First one done o'natural....Not this time!!! Now I 'm going for Gold!!! 2nd grow.....


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. yes its perpetual. my sisters and my plants. they are a month apart. :D Im not really used to knowing when to water, some dry out quicker than others and such. seems like im going through alot of it !!!


New Member
i noticed with mine some drank it up faster then i would have to change watering schedule and had to water at different times

Thanks.. yes its perpetual. my sisters and my plants. they are a month apart. :D Im not really used to knowing when to water, some dry out quicker than others and such. seems like im going through alot of it !!!


Weed Modifier
Thanks.. yes its perpetual. my sisters and my plants. they are a month apart. :D Im not really used to knowing when to water, some dry out quicker than others and such. seems like im going through alot of it !!!
ive found each plant is different and like waterings at different times ...i treat each one of mine different all have there own schedual! :)


Well-Known Member
:D great minds think alike yea, im going get a HUGE dry erase board and keep track of all watering of each plant
Lol instead of dry erase found those don't always work so well try getting a calendar I got one from the dollar store and its like a note book I can make on the day I watered/fed and there is a space for notes as well also I keep a notebook there for observations..haha this is all based off limes advice I'm super unorganized and it works..long as ya remember to write in it!


Weed Modifier
That was interesting... first screen was a success!!! 3.5 oz off of a 150 hps, Awesome :) now i gotta set a higher goal this round ;)

Although i was curious as to what would the max yield be off of a 150??? any ideas out there on who has gotten a decent yield of of this? avg/plant for a 150 w hps???

I'm not gonna screen this round more just try to keep the canopy the same...three different plants/strains under a 150 hps should be interesting this time!Although i have 3 in there 2 are taking up all the room and pushing the 3rd out!!! funny shit...lmao closet is 24"x30"


Weed Modifier
Now i have 3 in flower! All different strains and style of growing done on them :) ...3 weeks in now and they are looking pretty good so far...well except for that fact 2 of them are pushing one of them out! Wtf.... lol .....its ok though, cuz im giving the other two all the room ;)


New Member
i heard that bro
sorry if i forgot what is the strain
btw i heard rene is sick

yes she is...some of the best smoke I've grown yet...seems to be getting better each round!
thanks fab, I try for quality more than quantity but hey if I can get more from her I'll take it! :)


Weed Modifier
i heard that bro
sorry if i forgot what is the strain
btw i heard rene is sick
Mystery seed, Indica, Kush I believe but could be anything? lol
She has been good to me so I will be keeping her around!

Thing is atm, I have too many different strains and have to downsize soon..... so will have to pick the best 2 of 5 strains going will have to let the other strains die :(

She is sick awe :(


New Member
well if u need to get rid surplus throw it down south

Mystery seed, Indica, Kush I believe but could be anything? lol
She has been good to me so I will be keeping her around!

Thing is atm, I have too many different strains and have to downsize soon..... so will have to pick the best 2 of 5 strains going will have to let the other strains die :(

She is sick awe :(