Active Member
So I woke up this morning and 1 of my plants is dead. I don't know what happened but it's completely dried up and looks like crap.
I have two intake fans running than run quite well. They move what seems like a lot of air, and also have just a hole for exhaust however you can feel wind being blown out of it.Do you have any fans setup for intake/exhaust? Have you checked your temps?
As for watering wait till its dry on top and stick your finger in the soil about an inch and if it feels dry they need watering, Thnx to RIU for that bit of invaluable bit of info .
Also patience is the key.
Actually I have two plants in that condition, one in the box and the other on the balcony.NOT DEAD! I hope you didn't throw that away!
It may be stunted for life, but it was half alive.
A good amount of humidity + water could revive it in a few hours if the light isn't too intense.
Ahhh :/
Oh trust me man I know things were really kinda doomed from the get-go. But as I said, I got them from a friend exactly how you see in the first post. It's unfortunate he kinda was/is the source for almost all of my issues I've had up to this point.I think this was all disaster to start with not trying to kill your dreams of ever growing or anything. Having 1 plant in its on container is almost too much sometimes depending on the genetics of your seeds. This is the first problem you might have made because bagseed isn't always that great to start with (poor genetics) your better off ordering some seeds online. It's my first time growing as well and you can check my grow out in my signature. Your CFL's seem to be fine though since I am only using x2 85 watts. Once you get the hang of things and read a little bit more on here you will be alright though. I hope the ones that you do have still grow huge and you get good yeilds. I am just about 2-3weeks from chop
Thanks a lot for the help man. I figured it may still be a little early to tell. They do in fact look a lot nicer though, they've been through a lot and are doing their best ever now. I feed them a lot less and try to keep things balanced.Nah those aren't pistils sorry. It's still a little too early to tell...
Plant's look like they bounced back well. ScroG is perfect for cfl's and was actually created for growers who use fluorescents.
Scrog is the only way to get a decent yeild from them so yeah I would recommend it for you despite what others say. Sorry no one is responding to your
thread. I know the feeling. -------->
Hope things work out.