I would atay away from the trio pack. As I pointed out ina previous post, one of the 3 actually eats the eggs of the other 2. I believe that company is called Tip Top Bio. Contact Rincon Vitova in Ventura, Ca (dont have contact info in front of me). If your RH is under 60%, I would get the Califonicus for your spider mites. They don't eat as much or as fast as the other one that starts with a P, but their survival and breeding rate will be much better. I believe they run about $25 for 1000, or $100 for 5000. If your RH is in the 40% area, you may want the Califonicus/Oxidentalis blend. The prices are about the same. The Oxidentalis does well in as low as 20% RH.
If you're using Lacewing larvae for thrips, keep in mind that they will eat any and all larvae. So, pest identification is important. The Lacewing larvae only live around 3 weeks, so you can use them first and then cut loose the others after 3 weeks.
I can't say enough about how pleased I am with these little guys. The folks at Rincon Vitova are also extremely helpful and interested in 'medicinal herb" gardens. Just make sure you folow all instructions as far as the last time you sprayed and with what. It would be a shame to buy the little fuckers and have them die upon contact with your plants.