Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb


Well-Known Member
And 420 is tomorrow:wall: maybe ill start 4/21. I made a thread like this a year ago saying pretty much the same thing, unfortunatly i never followed thru and ive been smoking like a train ever since.

Im sooo addicted to weed that its been causing problems. Bottom line is i just strait up abuse it. I smoke so much to where i dont feel like doing anything else. Its getting so bad to where im getting too lazy to even water my babies.

Whenever im not high, all i think about is getting high. But when i get high, i literally dont feel like doing anything except playing video games. Like ill wake up in the morning thinking of all the stuff i need to do, groceries, clean, ect...but after i smoke, no more motivation. I think alot of it has to do with anxiety?

I know i should definatley cut back, it just seems really hard. If i could only get over my anxiety when i smoke i think my life would be alot better. Like uh, when i go to the store high, or anywhere in public, i feel really uncomfortable, like everyone is staring at me. My family raised me to believe smoking weed is bad, so i think i have it programmed in my head to try to hide it, making me more paranoid? lol idk, its a shitty situation im in. My girlfriend can smoke a blunt, and then go straight to class or work or wherever, doesnt seem to bother her.

Is there any way i can continue to smoke and have less anxiety? Im thinking ill just have to try my hardest to cut back. Its just almost impossible to stop when i have all this good bud, and i think my gf doesnt plan on cutting back so there will be alot of smoking going on in front of me.
man when u been smoking alot for a long time its sooo hard just to go one day, like u said when ur not stoned its all ur thinking about and that makes it worse, i wanna stop for 3 mouths just to give my system a rest cos over the last few yrs i have started coughting up black looking shit from my lounges and i know that cant be good, i have see someone about quiting ( only cos of probation) but i still cant give it up, i wish you the best of luck man its so fucking hard, i dont know how ppl doing hard drugs can stop if weed is this hard.
I'm actually on day 2 of a 7 days tolerance break. I've been smoking 3-5 times a day for a LONG time, and it's pretty evident. I'm at the point where I gotta blow an 8th a day if I wanna stay floating. :(
I went a day just to see how I would react after 3 years of 24/7 all day errl day... and ya know what? I felt high, so I'm pretty sure I've successfully created a camel hump-like gland of THC to get me through times without smoking.

I'd go a week without if I didn't have sleeping problems... but unfortunately I need my damn sleep when you work at 5am
I went a day just to see how I would react after 3 years of 24/7 all day errl day... and ya know what? I felt high, so I'm pretty sure I've successfully created a camel hump-like gland of THC to get me through times without smoking.

I'd go a week without if I didn't have sleeping problems... but unfortunately I need my damn sleep when you work at 5am

Yea, that's the only negative effect I've had so far. But then again, not enough sleep will fuck over your entire day.
That's the way i use to be depending on the herb to get through the day for a lot of reasons but i learned to just give it a break. now i only blaze on free time which is less frequent cause am more busy these days. so now i look foward to blazing and my tolerence sucks now so i get really high lol.
Thanks for all the replies everyone. Ive been awake for about 8 hours now and still havent smoked. My gf and i already got in a little arguement. It seems when im not high, the littlest things will piss me off. to be honest, i think im about to blaze up right now. im going crazy. I just kno after i smoke, i will feel like shiit cause i dont have the fucking will power to not do it. I think in my future grows ill look into growing sativas, but to be honest, i cant tell the difference between highs. However, ive never sat down and smoked pure indica, then a little later smoke pure sativa to see the difference. if i did that, maybe i could tell? But it seems like every time i smoke any kind of weed its all the same good ole high to me.
wow man. I'm in the exact same boat as you are. I've been "addicted" to weed the past 3 years. I'm now in my 5th year of college, and i havent been doing shit. i dont go out anymore, dont exercise as much, i just stay in, smoke a bowl, and look for tv shows/movies to watch. i used to go downtown, drink, party.

