The Real Truth about Rootbound and Transplanting

Actually I didn't say it doesn't exist, what I said was that you in particular are using root bound as your scape goat cause you can't see the real problem. There is no way the plants got root bound in a few weeks, I simply don't believe it. I saw the pictures, those plants were not root bound at all, they had a long time to go.

As for your little comments there I'm just gonna let that slide, no stupid names from me there bud...I'm not 15 :clap: Regardless of what you want to believe I've kept plants in cups for over 6 months, if they'd been root bound at three weeks I really doubt they'd last as long as they did in there...something to consider.

Maybe you should take your own advice here, do some more reading and look into what else could cause the problems you seem to have. Turning around and telling me that plants a few weeks old are already root bound is ridiculous.
Ur an idiot cuz I just transplanted my plants a cpl weeks ago and already the roots are growing out the bottom so that just proved your comment on they can't get root boud in a cpl weeks wrong
All of you hating on Strife need to fuck off, obviously he had some one give him false information that ruined one of his yeilds and that would make me angry, so if he wants to do some venting let him and to all of you critisizing his method it just helped me out with some questions I had and isn't that the point of this site?
This one is about 3wks old. And only 6cm tall. It's spent most of its life in this container. Which is 656ml. How tall do you think it'll get to?

I started it as a mystery bean, partycup. Which is planted in super soil and fed bokashi compost juice. The same medium and feed I give my other plants. 1485686458097-2026202417.jpg
This one is about 3wks old. And only 6cm tall. It's spent most of its life in this container. Which is 656ml. How tall do you think it'll get to?

I started it as a mystery bean, partycup. Which is planted in super soil and fed bokashi compost juice. The same medium and feed I give my other plants. View attachment 3887838
Pretty tall given you do the right steps to ensure it's growth, topping, cutting away fanleaves and foilage near the base that doesn't get enough light so the plant can redirect energy and ect.. make sure to transplant to because this will greatly affect the end result of the size of your plant transplanting in to a 3 gallon would be optimum
Pretty tall given you do the right steps to ensure it's growth, topping, cutting away fanleaves and foilage near the base that doesn't get enough light so the plant can redirect energy and ect.. make sure to transplant to because this will greatly affect the end result of the size of your plant transplanting in to a 3 gallon would be optimum
Any trimming of the plant should be postponed until the plant is in mid to late veg, as cutting away these leaves hurt the plant, and an unhealthy or young plant may not be able to handle it
Heh. I forget to check dates on posts too. I've been known to open a few dead ones.

I was more asking about how tall it might get in this container. As I don't really have much room to put it. Other than outside with the other one. Because my grow cab is currently filled with a hopefully female Shiva Shanti 1.
Heh. I forget to check dates on posts too. I've been known to open a few dead ones.

I was more asking about how tall it might get in this container. As I don't really have much room to put it. Other than outside with the other one. Because my grow cab is currently filled with a hopefully female Shiva Shanti 1.
Hm in a 656ml container not to big I can't really speculate on how big exactly it'll get to many variables but once it does become root bound the plants progress should slowly grind to a halt and stop growing altogether, hopefully at your desired hieght and may even go into flowering stage out of desperation sensing it's not going to be ableto grow a
Hm in a 656ml container not to big I can't really speculate on how big exactly it'll get to many variables but once it does become root bound the plants progress should slowly grind to a halt and stop growing altogether, hopefully at your desired hieght and may even go into flowering stage out of desperation sensing it's not going to be ableto grow a
Lol sorry clicked lost before I was done, sensing that it's not able to grow any larger
I made it to page six and what I got out of it was if your having yellow leaves with brown spots on them, it's not due to your plant being rootbound unless it's been in the same container for months. It could be a nitrogen deficiency or more likely a ph issue. When in doubt, flush (with 3 to 5 times the pot size) your plant with plain PHed water then give it a normal feeding. This will flush out any build up of nutrients in the soil and correct any ph imbalances. The only thing it won't help with is if your plant is over watered.

If you do transplant when the roots are circling the bottom, you will get an increase in the rate of growth of your plant. It makes it easier for the roots to branch off and produce roots even quicker, thus increasing the plants growth rate
One of my Blueberries in a 100ml cut yogurt container.
50 days old from seed
30" tall.

Just saying.


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thank you z
I will be breaking the root ball.


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Wow you're easily upset aren't you? :lol: If you actually read what I wrote I never said plants don't get root bound, what I said is that it generally takes a lot longer than what you're describing. Why would I need to experiment with root bound plants when I'm telling you I can keep them in 16oz cups for half a year? I have had plants growing side by side in different sized containers, and I'm not saying that small containers produce the same growth at all...but it's not because they have some condition, it's as simple as more roots=more plant.

I'm not calling you names or trying to make you sound dumb, I'm trying to help you understand the real nature of what root bound is. When a plant is in a cup for a long time you need to adjust how you feed and water it, you can't just expect a plant with minimal medium to act like a plant with lots. I agree container size limits plant size, no one is arguing that with you. The roots you showed were not root bound though, I can still see tons of soil around them.

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