compliment this thread. its all true and Out there!
And I just called out a dude based on the first page (which i guess is you? I dont really feel the need to look back when it wont benefit me)
AND the post which i called u an asshole, i even had the decency of stating that I will have to read on more and i just wanted to call this guy an asshole cuz he was BASED on what i read in the first post)
You cant disagree with that.. ill even say it again since I guess your mind works by repeating shit over and over (Gosh Your salvia trips must fuckin be crazy)

I went on.. I saw the first post.. i thought it was cool.. i kept reading.. saw some dude talk shit. so I knew since im lit as a mother fucker I might forget to put him down, so I did it as soon as I read it.. and now ur bitching..

So i love this thread.. called a bitch out.. still love this thread.. bitch (you) all of a sudden started ranting about my posts.. (totally off topic) and your the one continuing the arguement.. with more random bullshit.. you just cant win dude.. like.. theres just no way AT ALL.

lmfao im a very honest guy haha if there was a chance that I was wrong with the information I put out there.. id tell ya (and yeah I know u just said u resolved it, BUT If you read what the fuck I write you'd see that I said i only read the first post (since i just clicked the thread) and i commented on what you said because I knew id forget to do it later, so HA bitch back the fuck down.

Strife do you think im wrong for that bro?

Instead of having Huberty decide we need an outside source, so I want the OP's decision on this to see who the REAL winner is!

Me- The guy who loves this thread and defends people instead of being a quiet bitch.

OR (Hubert Which I am now going to call Puberty) Hubert---Huberty----Puberty. xD
Puberty- The faggit who coulda just said "oh hey Friendly I know you called me a bitch (cuz i am) but I just wanted to say me and Strife worked out the problem, BUT instead he TRYS to put me down and goes on rambling about other shit which I believe sounds like a Personal Problem on his part. :]


would really like a comment from someone who actually has experimented/taken pics and documented the differences between growing a plant that is rootbound and transplanting a plant correctly. if you havent, then you should really take this information into consideration. you can increase your yield tremendously.
Wow...I just happen to have a great example (with pictures) of rootbound plants. I purchased a large number of GrandDaddyPurple clones, and put 18 in my car and 6 went with a partner of mine. He said he wanted to watch them grow, and I wanted him to learn a bit, so I left him care instructions and told him I would come by in two weeks. This is what I picked up Friday (two days ago)...Rootbound Clone.jpg

What he did:
Kept it in the same 16 ounce cup the cloner had it in... until 5 days ago (the day I told him I would be by soon to pick it up)
Fed it Fox Farm Nutes.
Talked to it. Got high...talked to it some more...
Told me that when he transplanted it 5 days ago the roots looked like a hockey puck at the bottom. He had to pick and break it up as described in this post. Put it in the green pot you see in the picture...
Now what I did:
Came home and repotted the clone into a seriously hot organic soil of my own mix...It in my other posts...within about an hour of getting home.
Put it outside in a spot that got small amounts of morning sun for 3 days. Its been cold here (50's to 60's) most days, and warm on the others.
Put it in full sun spot on day 4.
Watered it with just tap water that sits in a barrel for de-chlorination. I fed with MaxSea (1/4- 1/2 strength) once per week.
And I never let the roots touch the pot!

Sister plants. Cut the same day, but don't look anything like each other. Soils are different, yes, and one was indoors and one was out...But he got 20/4 sun, and I got natural sun in a cold rainy week (oh shit they even got hailed on!) I think the difference is getting them in a 1 gallon pot EARLY with good soil. This plant will go in the ground in 3 days and that will be only the 2nd, and last transplant.

Once you get a root-bound cluster, you lose about 2 weeks of growth as the plant cycles back to repairing its structure below ground. I'll confirm this in two weeks when I get his plants to the size of mine.

