3 weeks flowering...


Active Member
ok I have something I hope isnt turning herm on me. It looks kinda weird, Not a hair and not a pair of balls. had to explane and its to small to take a picture of? I know its hard to say with out a picture.


Active Member
i know im stoned but your really gone!
ive given you rep for the new level in giving fuck all info!


Active Member
Ya I know i will try to take a picture tomorrow its dark now. but really what it looks like is what looks like a pistol with a hard thing coming out if it. NOT A HAIR!! :( I really dont know I dont look like male flower. I will just post a pic of what I can get tomorrow. If I can get one, my camera sucks it trys to take a picture of the background. not the plant....


Well-Known Member
Preflowers can look deformed, i get the odd few that don't look male or female although i know my plant is female as feminised seeds. These are usually the first flowers to form and although i can get them on branches i mainly see it happen on the main stem. Doubt this is anything to worry about just give it time.


Active Member
Here is a pic.... see the main stalk the one on the right follow it up to the bottom of the first bud there is something sticking out. I just wanna be sure its not turning herm on me.

If you can see it, the thing come out of a pistol not a pair of balls. I though it was growing a cock, lol



Active Member
It came out of a pistol tho, It was pointy at one point like a pistol but no hair, then this come out of it. I dont see anything else on the plant at all. I think I might just pick it off there...... Ant one else see it or have any thoughts. The one guy up there says impossible but it is possible.


Active Member
Ok guys I think I figured it out, I pulled it off there and behind it was a white hair, I think it was a ingrown hair. I dont know how possible that is but i dont think its herm no more unless is see more then I dont know what I will do its my only plant I might just grow it to keep the seeds if it is a herm. Smells good......


Active Member
lol I know its a girl it has buds all over it........... The question was what was the hard thing coming out if a pistol that looked long and hard if you look at my picture posted you could see it..... I knew it was a female for 3 weeks now. I was hoping it didnt turn herm. on me.. But thanks for trying to help.


Active Member
SON OF A BITCH!!! this plant is a herm. What do I do now? All this work for a faggot plant. I hope you can still smoke it and get high, I never stressed the plant out with light. Its so dark in there you cant see your hand in front of you. ph is at 6.5 soil. There isnt alot of flowers just on the lower buds there is one flower. What happens if I get good seeds will these be female or herm? kinda bummed out now........


Well-Known Member
SON OF A BITCH!!! this plant is a herm. What do I do now? All this work for a faggot plant. I hope you can still smoke it and get high, I never stressed the plant out with light. Its so dark in there you cant see your hand in front of you. ph is at 6.5 soil. There isnt alot of flowers just on the lower buds there is one flower. What happens if I get good seeds will these be female or herm? kinda bummed out now........
i was afraid this was the case, unusual growth usually means trouble
however, not all is lost, if it's one plant, you can trim the balls each day, bit of a chore
my last grow was a hermie, bud quality was fine, you lose bud weight from seed, so it's a quantity problem, not so much a quality problem


Active Member
So what about the seeds? I do plan pulling off all the flowers but I think it might be to late some opened I think. Well I know they did that long hard thing was a banana. So will these seeds be herm to? or will it be female? Im guessing herm, just makes scene. What if the pollen gets on a different plant thats female will that seed have more of a chance to be female?


Well-Known Member
So what about the seeds? I do plan pulling off all the flowers but I think it might be to late some opened I think. Well I know they did that long hard thing was a banana. So will these seeds be herm to? or will it be female? Im guessing herm, just makes scene. What if the pollen gets on a different plant thats female will that seed have more of a chance to be female?
this pollen will produce feminized seeds, how good the feminized seed will be is open to debate
many say they will probably be hermie, but i noticed most have never tried the seeds, just passing on info they've read
so i'm doing a 'hermie seed' grow right now, i'll see how it turns out, still vegging


Active Member
Well I hope your right I need the seeds, The smell of this plant is overwhelming crystals everywhere. The stain was really good it come from a seed out of a dispensary. Dam the stupid shit!! Anyone got any seeds they wanna donate to a medical marijuana patient? LOL Im kidding guys!! would be nice if you could exchange seeds on here. D.T.A..... DONT TRUST ANYONE!!