I also get super awkward when Im high. i become terrible in social situations, cause i get really quiet. I tell people it's cause i just like to listen, but really it's because im so nervous about people judging everything i say, because in my head, im thinking "anything i say is going to be so dumb cause im high". the problem is, that statement is usually correct. i really do say stupid shit when im high, and i dont think im dumb person in general (excuse my inconsistency in punctuation/grammar).

i dont even like smoking with other people anymore cause i feel so awkward. now, my idea of a fun night is smoking several bowls in my room alone, finding some new music, and watching some new tv shows, or playing video games.

anyways, im also in texas, what a coincidence. i also grew some SLH, although i had to harvest it early, since i had a scare with my grow being discovered. I actually just ran out of weed a few days ago, and i notice a lot of changes in me. I've been experiencing some mood swings lately. I'll randomly feel depressed and hopeless about the future and my life. Sometimes I'll look back into my past and think "where did i go wrong?" I feel the need to lash out sometimes at random things that irk me.

and i've also been having trouble sleeping. just tonight, i tried to sleep around 12, but now its 2:15 and I'm on my computer after tossing and turning in bed for 90 minutes, and then taking a walk outside.

a part of me wants to live a life where i can just smoke all day everyday and do what i want, but then another part of me still has hopes and aspirations for success and happiness.

It's nice to know other people out there are going through something similar. hopefully in a few weeks, I'll be back to normal.
btw, sativa is more likely to give you that paranoia/awkward feeling.

lol ps. i remember when i first started smoking, someone told me, don't get into it man, that stuff will make you lose motivation in life.

of course i told him: w/e dude, i smoke right now, and i'm still motivated (this was when i was a freshman in college, getting good grades, looking for internships)

now, the past few years have just been this stretched out blur.

and it also kinda sucks cause i dont even get the same effects from weed that i did when i first started smoking. i don't really feel the euphoria anymore, food doesnt taste amazing anymore, music doesnt sound amazing, it's more of just like an altered state of mind. and it's not the strength of the weed, I've been smoking SLH, sour kush, GDP, and other good strains. that, and my "high" never lasts for more than an hour. after that, I just feel like I'm in this hazy funk where I'm not high, but I'm also not sober.

sorry for the long rant. I actually came onto RIU to make a thread about my insomnia from quitting, but i saw your thread and your situation seemed so similar to mine, i thought i'd share.
Dude that awkwardness your describing is EXACTLY what im talking about when i said anxiety. I smoke alone now too for those exact same reasons. The only person i can smoke around without feeling weird is my girlfriend, but we've also been together for over 6 years. Theres a dude thats suppose to come by here to smoke a blunt for 4/20 and i told him ok just to be nice, but really, im not looking forward to it. im sure it will be awkward, but im planning on drinking a bunch a wiskey to help. Its a shame i have to do shit like that, but alcohol does seem to help alot in social situations.

Weed is like my life. Its my passion. But now i feel like its doing me more harm than good. It saddens me to say this but, maybe people like you and me just arent ment to smoke? I just dont kno if i can except that though.

Back when i just started smoking weed (around age 14), i didnt have any of these weird feelings. I remember the first time i got high, i fell in love with it and became a heavy smoker not long after. I would say i was a heavy smoker at 15. But anyway, i smoked for years, everything was good, and i got in a really bad car accident at age 18( was being chased by fucking rent-a-cops), hit a telephone pole, had to get care flighted to baylor, was in really bad shape. Well i was there for about 2 months. I even asked the doc if i could smoke when i get out and he said he wouldnt recommend it, but it wouldnt harm anything.

Thats when thing got different for me. Anytime i would smoke weed after the accident, i felt so paranoid and awkward and all that bad stuff. That led me to start experimenting with other drugs, not long after that i got addicted to heroin. And even not longer after that, im in rehab. Actually jail for 6 months, then 9 months in a shiity rehab for felons. After rehab(thats where i met my current girlfriend) I stayed sober for alooong time, and life was so fucking dull. We didnt even drink... because we were brainwashed to believe all that 12 step bs..... thats another story. But i started smoking again because life was so boring, and it seemed to brighten up my world again. But i still had those bad awkward feelings.

Another thing that sux. The past few years, ive been searching high and low what the fuck i want to do with my life. Cant seem to find any passions. Its all i would think about. Id tell myself, ok im this old, i should kno what i wanna do. Finally one day, its like i had an epiphany, and realized my passion all along is weed. And so thats what motivated me to learn to grow, and i love every bit of it. So how the hell am i gonna make it in the weed world if i cant even smoke a fucking joint socially....

