Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
well guys... my taiga has yellowed a bit... i am now stuck with the descicion to flush again or add some nitrogen to the mx... thisis my first run with miracle grow moisture control soil... as much as it is supposed to control moisture, it sure as hell seems to hold it for awhile... another reason i am sorta wanting to hold back on watering/feeding... i guess a small amount should be okay... i will prolly do that tonight i think... what are your guys opinions on the situation?
Myself I use MGMC, and when I veg in it, I only use water, there are alot of nutes in there it seems. But I don't have alot of experience with dirt, yet!

I just planted 30 MI 5 in soil and I am only going to use water to control ph and see how far the soil can take the autos into flower before needing to add nutes. They claim 3 months worth of feeding, well that should enough for the life cycle of the auto? well see


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, here's my girls. Easyryder is the big one on the right. 21 days old. No pistils as of yet. You'll have to forgive the terrible pics, I tried to reduce the glare from the MH bulb and they just look weird lol.


Well-Known Member
Been using the MG-MC for awhile now.
I've adapted it to me,, or me to it (not sure which).

For my use (and taste(?),, I "tinker" with it before and during use though.
Airating your water is a good thing. ;-)


Well-Known Member
by airating it, you mean put it in something with an air stone or somethin like that first? its crazy cuz i can already see thefourth node on my lady, but by size o leafs on her, i amdef thinking she may be a runt... lol... but whatdo i know, its only my first auto run... lol... i think i may go dwc next run...

also, do you mind explaining your tinkering? if not on here, you can p me.. dont know if that would be a autocage conversation or not...


Well-Known Member
Agree with maybe off-topic. PM sent.

PS; I wouldn't be concerned with small leaves at this point.
It's growing, looking pretty good, that's the main issue for now. (IMHO, I'd be nuting though ;-)) Get it used to the feed. Find the "edge" where she's getting all she'll take with a balancing act on the (ever-so-slight) tip burn.

Would you expect a champion athlete by holding back feed??? :lol:;-)


Well-Known Member
damn.. nice progress... my taiga reminds meof your og,cept on a smaller scale...
your rght cannon... i need to figure out what she needs... i cant really find alot of grow done on taiga for ref though.. thats the only issue im having... trial and error i guess...


Well-Known Member
May be an excellent opertunity to start learning to read your plants?

Could be a project within a competition thing?
I'm sure some folks in this comp would love to participate.
Makes for good "learning about AF" topic.


Well-Known Member
May be an excellent opertunity to start learning to read your plants?

Could be a project within a competition thing?
I'm sure some folks in this comp would love to participate.
Makes for good "learning about AF" topic.
It's what The Cage is about. ;)


Well-Known Member
so... what are ya saying? lol.. just too stoned to understand... lol... with reading my plants, totally agreed... learned that back in the day... lol... now its just sorta me learning what my current auto wants. please explain the sub comp category... slightly intrigued...


Well-Known Member
I have never used miracle grow but from what I have read, the more you water the more nutes released and then burning your plants, so be careful. And from my experience autos don't like lots of nutes. I never go above half strength on an auto. I even went halfway on my organic mix and I was still scared to burn her. heh SO I guess the only true advice here is, be careful. lol


Well-Known Member
thank ya... its all a big learning process fosho... my first computer case grow, i got 3.5 grams... maybe... lol... 2nd pc case grow, i scored 29.1 grams... so thats sorta what i am wanting with these.. first harvest will be alright, then after that, its on like donkey kong chasing a bucket of fuckin bananas... lol...


Well-Known Member
11 days old. Very noticeable improvement over my last 7 days update.

She will stay under my 6500k light until I see her pistols.

11 days.jpg


Well-Known Member
happy 420 to all my fellow contenders and all on-lookers. may you all enjoy a day of elevated senses, good laughs, quality company, and the dankest of herbs. to a day soon to be forgotten...... I SMOKE TO YOU ALL!!!