A last word on this picture that is not confirmed, but highly suspected...And I'll put it in this post because it is a variable. My friend went to the hydroponics store and bought $160 worth of nutrient stuff. Liquid Light, Fox Farms, and a couple of other brands that pretty much all did the same thing. I think his personality type lent itself to over-feeding. Pay attention to the container, the soil in the container, and the light. Everything else will follow. My personal belief (developed from reading several uber-gurus advice on this forum) is get a GREAT soil mix, along with dilute nutes for weekly or bi-weekly feedings. I have bat guano, chicken manure, organics, peat, blood meal, and garden mix in my pots. PH is 6.8 . PH is always 6.8. PH doesn't wreck havoc on my grow. At Flowering, I will plow in powdered bone meal and use an organic bloom food (weakened) so that I don't burn anything up at this critical juncture. This way, when I get spots, curl, wilt or anything wierd, my mind immediately goes to either a)lack or excess of water or b) bugs. It sure makes my mind feel better...
I think I'll ramble more on this subject in another post...


Well-Known Member
your a fuckin retard. I didnt say people on THESE forums leave shit out. I said the well known names of people who grow, write fuckin books and leave shit out.

"You really think you put me in my place?"
lol I think im just countering everything your saying and winning this arguement :]

Here are the facts and this is why you cant even win against me..

I did nothing but Compliment this thread. its all true and Out there!
And I just called out a dude based on the first page (which i guess is you? I dont really feel the need to look back when it wont benefit me)
AND the post which i called u an asshole, i even had the decency of stating that I will have to read on more and i just wanted to call this guy an asshole cuz he was BASED on what i read in the first post)
You cant disagree with that..
Actually it's easy to see the problem with're supporting misinformation, calling me out based on me telling the OP that his 'facts' were subjective at best, and you're calling me an asshole for presenting an opposing argument.

You're a child, if it wasn't clear before is certainly is now. Try to at least think your arguments through before publicly posting them, and try not to sound so sure of yourself when you're point is so scattered.

And I'm an asshole for disagreeing with the OP? That's your official standpoint? At least find a reason with some validity, I mean this is just lazy on your part.

god dam bro those look fucking good man. keep it up
Hey what do you know? Another meaningless post.


Well-Known Member
lmfao im a very honest guy haha if there was a chance that I was wrong with the information I put out there.. id tell ya (and yeah I know u just said u resolved it, BUT If you read what the fuck I write you'd see that I said i only read the first post (since i just clicked the thread) and i commented on what you said because I knew id forget to do it later, so HA bitch back the fuck down.

Strife do you think im wrong for that bro?

Instead of having Huberty decide we need an outside source, so I want the OP's decision on this to see who the REAL winner is!

Me- The guy who loves this thread and defends people instead of being a quiet bitch.

OR (Hubert Which I am now going to call Puberty) Hubert---Huberty----Puberty. xD
Puberty- The faggit who coulda just said "oh hey Friendly I know you called me a bitch (cuz i am) but I just wanted to say me and Strife worked out the problem, BUT instead he TRYS to put me down and goes on rambling about other shit which I believe sounds like a Personal Problem on his part. :]
Anyone want to start a pool? I'm gonna say 14, maybe 15. Hubert to puberty? :lol: Wow kid, good one! Hahaha


Well-Known Member
lol man I wish i was 14 or 15 cuz than thad mean I'd have like.. 3-4 more years of growing until I graduate high school. xD

And im not saying it as a joke, I just dont like to type Hubert cuz it sounds wierd, I noticed you edited your post so i was like.. hmm maybe i should go read mine over to edit as well. and I noticed I typed Huberty on accident.. than I realized if you take on the H and replace with a P its Puberty.. so than at that point I thought... "holy fuckin shit is that where Hubert is trying to get at with that name?"

anyway I just thought Id call you Puberty not as a 'oo0o u just got fuckin burned!!' but more as a "im really fuckin lit and ima call you Puberty"

Anyway stop replying and wait until Strife chooses the winner :] thanks until than say what you want Im not going to acknowledge your posts until I get a reply of the winner from Strife, and if he DOESNT reply to this topic than I guess you wont be hearing from me :] PEACE xD

