This is funny as hell


Active Member
Yesterday, I found the surprise of my life I was so excited.
Sometimes when I smoke I put the seeds/ stems/ ashes down the sink. I was in my bath and I noticed something sticking out of the drain hole. It looked like a twist tie or something. Anyway I pulled it out and to my disbelief it was a sprout with a 8 inch root.I could not believe it. The first sprout leafs were spread and the first set of real leafes had not spread yet. Crazy I put it in with four clones I'm experimenting with.


Well-Known Member
thats some funny shit tho^^^ hey wouldnt the sprout have mold??? still thats cool as shit b/c i do the same thing sometimes....hmmm....



Active Member
Here is a pic. It's bigger than yesterday. I'm still in shock.
I pulled the sink plug out and there was a blob of long brunette hair. OOps
blessing in the drain. he he he:blsmoke:

