Happy 4/20 everyone! My ladybugs arrived today, I got a temporary spot setup for them, and will be making it a lot bigger later on. When I do so I also plan on leaving it in the grow room, so that they will have food and water that I leave them in their habitat, and if they want to fly around and munch out on some spidermites, they can. How does that sound? Any suggestions?
Time for some pics

Drinking some water, they were SO thirsty. If anyone gets some, it's vital to give them water fast. When I first got them I sprayed the top of the container they came in, within minutes they were covering the inside top sucking on little droplets.
Didn't have grapes at the moment, so I did research and found a lot of info. They will die if they eat acidic food, so just find some that isn't. I made sure they could eat apples and carrots. Lots on conflicting info about these foods, yet they are both alkaline and should be fine.
Not the only attempted escape

Their full enclosure:
420 party in the house!!!
Balled up tp soaking up excess water from when I sprayed 'em down(you can use cottons balls, napkins anything that can absorb the water). If you don't watch out they can drown in the water you leave, or spray them down with. Best to leave the water in some kind of media anyways (sponge, tp, etc).