Im just hoping if i can go a week without smoking, i can somehow get my mind back on track....
ive got about 2 oz's left of red diesel that keeps staring at me.... this is gonna be a long night :(
maybe its the been rejected by the people you loved (for what you are) that has given you a complex of sorts?
was it a really close family (hung out fair bit?) (ive been in similar situation, though not as bothered by it (got other problems lol) you gave me some thoughts though)

on quitting smoking for a while, it could give you a new perspective anyways lol.

if you can get over the first haze of the morning (having smoked yourself to sleep the night before)
by taking a shower, eating something or just keeping busy, you will have gotten over the most difficult hurdle.

the next 2 days are somewhat difficult, not constantly, just get cravings, after that, it gets easy.

week later its even easier.

its easier if you arent doing what you normally do when you get high.

(as an aside, i prefer being high over being with people that dont accept me as i am and the thing about strangers and feeling like everybody is looking at you..

if you actually looked up yourself, you´d see that most people are just thinking about themselves and you know you just look tired even when really stoned anyways, most people arent going to be able to tell (even cops (they notice if you are nervous or afraid or angry towards them))

and the ones that can, are heavy stoners like yourself.

unless your appearance is interesting inofitself, you are just people , same as everyone else.
you guys have just articulated everything going on in my head regarding MY issues with cannabis. i have also waked and baked for nearly 15yrs now. just like all drugs, in the end its only the first hit of the day that (works properly), after that i find myself just consuming. i can really associate with the inability to sleep properly when attempting a reduction/pause in smoking. it is the biggest barrier to me getting a hold of my intake/abuse. i also believe that when you start to produce, then your attitude to consumption changes, even if only measured financially. I have lost the correct balance between myself and marajuana, and dont know yet how to fix it. In the meantime, im off to have a fatty...another one cant hurt?????
i really really really appreciate the comments. Ive been up all night cleaning. its almost 6 am now. i think ill just take 2 bong hits and try again tomorrow
Ya'll need some serious T-breaks. Step away from the bowl for two weeks. Just give you body time enough to purge your system. I went through a phase like that years ago. I decided right then that the moment I NEED Cannabis is the moment I quit. So I have started out small. I went two or three days, then I stretched it to a week and finally two weeks. Now it doesn't have the emotional hold on me. For me it was more an emotional addiction rather than a physical one. I was diagnosed with PTSD in 1999 and that's when I realized I was self-medicating.

I tried several pharmaceuticals and they all had terrible side effects or I would become a zombie. I switched back to Cannabis but I did it intelligently. I figured out which ones triggered my anxiety and which ones aggravated the depression. I use Sativas during the day and indica at night to help me sleep. I don't smoke myself stupid. I smoke just enough to elevate or stabilize my mood. Don't get me wrong, every now and then when I get a really good strain I will indulge a little. :p

Moderation in all things folks. That's the key. Take t-breaks every so often to loosen the emotional hold Cannabis can have on you. You'll be in control of your life once again. It worked for me. :)
Yeah smoke a different strain I've seen some on attitude breed just for anxieties.

most of that stuff is just marketing BS.
1. different people react differently to weed. What's calming for one person may be stimulating for another.
2. there's no scientific backing to any of their claims. what causes a breed to have it's end effect upon the user? is it the ratio of CBD/THC? no one really knows, and the breeders sure as hell don't. If they did, it would be advertised and broadcasted.
3. I've smoked sativas, indicas, sativa/indica mixes, and they all cause me to be socially awkward/paranoid. although i do notice more of a body high with indica (ie. couch lock/pass out), but it still diminishes my social skills.

I think it's dependent upon the person. I was always kind of a shy person before I started smoking.
It's now been 3 days since I smoked a bowl. I still crave it, but now money has become an issue since I ran out of bud from my harvest, and buying it is way too expensive.

GL man, keep us posted on your journey.
Ya'll need some serious T-breaks. Step away from the bowl for two weeks. Just give you body time enough to purge your system.
Here is some tr00f. ^^^

I smoke 'cos I can't do anything else. Not won't, CAN'T. No fun when you & your pals are at the bar and you're the only one NOT in on the Nth round of shots.

I think Carne here has the right idea. Quit for a "limited time only". If nothing else stick to it and just tell yourself, "It's only 'til May 4th", or whatever. If you really are concerned, many places have drop-in or telephone counseling services which your tax dollars are paying for. The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing the problem. If you're not getting high from weed anymore you may start chasing down that elusive high some other place, and if you've fucked with the hard shit before, I'm sure you know the consequences. Good luck dude.