Question about Root System Getting Too Big and Yield!


Active Member
the title says it all really.... so my plant is about 4 foot tall and is currently in a 50L pot. its in its 3rd week flowering and is root-bound. i'm running out of places to get pots any bigger and am confused as to why my plants roots are continuing to grow so big and fast? i know its a good thing, but it's also getting quite annoying as i have to keep repotting so frequently.

another question i wanted to ask was about my yield: i upgraded my extraction and lighting kit in week 2 flowering, after two days i noticed quite a difference in the bud size. i vegged this baby for roughly 5-6 months and was wondering if i'm likely to be rewarded with a great yield this time? my first time round i used a 250w light with a plant that practically died and came back to life and went under severe stress. i vegged her for about the same time and came out with about 100g dried!! so my question here is, is now that my setup has improved (and also my experience) is it possible to maybe get 300g dried out of this plant due to the better light, less stress and higher experience level?

i also have two smaller plants raised on a chair to recieve a better amount of light. what are the chances of getting an oz each dried off these? my growing media is biobizz lightmix, my feed consists of some hesi tnt complex (yes, during flowering), bio bloom, topmax, bioheaven, superthrive, plant magic and supervit. i'm growing in a 1m squared area. any more information needed by any of you pro's to help you roughly determine how much is possible from these circumstances, then just ask!


Well-Known Member
ok, kewl, now we are talking. after vegging that long i see no problems pulling 300g if not much more with a 600. best of luck


Active Member
A pic is worth a 1000 words to jusge possible yield

true! forgot to say, this time im growing white widow.. however last time it was lemon skunk. had a problem here and there with the white widow but not too severe:

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another thing to note is the plant is 3 foot, not 4 foot tall. myself i think the node spacing is fairly tight compared to my first grow. my first plant was slightly taller but had less nodes and not so tight spacing so was nasty and skinny! i'm hoping that with this plant i get at least 300g dried, and an ounce each off the two little ones:

plant #1:


plant #2:


looking at the plants, is that going to be hard to yield an oz off each?


Well-Known Member
Not if those buds fill out. Looks like you vegged
long enough. Roots will eventually grow to fill out their space. Just watch for nute lock out n keep up on watering schedule. You should do better than 1 oz if they stretch a bit


Active Member
Not if those buds fill out. Looks like you vegged
long enough. Roots will eventually grow to fill out their space. Just watch for nute lock out n keep up on watering schedule. You should do better than 1 oz if they stretch a bit
more than an oz each off the little ones? i'm greatful for just an oz off each... i'm not complaining though!