Introducing My Girlfriend To Smoking.


She would really like to smoke, but doesn't really like the idea of inhaling smoke. So I, obviously, suggested a vaporizer. Albeit, I haven't smoked out of one yet. I've smoked out of nearly all other smoking devices BUT a vaporizer.

Does anyone have any suggestions on one to get? I don't really want to spend TOO much money. I also have been looking into some of them, and I'd like to keep it rather low profile (maybe a portable one?). What I also really need to know is:

1. Is it louder than smoking out of a bong?
2. Is it harsher? Will she cough more than smoking out of a bong with ice water?
3. How bad is the smell? I have researched and have found out that it smells kinda like popcorn? We live in an apartment complex and she's worried about the smell.

Any help would be jawesome. Thanks.


It is basically silent, it is smoother, but you need to learn how to vaporize and not burn the bud or it is harsh! The smell is hard to even tell its bud smoke, nothing like doing bong hits.


Well-Known Member
If you buy her a vapor, she will likely say things like, "Would you look at that!, I mean just look at it." -- Which is always a good thing. A good conversation starter, I mean just think about it, I mean would you think about that?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
youuuuuuuuuuuuuu should just make edibles

My girlfriend is spoiled, she can either smoke out of a $1000 bong, or $650 volcano... but she doesn't really like either... the dry vape makes her cough lightly but a bit of water solves the problem...

She digs my infused Peanut Butter cookies, and that usually relaxes her and gives her a nice manageable buzz/high..

Go for the food... Make a stick of butter out of 7g of weed, then make brownies or cookies... give her like a half gram worth of edibles for her first time


Well-Known Member
make sure you keep those edibles pretty diluted... 7 g to 1 stick of butter sounds legit to me.... but idk my newbie days 1 rip of shake would give me a body high so you never nkow...


Well-Known Member
What ever you do, don't get her too high the first time! It will freak her out and turn her off!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
make sure you keep those edibles pretty diluted... 7 g to 1 stick of butter sounds legit to me.... but idk my newbie days 1 rip of shake would give me a body high so you never nkow...
Yes this is why I said start with half an edible... about a half gram extended over 5 hours should be pretty easy for someone with no tolerance... but should get them used* to the feeling

benny blanco

Active Member
What kind of a bong is $1000? I have a $750 roor but a $1000?

youuuuuuuuuuuuuu should just make edibles

My girlfriend is spoiled, she can either smoke out of a $1000 bong, or $650 volcano... but she doesn't really like either... the dry vape makes her cough lightly but a bit of water solves the problem...

She digs my infused Peanut Butter cookies, and that usually relaxes her and gives her a nice manageable buzz/high..

Go for the food... Make a stick of butter out of 7g of weed, then make brownies or cookies... give her like a half gram worth of edibles for her first time


Active Member
if you want to smoke out of a bag look into the Extreme Q.

If you want to use your vapes with bongs look into the "box" style vape such as Vaporborthers, SSV, HotBox, DaBudda, Purple Dayz... They also are going to be the best Whip style experience. there is also vapes designed for your glass such as the VripTech and Life Saber from SSV.

Portable vapes are pretty neat. There are many many portable vapes out there. I own a Magic Flight Launch Box and its my favorite vape. It uses rechargable batteries to vaporize your herbs in literally less than five seconds.

There is the Iolite which runs off butane. reviews.

*this should explain the temps and the effects.

AS far as smell it really depends on how you vape. If I just vape out of my flight box, there isn't much of a smell. Mind you if someone was a daily toker and standing next to you they might be able to detect it. If your hitting the whip multiple times yes it smells but its nowhere near the stench of combustion and smoke. If your vaping with bongs there is a noticeable smell but again it isn't smoke so it will eventually go away.


oh man, thank you all so much for your replies! To be honest I really wasn't expecting anything. (I have used other forums in the past and people have just been downright mean!)

but yeah, keep the suggestions comming!

smokey green

Active Member
"My girlfriend is spoiled, she can either smoke out of a $1000 bong,"

Pics please! I want to see what a $1000.00 bong looks like... Id start her out with edibles man. Nothing to strong though because edibles can freak people


Active Member
man this makes me think of when i first started hanging out with my fiance. she transferred from a different store in washington down to where I am and instantly caught my eye. Everyone at our work smoked and was very open about it, and she had mentioned that she used to smoke but hadn't in a while due to living with her parents before she moved. Then she did the unthinkable, she told me she could smoke more than me...:wall: so my boss starts laughing and then says we should have a contest. She let me follow her home that night after we closed together and we proceeded to have a contest. I strategically started off with a small piece just to get her used to smoking again and not freaking out (her last weed experience was laced with PCP). Once she got cocky and started talking shit then I busted out my Phire stemless saxaphone bong (who else has one of these or at least seen one?) and a few bowls later she was passed out in her chair. Needless to say we connected right away and we always enjoy a good bowl together at night, though she still doesn't smoke as much as me she is still a stoner in my book :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh man, thank you all so much for your replies! To be honest I really wasn't expecting anything. (I have used other forums in the past and people have just been downright mean!)

but yeah, keep the suggestions comming!
I think poplars is right, you've got the best options on this thread already. I'd go for a vape myself over edibles as well, i've not tried a vape, but i imagine you can does and control your highs and their durations a lot better than edibles. Most people seem to get hit by edibles and then they're out for the night kinda thing, i can't vouch for this but i can't vouch for getting high off edibles, don't seem to work, so who'm i to say anything haha :p

"My girlfriend is spoiled, she can either smoke out of a $1000 bong,"

Pics please! I want to see what a $1000.00 bong looks like... Id start her out with edibles man. Nothing to strong though because edibles can freak people
Believe it or not you don't really get much of anything for $1000, that's £600 on EDIT which i think is about $1K or so

I mean sure it's pretty but damn, it's just a piece of glass. Sure one can be thicker and one can be more fragile, but after a certain point you're just paying for nothing. Wait, no, you're paying for a solid silver hemp leaf, how practical and useful.


Active Member
get a volcano bro! just give her a couple nice hits (not too much for a first timer) then take her to get some ice cream or something to satisfy her munchies. if all is done correctly youll be tapin that azz! works well with non girlfreinds as well lol