dogs and weed?


New Member
is getting a dog high bad for their brain cause my uncle told me it really fucks their head up i get my dog high once in a while shes a big german shepard though, shes definetly not a small dog if that has anything to do with it?
Not saying i share your POV but props to Green Inferno, for showing Chicago Gooner how to speak your mind and still retain your some class (even if you are kinda being a grammar Nazi on a marijuana forum lol). Its ppl like him who lack a basic grade school education that screw up places like this for everyone. There are way to voice your opinions and ways not too. you have given us a perfect example of what little kids forums look like and why parent hate there kids being on the internet, and immediately after you a classy man gave a demo of how adults do it. Have some respect for us and yourself, your making us all look bad.

And for the rest of the ppl replying who cant read and are just derailing the topic. He ask if it was bad for the dog, he did not ask for personal opinion on morality of the subject.
I suspect TROLL!!!

I hope no one here is stupid enough to get their Dog high. I don't think they get it quite the way us more evolved Humans do. I would assume it would freak them out & hopefully she'll bite your nuts off :)

I love doggies & hurting them is SOo wrong.

In fact, If I see anyone doing it I'm gonna kick their ass. This is not a threat to anyone, it's just the way it is & I'm 250 lbs of ugly...

But I won't have to worry about it though..

it does not hurt them, now either they enjoy it is key, some animal enjoy it and some dont, so if your animal enjoys smoke out, if they dont then dont get them high
Not saying i share your POV but props to Green Inferno, for showing Chicago Gooner how to speak your mind and still retain your some class (even if you are kinda being a grammar Nazi on a marijuana forum lol). Its ppl like him who lack a basic grade school education that screw up places like this for everyone. There are way to voice your opinions and ways not too. you have given us a perfect example of what little kids forums look like and why parent hate there kids being on the internet, and immediately after you a classy man gave a demo of how adults do it. Have some respect for us and yourself, your making us all look bad.

I wont usually correct peoples grammar. But when they're posting stuff like this, they're asking for everything to be thrown at them.
I got him on grammar, and getting animals high. The grammar was just a bonus.

I suspect TROLL!!!

I hope no one here is stupid enough to get their Dog high. I don't think they get it quite the way us more evolved Humans do. I would assume it would freak them out & hopefully she'll bite your nuts off :)

I love doggies & hurting them is SOo wrong.

In fact, If I see anyone doing it I'm gonna kick their ass. This is not a threat to anyone, it's just the way it is & I'm 250 lbs of ugly...

But I won't have to worry about it though..


I'm 313LBS, and if I catch anyone trying to get my dog or my cats high, there's going to be a body.
If your pet(s) want to, why deny them the pleasure?
Anytime some smoke is lit around here, here comes the cat.
We've never encouraged it, he does it all on his own, so we figure hey, wtf, let him.

FORCING an animal to get high, even in lab tests, I do not agree with.

Edit: All he (the cat) does is comes in and goes up on his perch and hangs out. We don't blow smoke in his face or anything like that.
Alright I have a story for you....a short one.

I had a four year old German Shepard that loved pot. She used to tunnel under the chain link fence when outdoors were starting to flower, she nearly destroyed my crop once. She would stay inside the pen otherwise. After harvest I would throw my trunks over the pen fence and she would knaw off all the popcorn and branches. She loved harvest time. I got rid of her because I could'nt feed that hungry beast when I lost my job. She's like 6 now and healthy as a horse.

So yes if your dog loves weed feed it to them. more healthier than the smoke. Smoke is harmful for everyone. Even pot smoke
The problem is that we don't know when to stop. Is the dog a little buzzed or is he all paranoid & fucked up? besides, chances are your smoking as well so there even MORE chance of fucking poor poochini up, way past where it might be ok.

So, better safe than sorry I guess. So far there is 663lbs of men that are going to kick the ass of anyone we see getting their dog high. Wonder how much weight we can collect for the cause??

Any other fat dog lovers on here? (Hey JQuick, I was talking about the 4 legged kind.. not where your mind took you..) :)
I read in the Cannabis Connection newsletter here in Oregon that cannabis can actually be bad for dogs, as most people have already stated. Read that it could cause a number of harmful things and, depending on the breed, can cause serious things such as seizures and what not. I don't have a dog (yet) but when I do get one I don't plan on trying to get it high, just not worth the risk. And usually being high around your pet makes them more entertaining anyways, no reason to get them high also! And if my grammar isn't correct then correct me, I won't bitch about it and I won't try acting hard because I got called out for being ignorant on more than one subject in the same post!

I'ce gotten my friends dog (staffordshire bull terrier) high a couple times and it was funny. It ran around in a circle and it couldnt walk straight, ate loads of dog treats then slept on my feet haha... It can always tell when someone is smoking weed
If your pet(s) want to, why deny them the pleasure?
Anytime some smoke is lit around here, here comes the cat.
We've never encouraged it, he does it all on his own, so we figure hey, wtf, let him.

FORCING an animal to get high, even in lab tests, I do not agree with.

Edit: All he (the cat) does is comes in and goes up on his perch and hangs out. We don't blow smoke in his face or anything like that.

My dog and 2 cats might like to take my car for a drive. Would I let them? Guess. My dog likes to eat poo. Do I let her? I try to stop it when I can.

The problem is that we don't know when to stop. Is the dog a little buzzed or is he all paranoid & fucked up? besides, chances are your smoking as well so there even MORE chance of fucking poor poochini up, way past where it might be ok.

So, better safe than sorry I guess. So far there is 663lbs of men that are going to kick the ass of anyone we see getting their dog high. Wonder how much weight we can collect for the cause??

Any other fat dog lovers on here? (Hey JQuick, I was talking about the 4 legged kind.. not where your mind took you..) :)

Add about 3LBS to that, I'm eating Subway for lunch :P

Eat fresh y'all.
Yes. This is bad, trust me.

It's very, very cruel to do this to animals, mostly because they don't have the brain capacity to know what's going on after you inebriate them. Whether you notice it or not it will frighten them. On top of that, they don't have the brain functionality to handle it the same as we do and could cause damage. They are a much different species than we are.

It's pretty shameful anyone would do this.
You ever see an animal go to tainted food or water? You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them eat. Its rediculous for all these wives tales about dogs.

You know my german shepard would join me in a weekly candybar. She ate raw beef every BBQ, she would eat tomatos like they were jerky treats. I have three ankle biters I have raised the same.

My point is.....If a dog or ANY LIVING creature eats a thing like horrible dogfood then is given a candybar then yes their systems wont be able to tollerate it because it has never had one before. We need to come to reality here, my grandfather wouldnt have heard of dog food. They ate scraps off the table. I have never had a dog with toxicity and never had a dog die from unknown reason.

Is their anyone else who is brave enough to agree?
My dog once got a hold of 2 brownies and he was so fried. He literally hid in the bushes for a few hours then went to sleep for the rest of the night. That was some funny shit seeing him looking at me like wtf. I didn't give them to him he stole them off the kitchen counter when I went to the fridge. When I trim he'll eat some of the leaves that fall on the floor but I don't force him to smoke and after that incident I keep my goodies up high

He's the blue nose pit and his name is Blunt lol

If your dog comes to you and chills while your smoking then hes probably getting what he wants out of it

if not , do not force your dog to smoke , you would not want someone to force a dildo up your ass would you

( i am no way implying that , that is what im going to do ) internet gangsters

im just saying that you would not want someone to force something on you

just cuz their dogs does not mean that they want to be forced to take in smoke

like i said if they come to you and chill then leave them be , their getting what they want

my grammar is not perfect either , but i don't care

i do what i gotta do to take care of my kids ,

i do what i gotta do to get my bills paid

and i do what i gotta do to grow my shit , and smoke my shit

as long as you know wtf im saying , who cares if i did not spell something right or use a word in the right way and shit

fuck it , 2 tears in a bucket ,