Would this include Ron Paul? or Max Keiser? Or Jessie Ventura? Or John Wheeler? Or JFK?
Three of those people are still living...JFK and Wheeler were targets for whatever reasons...Wheelers' death is a mystery from what I can tell...Maybe I should go to the Great Oracle Alex Jones for reliable information.
What happened to a trial by jury of your peers a right guaranteed by the Constitution? Ruiner now I think you just take the opposite side for shits and giggles. You cant actually believe it's ok to assassinate American citizens do you? The wikileaks kid would be assassinated by now in your opinion I guess. Even the fucking mafia has a sit down before the wack somebody.
If your peers are terrorist organizers...sure, bring them out of the wood-work so we can get their opinions... But, don't make mine for me...I think Manning fucked up, huge, and by military definition he is guilty of treason...that much is blatantly obvious. I am failing to see your reluctance to understand and accept military law...or his for that matter. Was it really worth risking your life to help out some douchebag? What has wikileaks solved? Or has it served the purpose of providing everyone with a day-time-drama-like expose on politics?
As my poli-sci professor said: "politics is like sausage, gruesome to watch being made" And that is all wikileaks has served to prove. No positive effect can be measured by wikileaks...no information they have leaked has helped the country or its people, in fact quite the opposite.
A foreign embassy worker is not going to let himself get recorded. Hello?
No shit? Damn I didn't even THINK about that! No, seriously...if Madsen KNEW that he was meeting with people (and he makes it clear it is MULTIPLE people) that were passing along that kind of information, he could have THOUGHT ahead and recorded them...What's his excuse? "I knew I should have but my recorder was out of batteries" Give me a break...Anyone in intelligence would have been able to secure at least ONE recorded threat. Total bullshit fail...
They were warnings of a threat. The recordings would be hearsay and would not help him.
Depending on the source, of-fucking-course they would have been a help...Jesus christ, maybe he could actually sell his books after that, rather than hosting them online for free.
So what makes you a terrorist? Buying guns? Stockpiling ammo? Hating the government? Who decides the hate? Didn't the government run 'if you smoke marijuana you are a terrorist' ads? Assassinations are what you do when you are incapable of taking things on face to face. At what point can America not deal with anything in our own country face to face? Why would we even need the option of that? Maybe you don't get the whole point of having a constitution that restricts the government form executing people without a trial.
If that aint a slipperly slope, then what is? Where is due process? Have you ever even looked at the constitution?
[/B]Really? Waco and Ruby Ridge. Government sanctioned murders of civilians who weren't breaking the law. They did it because they could and they felt they were a threat. Also, what makes you think your government is any other government in history? In the 20th century the governments of the world killed between 150,000,000 and 250,000,000 innocent civilians. This isn't war fatalities, these are government planned murders and genocide. 150,000,000 is half the population of the United States. To believe that America is immune to this sort of thing is very unrealistic. Our government continues to kill people as of the moment I write this. Also, do you really and truly believe the CIA hasn't killed anyone already?
Dude...I love guns, I love weed...Do I freak the fuck out and think that every law passed pertaining to the terrorist threat is geared towards me? Absolutely not, because I am not a fucking terrorist. The only people that worry about this shit are people that are actually terrorists, or people that are way too paranoid and never try to even understand the motives.
And given your understanding of what assassinations are for, I am glad that you don't work in intelligence. They are a last resort option because of the shitstorm they create. I don't consider people that are actively pursuing terrorist plots elgible for a fair trial. And neither should any ordinary American citizen...Because these are the exact people that these sorts of new standards are set for...they are the people that actually are stripping YOUR FREEDOM away from you by using their American citizenship as a safe-haven.
Personally, I keep a copy of the Constitution in my truck...in fact if you are such a Patriot how come nobody here had any fucking clue what yesterday was?
As far as Waco & Ruby Ridge, that's the FBI...blame them for that bullshit.
To blame the US for ALL the deaths in the WORLD related to war is pointless...You are confusing the facts for the sake of our argument. Do I think the CIA has killed anyone...No...only because the CIA is a FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE...not law enforcement, not a military...The only murder by anyone related to the CIA that I have seen was Richard Davies in Pakistan (who happened to be defending his own LIFE against TWO ARMED MEN)...