P.S. I JUST noticed you sent two posts.. but im not going to reply to the one you first typed cuz I REALLY dont wanna make multiple posts flooding Strifes thread, plus I wanna roll a fuckin blunt with my girl right now :]


Well-Known Member
What will the; "winner" get, a coupon for a free meal at Chuck E. Cheese?
When people argue there is usually a superior one, and an inferior one, the winner is considered the Superior :]

And omg man I WISSSSHHH I had a free meal... thats like.. free.. lol and normally free meals from fast food tend to be fuckin b0mb ass good.. than again you kinda needa buy somethin to get another thing for free with coupons.. unless your Taco Bell..

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i think you guys are just plain crazy!!! =P i think we just had a whole lot of disbelief fallowed by miscommunication. i would rather not continue talking about what was, or what will. would much rather focus on now, and about these experiments everyone is now trying with rootbound plants. i want to know your findings your input and how your own personal rootbound experiments are going.

today is day 4 from transplanting, as you can see the "more" rootbound plant in the 16oz cup is starting to yellow, why? im treating her good, watering her perfectly, feeding her perfectly. with the more experienced growers out there, what would do you think im not giving the plant that is making her change color like that? (i personally think im not giving her roots enough space to grow, and that is the cause).. but im open for suggestions and am willing to apply them if it seems like it would make my rootbound plant more healthy without transplanting her.

from my experience, starting by seed, my plants usually get rootbound in 16oz solo cups 8-14 days from sow.



Well-Known Member
What are you feeding them Strife, how much and how often? You shouldn't need to strengthen the mix any, just provide it more often to the smaller of the two plants. You need to carefully walk the line between feeding as much as it needs to stay healthy, and over feeding causing build ups...which can happen quickly in small containers.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
jack classic, and im not feeding her too much, i know that... if i feed her too much it will cause burn. i make sure i get plenty of drainage after every watering in order to get rid of any salt build ups.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Why don't you try posting something helpful and I won't point out the obvious, you came in here and called me a dick for disagreeing for misinformation. You however seem to blindly agree, and even go beyond that to make an uncalled for remark at my expense. It also seems like you haven't added anything to this thread whatsoever, besides inane comments. You probably have 279 posts of pure, unsifted bullshit. Just like you make a new post to tell everyone I called you an idiot, everyone already knew so there's another useless post for you...congratulations, maybe with enough of them people will forget what a shameless newb you really are. Maybe next time read the post before you add your two cents, or maybe just do us all a favor and keep your stupidity to yourself.

You're a fucktard FriendlyGuy, you think you called me out? I posted to the contrary of the OP, yes, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth to defend incorrect information just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.

Try posting some information that would prove me wrong, name calling doesn't win arguments.....fucktard!
You just said the same thing.. multiple times. and I love how you had to say "Probably" in this "You probably have 279 posts of pure, unsifted bullshit."
And na I contribute but I click on threads first to see if its interesting and something I can learn from, but in this case I saw a good thread with a fuckin asshole so i called him out, and since it was a good thread I decided to read on, now im at the end I LOVE the experiments going on, I think its VERY cool and totally Uncovers all the LITTLE changes big time growers conveniently leave out when they start preaching what they do, so I find it interesting catching them on that, for example Jorge Cervantes I know leaves shit out,

BUT! I dont blame them, why the fuck would anyone straight up tell the world ALL their secrets.. than there would be nothing to make them special.

"You're a fucktard FriendlyGuy, you think you called me out? I posted to the contrary of the OP, yes, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth to defend incorrect information just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry."

You're a fucktard Hubert, you think you called me out? I posted my opinion of what some bitch said to the OP who is putting up USEFUL GREAT information, but that doesn't make me an asshole. You opening your mouth and trying to call me out on supporting great information, and putting 'fucktards' like you in their place just makes you look absolutely pathetic, sorry.
Are you guys through?

Knock it off......