RIU Bulldog
Hey auto lovers, what the hell happened?!
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the drama, I guess I've been preoccupied with my non-auto grow. And for anyone who's growing Il Diavolo by Delicious Seeds, she is a pretty ass plant! Mine topped out at 15 inches with one main cola and a small golf ball bud branch. She's covered in crystals and smells like a fruity gym room. I haven't smoked any yet as shes taking longer than the advertised time of 60 days from seed.
I'm at day 62 now and she could easily go another two weeks, possibly three.
So that's my auto update. Sorry no pics, still no camera.
I heard you got rid of a couple douche bags, so heres the new contestant list with strain changes and a new contestant!

Afghan Kush Ryder by World of Seeds
THC: 21.6%
Source: Breeders claim
Indica or Sativa: Ruderalis/Indica
Genetics: Afghan Kush x Ruderalis
Life Span: 64 days

Sugar Mango Ryder by World of Seeds
THC: 18%
Source: Breeder's claim
Indica or Sativa: Sativa leaning
Genetics: Low Ruderalis x Brazilian Sativa (Santa Maria)
Life Span: 65 days

Lowryder Lemon Skunk (Auto Lemon by Seedsman)
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Ruderalis/Indica/Sativa
Genetics: Lemon Skunk(GHS) x Lowryder #2
Life Span: 70-75 days

Mi-5 by Short Stuff Seedbank
THC: Unknown
Indica or sativa: Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis
Genetics:AK47 x Ruderalis
Life Span: 67 days

Easy Ryder by Joint Doctor
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis
Genetics: AK47 x Lowryder #2
Life Span: 70-75 days

Taiga by Dutch Passion
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Mostly Indica
Genetics: Power Plant X Ruderalis
Life Span: 56-70 days

60 Day Wonder by DNA Genetics
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: 90% Indica 10% Sativa
Genetics: William's Wonder x Ruderalis
Life Span: 56-70

Auto Mataro Blue by Kannabia
THC: 10-15%
Source: Breeder's claim
Indica or Sativa: Mostly Indica
Genetics: Mataro Blue x Ruderalis
Life Span: 75-90 days

Il diavolo by Delicious Seeds
THC: 17%
Source: Breeder's claim
Indica or Sativa: Sativa/Indica/Ruderalis
Genetics: Critical+ x Ruderalis
Life Span: 60 days

Auto Mini Gun by Seedsman Seeds
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis
Genetics: AK47 x Lowryder #2
Life Span: 70-75 days

Auto Hindu Kush by Seedsman Seeds
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Mostly indica
Genetics: Hindu Kush x Master Kush x Lowryder
Life Span: 56 days

G13 White Russian Auto (White Moscow by Lowlife Seeds)
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Mostly Sativa
Genetics: Ruderalis x White Russian (Serious)
Life Span: 70 days

Auto Berry by
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis
Genetics: Lowryder x Blueberry x Grapefruit
Life Span: 60-70 days

Diesel Ryder by The Joint Doctor
THC: 13-15%
Source: Breeder's claim
Indica or Sativa: Indica/Sativa hybrid
Genetics: NYC Diesel (Soma) x Lowryder #2
Life Span: 63 days

Super Cali Haze by Short Stuff Seeds
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Sativa
Genetics: Unknown ruderalis x Haze Special(Nevil's Haze x KC 606[KC Brains]) x Colombian Sativa
Life Span: 110 Days

Auto White Widow by Lowlife Seeds
THC: Unknown
Indica or Sativa: Indica/Ruderalis
Genetics: White Widow x Lowryder
Life Span: 56 days

I just had a few things to since I had to read from fucking page 18 to 42;

@mystifiedbongs pg. 24 post# 239
The auto-flower trait is recessive and takes a while to breed.

@ku-long pg. 28 post# 278
I didn't say it was ok, I said it was ok if you said it was ok.

pg29 post# 290
newworldicon OUT

pg30 post
# 291
killeroxx OUT

That super cali haze sounds fucking awesome, but 110 days doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of an auto-flower harvest?

I think I'm gonna order this one next. An auto Nevil's Haze x Columbian Sativa (pretty much what it is) sounds like a win win all around.

Good luck to all contestants left! If I forgot to remove or add anyone or i messed up what your growing, pm me with the correction cause there's a better chance I'll see it.

